Showing posts for tag "tycho"

OpenNTF Fork of p2-maven-plugin

Sat Nov 14 13:56:27 EST 2020

Tags: maven tycho
  1. Aug 22 2019 - Converting Tycho Projects to maven-bundle-plugin, Initial Phase
  2. Dec 28 2019 - Winter Project #2: Maven P2 Repository Resolver
  3. Nov 14 2020 - OpenNTF Fork of p2-maven-plugin
  4. Dec 02 2020 - The Intricate Work of OSGi Dependencies on Domino

It's been one of my long-running goals to reduce my use of Tycho for my work. While Tycho does what it says on the tin, the way PDE works in Eclipse means it's an ongoing nightmare to deal with when I want to do simple things like add a new dependency. This isn't really Tycho's fault as such, and the project itself is making major steps to alleviate some issues, but it's the nature of the surrounding tooling. Even beyond that, the shaky support in IntelliJ and total lack of support in Visual Studio Code and similar editors makes it a real thorn in my side.

Still, though, it brings a lot to the table, particularly when dealing with Domino-targeted projects. Because Domino's OSGi layout is... fiddly, it's often safest to use the "Manifest-first" approach for dependencies, and it's definitely important to still be able to do feature projects and p2 repositories for importing into Designer and Domino.

But I've still been trying to whittle away at the constraints over time, and I got fed up enough yesterday to make some major strides.

The Original Project

One of the major tools in my toolbelt for years has been the p2-maven-plugin, which does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to taking non-Tycho or non-OSGi-focused projects and making them palatable for an OSGi environment. Even when I don't use it as the backbone of a project, I tend to use it to gather third-party dependencies and process them to make them Domino-friendly.

The Fork

It has its limitations, though, that have kept me from using it to replace the final steps of a Tycho build, and those are the ones that I set out to improve. Yesterday, I forked the project and got to work. Most of my work centered around letting it pull more information out of existing p2 repositories. While it already has some knowledge of such repos, it was still geared heavily towards only using them to pick up a bundle here or there. The big annoyance for me there was that I wanted to bring in entire existing p2-housed features into the final update site.

For example, one of my big projects consumes and redistributes a bunch of upstream projects, such as ODA and the XPages Jakarta EE support. While the p2-maven-plugin made it possible to reference those projects as Maven artifacts or individual bundles, I couldn't do what I wanted and just say "bring X and Y features in, including all their bundles".

I also went in and added a few other niceties needed for Domino: generation of the antiquated "site.xml" file for the NSF Update Site, archiving of the final site for distribution, and so forth.

The Implications

With my changes, I was able to delete all of the feature projects in the tree, which lowers the mental complexity a bit. That also means that the only parts "controlled" by Tycho now are the actual bundle projects, and those have a clear path to de-Tycho-ization. Though doing that will make it a little more difficult to know when dependencies are Domino-suitable ahead of time, the conversion should save a ton of hassle overall.

So now, I have a toolchain that should be able to work together to replace Tycho while still working with the Equinox-heavy target:

  • maven-bundle-plugin to generate the OSGi metadata in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. I could also use bnd-maven-plugin directly for this and bndtools in Eclipse, but I'm not sure that it'd gain me much in practice
  • generate-domino-update-site to create p2 repositories from post-9.0.1 Domino releases' XPages framework, which remains damnably non-Mavenized
  • p2-layout-provider to resolve p2-housed artifacts like those from above and OpenNTF projects and make them available as normal-enough Maven dependencies on the fly
  • The forked p2-maven-plugin to generate features and update sites, as well as to repackage existing bundles to be more Domino-friendly

What's missing now is an ability to run compile-time test suites in a true Equinox environment. I'm hemming and hawing on how important that really is, though. The tests I write only rarely expect the presence of OSGi - the main way it comes into play is for extensions, which are papered over by IBM Commons anyway. I've had a delightful time lately running tests of JAX-RS resources with Liberty's dev mode, and I'm pretty sure I saw some examples somewhere of building up and tearing down a scaffolding to run them during compilation, so maybe I'll switch to that anyway.

In any event, just having a tool to do this stuff is a huge weight off my back, and now the goal of a fully-normal-enough Maven project tree is tantalizingly in sight.

Winter Project #2: Maven P2 Repository Resolver

Sat Dec 28 14:12:26 EST 2019

  1. Aug 22 2019 - Converting Tycho Projects to maven-bundle-plugin, Initial Phase
  2. Dec 28 2019 - Winter Project #2: Maven P2 Repository Resolver
  3. Nov 14 2020 - OpenNTF Fork of p2-maven-plugin
  4. Dec 02 2020 - The Intricate Work of OSGi Dependencies on Domino

The second project I took on this past week was related to the first, and also relates to my ongoing struggles with Tycho.

While working on the NSF ODP Tooling, I figured that it could be a good candidate to move away from Tycho and to maven-bundle-plugin or bnd directly. Since I've been Mavenizing the Domino OSGi bundles for a good while now, and the tooling doesn't have any OSGi-dependent tests in it, it seemed like it could go smoothly. Unlike historical precedent, though, my enemy in this endeavor wasn't Domino, but rather Eclipse.

Repository Layouts

One of the big things that makes working with OSGi bundles - at least specifically ones in the Eclipse style - difficult with Maven is that they're generally provided using a repository layout called "p2". This is the evolution of the "site.xml" Update Site style and shares a lot of characteristics. In fact, a p2 repository will often have a "site.xml" file alongside its "artifacts.xml" and "contents.xml" (often Jar'd up) to provide backwards compatibility. It's how we package up XPages plugins and how once upon a time IBM provided [the XPages artifacts for Tycho use]( Domino Update Site for Build Management). As a live example, Eclipse 2019-12 is distributed via such a repository.

Maven has its own repository layout, variously called "Maven", "Maven2", "m2", or just "default". This serves a similar purpose, but is structured differently - whereas p2 just has the repo and its "features" and "plugins" directory (and, potentially, composite repositories) - Maven's repository system is organized like a conceptual folder tree based on translating a Group ID (like, say, "org.openntf.maven") into a successive series of subdirectories (like "org/openntf/maven"), followed by a directory for an Artifact ID, which in turn contains directories for each version, and finally within there are any of the actual files that make up a given named "artifact". As a live example, Maven Central is browsable in this manner.

Translating Between Them

Though the two layouts share a common core job - hosting Jar files (mainly) - they diverge enough in how the tools expect the metadata to be laid out that they're difficult to mesh. Tools like bnd can often work with whatever, and even Tycho can try to find OSGi bundles via Maven dependencies, but it's not smooth.

Over time, a pseudo-standard of adding p2 repositories to Maven has emerged, but it's only actually used as a marker to pass along to true Eclipse tools. The most common in our sphere is this construct, seen in projects like ODA:


There, you reference the XPages update site somewhere, and then Tycho can use that to resolve dependencies for things like Require-Bundle: However, it's used only for Tycho's specific OSGi needs. You can't bring in the Tycho plugins and then have a non-Tycho module in your tree declare a dependency like that. Tycho has an implementation class for this, but it's intentionally stubbed out.

My Needs

The reason why tools that can work with both are so heavily slanted to the specific task of generating a true OSGi environment is that that's usually what you want. If you're designing, say, an Eclipse plugin or Eclipse-derived product, you want all of your tooling to know about OSGi from top to bottom, and that's where Tycho excels. It makes sure that all of your dependencies are correct and everything is OSGi-friendly.

This is as opposed to something like maven-bundle-plugin, which is most typically used to put an OSGi coat of paint on a project that isn't primarily geared towards OSGi.

I kind of want a middle ground, though. A project like the NSF ODP Tooling has grown into a sprawling hydra, with heads for Maven, Eclipse, Domino, and now Visual Studio Code. While that works, putting Tycho at the front of it ends up feeling needlessly proscriptive, and I'd love to toss it aside. However, I was blocked in my desire by a small thing: though Eclipse publishes their core bundles on Maven nowadays, Wild Web Developer is currently p2-only.

The Project

So I set out to solve this problem for myself and learn something in the process. As indicated by the <layout>p2</layout> option on the repository above, Maven's repository system is intended to be extensible. Unfortunately, it seems like it hasn't been extended particularly often in practice, and most of what I could find about it was that it's possible to do, but only via references to people saying that one could.

Fortunately, it turns out that it's actually not too difficult to implement after all, and I did just that.

What this Maven plugin does is allow you to specify p2 repositories in any old Maven project, using the ID of the repository you add as the Group ID of dependencies and then the Symbolic Name as the artifact ID. Now, with the plugin added to the project, I'm able to reference the p2-only Wild Web Developer artifact I need:



And, just like that, the bundle and its explicit dependencies show up in my Maven Dependencies group in Eclipse:

p2 Maven Dependencies in Eclipse

As a side bonus, this obviates the need for the mavenizeBundles half of the generate-domino-update-site project, since now I can just reference the generated site directly and get the dependencies, including with better behavior for embedded Jars than I had there: Dependency in Eclipse

The Tiny Details

I think that this plugin is about where it needs to be to suit my needs, but there is still an array of [tiny details I've yet to contend with]( is:issue). It'll never be quite a perfect match for an arbitrary OSGi bundle (though some also contain useful Maven metadata), and so there will always be rough edges with something like this, but I think that it will solve a lot of headaches I'd otherwise have to deal with down the line.

If you think it'd be useful for your projects, take a look and let me know if you run into any trouble.

Converting Tycho Projects to maven-bundle-plugin, Initial Phase

Thu Aug 22 15:27:10 EDT 2019

Tags: maven osgi tycho
  1. Aug 22 2019 - Converting Tycho Projects to maven-bundle-plugin, Initial Phase
  2. Dec 28 2019 - Winter Project #2: Maven P2 Repository Resolver
  3. Nov 14 2020 - OpenNTF Fork of p2-maven-plugin
  4. Dec 02 2020 - The Intricate Work of OSGi Dependencies on Domino

To date, Tycho has been my tool of choice for developing Domino-targeted Maven projects. However, it's not without protest.. Unlike most Maven plugins, Tycho inserts itself at the very start of the build process and takes over dependency management. Purely in Maven, you can use normal Maven dependencies, but only so long as you're pointing to a dependency that already has OSGi metadata (which, fortunately, most do), and only then to satisfy a Require-Bundle or Import-Package that also has to be present. This gets more annoying, though, when dealing with Eclipse, which removes the notion of Maven dependencies entirely when using Tycho and forces you to jump through hoops to do what you want. And, as a final kicker, Tycho's p2 repository support is completely broken in the latest release version of Maven.

So why do I keep using it, anyway?

Well, it brings a couple major benefits that are of particular importance for Domino:

  • It can use p2 repositories for dependencies. This matters because the XPages runtime plugins are not (yet?) available as normal Maven dependencies. Years back, IBM [provided a "Build Management" update site]( Domino Update Site for Build Management), which is helpful, but it's still an Eclipse-style p2 repository, not a Maven repository. Tycho can use p2 repositories natively, though, just as Eclipse does.
  • It constructs a true Equinox environment. This matters both when compiling your project and when running automated tests. The environment created by Tycho is the same Equinox OSGi runtime that Domino uses, and so it supports the same styles of bundle resolution and extensions that you get in Domino. Without this happening during the build, you lose some assurance that things at runtime will match your expectations.
  • It spawns tests in a separate process. This is a little esoteric, but it matters because launching a Notes environment on a non-Windows platform more-or-less requires setting up environment variables for the Notes/Domino directory and others, and these variables are not successfully set when using the normal maven-surefire-plugin runtime. This means that reliably running tests requires setting up the environment ahead of time, which is fiddlier and less automated.
  • It can generate new- and old-style Eclipse Update Sites. To be used in Designer and NSF-based Update Sites, an OSGi project has to be packaged up into a p2 repository along with an old-style "site.xml" file. Tycho can generate these (and can be assisted with "site.xml" when using the newer style), and it can also auto-generate source bundles, features, and repositories.

Alternatives and Workarounds

Some of the "hard" requirements for Tycho can be at least worked around.

Years ago, I wrote a Ruby script that would take a p2 site like IBM's or one generated from a newer version and "Mavenize" it by creating artifact information based on each bundle's OSGi manifest. I since converted it to Java and included it in Darwino's Studio plugins, and yesterday added it to the generate-domino-update-site Maven plugin. Using that lets you declare dependencies on any of the bundles or embedded JARs in a normal Maven project:


This isn't perfect, since it's neither standardized nor generally available (go vote for the aha idea!), but at least it's reproducible and can be something of a de-facto standard if used enough.

Then there's the matter of generating appropriate OSGi metadata. Outside of the Tycho-using world, the main way that generating this is via a tool called bnd and its related tools. bnd is kind of a parallel world and there's even an alternate tooling set for Eclipse instead of the default PDE. There are a couple ways to use bnd in a Maven build, but the one I'm familiar with to date is the maven-bundle-plugin. I've used this with Darwino to incidentally create OSGi metadata for the otherwise non-OSGi core modules, and I suspect that it gets used heavily this way. It's more powerful than that, though, and is a nice wrapper for bnd under the hood, supporting Declarative Services annotations and all the other OSGi goodies. In my case, I used it to generate the MANIFEST.MF with most of the defaults, but then added in some specifics to play nice in my Domino Equinox target.

I suspect that these bnd-based tools can also be a route to solving my automated-testing woes. For the Open Liberty Runtime project, I don't have to worry about that, since it's so dependent on running in actual Domino that the return-on-investment for setting up JUnit tests wouldn't be worth it. However, I recall seeing some Maven testing plugin that let you spawn an OSGi environment of your choice, and I think that something like that may be able to replace Tycho for me there.

Since p2 repositories/update sites are entirely an Eclipse-ism, most OSGi tooling doesn't care about them. That's where p2-maven-plugin comes in. Not only will it allow you to create p2 repositories, but it lets you define features in the configuration, meaning they don't have to be separate modules like in Tycho. And not only that, but it will also auto-OSGi-ify any Maven dependencies you bring in if they don't already have OSGi bundle information. It also lets you override existing bundle data on the fly if needed, such as if the dependencies and imports conflict with something on Domino.

Eclipse Friendliness

Since I still use Eclipse to develop these projects, I want to be able to make use of the [XPages SDK]( SDK for Eclipse RCP)'s ability to run Domino's HTTP stack pointed at my active workspace. For that to work, I need to be able to get Eclipse to recognize my projects as functional PDE-compatible bundles even if I'm not using PDE for them. Fortunately, that process isn't difficult: once I set the location for MANIFEST.MF to be in "META-INF" in the project root, maven-bundle-plugin started generating the files there instead of within "target", and Eclipse started working with the projects as OSGi bundles. The only thing left to do then was to gitignore the generated files, since they don't need to be checked into source control anymore.

Future Improvements

The big thing that is still an open problem is dealing with testing. I have some ideas for taking a swing at it, but for now it's the main thing preventing me from doing this for all of my Tycho projects.

Beyond that, I want to look a bit into bnd-maven-plugin. This diverges from maven-bundle-plugin in that it's geared towards using bnd configuration files directly. During the build process, I think the results would be the same, since maven-bundle-plugin can already pass through whatever configuration I want, but it would be a better match for the Eclipse bndtools tooling. Additionally, externalizing the bnd config files would mean they'd be the same if I decided to switch to Gradle, as Open Liberty uses.

Finally, and specific to this Open Liberty project, I may want to consider using bnd to generate Liberty Feature manifests, as it itself does. These features are implemented as OSGi "subsystems" packaged .esa files. Currently, I'm using esa-maven-plugin to generate their specialized manifests, but I've already hit some limitations in the area of cross-feature dependencies. Apparently, bnd takes some wrangling to suit this, but is worth it. I'll consider that one a "stretch goal", though.

For now, I'm pretty pleased with the new setup. The projects still work on Domino, I can run them on there from the workspace, I was able to eliminate the p2 feature projects outright, and now I don't have to worry about packaging up a dependencies site just to have something to point at in Eclipse. Heck, I can even use Visual Studio Code now! It's pretty nice.

Developing an Open/WebSphere Liberty UserRegistry with Tycho

Fri Aug 16 15:08:10 EDT 2019

  1. Aug 16 2019 - Developing an Open/WebSphere Liberty UserRegistry with Tycho
  2. Aug 18 2019 - Developing Open Liberty Features, Part 2

In my last post, I put something of a stick in the ground and announced a multi-blog-post project to discuss the process of making an XPages app portable for the future. In true season-cliffhanger fashion, though, I'm not going to start that immediately, but instead have a one-off entry about something almost entirely unrelated.

Specifically, I'm going to talk about developing a custom UserRegistry and TrustAssociationInterceptor for Open Liberty/WebSphere Liberty. IBM provides documentation for this process, and it's alright enough, but I had to learn some specific things coming at it from a Domino perspective.

What These Services Are

Before I get in to the specifics, it's worth discussing what specifically these services are, especially TrustAssociationInterceptor with its ominous-sounding name.

A UserRegistry class is a mechanism to provide a Liberty server with authentication and user info services. Liberty has a couple of these built-in, and the prototypical ones are the basic and LDAP registries. Essentially, these do the job of the Directory and Directory Assistance on Domino.

A TrustAssociationInterceptor class is related. What it does is take an incoming HTTP request and look for any credentials it understands. If present, it tells Liberty that the request can be considered authenticated for a given user name. The classic mechanisms for this are HTTP Basic and form-cookie authentication, but this can also cover mechanisms like OAuth. In Domino, this maps to the built-in authentication mechanisms and, more particularly, to DSAPI filters.

How I Used Them

My desire to implement these developed when I was working on the Domino Open Liberty Runtime. I wanted to allow Liberty to use the containing Domino server as a user registry without having to enable LDAP and, as a stretch goal, I wanted to have some sort of implicit SSO without having to configure LTPA.

So I ended up devising something of an ad-hoc directory API exposed as a servlet on Domino, which Liberty could use to make the needed queries. To pair with that, I wrote a TrustAssociationInterceptor implementation that looks for Domino auth cookies in incoming requests, make a call to a small servlet with that cookie, and grabs the associated username. That provides only one-way SSO, but that's good enough for now.

The Easy Part

The good part was that my assumption that my comfort with Tycho going in would help was generally correct. Since the final output I wanted was a bundle, I was able to just add it to my project structure like any other, and work with it in Eclipse's PDE normally. Tycho and PDE didn't necessarily help much - I still had to track down the Liberty API plugins and make a local update site out of them, but that was old hat by this point.

What Made Development Weird

I went into the project in high spirits: the interfaces required weren't bad, and Liberty uses OSGi internally. I figured that, with my years of OSGi experience, this would be a piece of cake.

And, admittedly, it kind of was. The core concepts are the same: building with Tycho, bundle activators, MANIFEST.MF, and all that. However, Liberty's use of OSGi is, I believe, much more modern than Domino's, and certainly much less focused on Equinox specifically.

For one, though Liberty is indeed OSGi-based, it doesn't use Maven Tycho for its build process. Instead, it uses Gradle and the often-friendlier bnd tooling to handle its OSGi composition. That's not too huge of a difference, and the build process doesn't really affect the final built feature. The full differences are a whole big topic on their own, but the way they shake out for this purpose is essentially a difference in philosophy, and the different build mechanism was something of a herald of the downstream distinctions.

One big way this shows is in service registration. Coming from an Eclipse heritage, Equinox-based apps tend to use "plugin.xml" to register services, Liberty (and most others, I assume) favors programmatic registration of services inside the bundle activator. While this does indeed work on Equinox (including on Domino), this was the first time I'd encountered it, and it took some getting used to.

The other oddity was how you encapsulate your bundle as a feature in Liberty parlance. Liberty uses the term "feature" to refer to individual components that make up the server, and which you can configure in the "server.xml" file. These are declared using files similar to MANIFEST.MF with specialized headers to declare the name of the feature, the bundles that make it up, and any APIs it provides to the server and apps. In my case, I wrote a generic mechanism to deploy these features when a server is established, which writes the manifest files to the server's feature directory. Once they're deployed, they become available to the server as a feature with the "usr" prefix, like "usr:dominoUserRegistry-1.0" for my case.

In The Future

I have some ideas for additional features I'd like to develop - providing implicit APIs for Darwino and Jakarta NoSQL/JNoSQL would be handy, for example. This way went pretty smoothly, but I'll probably develop non-Domino ones using either Gradle or Maven with the maven-bundle-plugin. Either way, it ended up fairly pleasant once I discarded my old assumptions, and it's another good entry in the "pros" column for Liberty.

SNTT(uesday): Stepping Up My Tycho Game

Tue Jan 15 11:21:45 EST 2019

Tags: sntt tycho

I'm always on the lookout for ways to improve my projects' build process to get more-convenient results, cut down on IDE/compiler complaints, or to generally reduce the amount of manual work.

In the last couple weeks, I've figured out two changes to make that clean up my setup nicely: better source bundles and easier update sites.

Source Bundles

In OSGi parlance, a "source bundle" is a companion bundle/plugin for a normal bundle that contains the source code associated with it - for example, org.openntf.domino is paired with org.openntf.domino.source. With a bundle like this present, an IDE (Designer included) can pick up on the presence of the source code and use it for Javadoc and showing the original source of a class. It's extraordinarily convenient, rather than having to reference the source online or in another project (or not at all).

For a while, I've configured my Tycho projects to automatically generate these source bundles during build, and then I have ".source" features that reference them, which are then included in the final update site. This works very well, but it leaves the nagging problem that Eclipse complains about not being able to find the auto-vivified source bundles, and it also requires either putting the source bundles in the main features (which is a bit inefficient in e.g. a server deployment) or maintaining a separate ".source" feature.

It turns out that the answer has been in Tycho all along: instead of just generating source bundles, you can tell it to generate entire source features on the fly. You can do this by using the aptly-named tycho-source-feature-plugin:


With this, the build will auto-create the features as it goes, including pulling in the source of any referenced third-party bundles, and then you can include them in the final update site. For example, if the feature you're building is, you can include in your output.

Eclipse Repositories

Historically, the way Domino-targeted update sites are built is that they're referred to as the project type eclipse-update-site, which takes a site.xml and turns it into the final update site. This works well enough, but it has a couple problems. For one, it's deprecated and ostensibly slated for removal down the line, and it's best to not rely on anything like that. But otherwise, even when it works, it's fiddly: if you want to, for example, bring in a third-party feature, you have to explicitly specify the version of the feature you're bringing in, rather than letting the build environment pick up on what it is. This can turn into a drag over time, and it's always felt like unnecessary maintenance.

The immediate replacement for eclipse-update-site is eclipse-repository, which is very similar (you can "convert" by just changing the project type and renaming site.xml to category.xml) and solves the second problem. In a category.xml file, you can specify just the feature ID, leaving the version out or specified as 0.0.0, and it'll figure it out during the build.

However, this has a minor down side: though Designer can deal with these repositories without issue, the NSF Update Site template doesn't know about the generated artifacts.jar and content.jar files. You can use "Import Features", but that loses the feature categories, which are very useful when maintaining a large update site.

Fortunately, the site.xml format is extremely basic, so I created a Maven plugin a while ago to auto-generate one of these files. I improved it yesterday to pick up on the categories specified in the original category.xml file. This let me tweak the eclipse-repository project to shim in this generation before the final packaging:


Now it's sort of a "best of both worlds" deal: I can use the non-deprecated form of the repository and its improved features, while still using the stock NSF Update Site.

This Maven plugin is in OpenNTF's Maven repository, so you can add it in by adding the repo to your root project's pom:



Satisfying Designer's Peculiar OSGi Constraints in Tycho

Mon Oct 12 17:33:14 EDT 2015

Tags: tycho

Before anything else, I should mention that this post is entirely on the topic of building OSGi plugins with Maven. If you're not doing that yet, this probably won't be particularly useful.

For the most part, when building OSGi plugins for XPages, you can be fairly confident that the available plugins will be fairly similar between Notes and Domino. That's not quite always the case, though - there are a set of plugins that are available in Domino that aren't present in Designer's runtime. They're generally physically there in the Notes install, in the osgi folder, but are presumably only loaded when you (inadvisably) fire up the local web preview.

In this situation, you may want to make your XPages library depend on a server plugin, but doing a normal OSGi dependency will cause it to fail to load in Designer. OSGi provides a clean mechanism for this: optional dependencies. If you mark a dependency (on a plugin or on a Java package) as optional, its absence will not prevent the plugin from loading. As long as the code that requires those classes is never run (as would be the case for server code loaded in Designer), you're in the clear.

However, when working on plugins with Maven, I've found it useful in a couple cases to tell Tycho to ignore optional dependencies to prevent it from choking on unimportant cascading dependencies or other issues. The trouble is when you combine these two techniques: now Tycho won't bother loading your optionally-required plugin, and so it won't have the classes available when it goes to compile your code.

A solution to this is to force Tycho to include the plugin in its view of the world regardless of what the MANIFEST.MF files say. This is accomplished in the target-platform-configuration plugin entry that shows up in your average Tycho pom.xml file. If you've started from the same starting point as most, the required section will already be in there: in the configuration, there should be a node named dependency-resolution and then one within that named extraRequirements. This allows you to shoehorn in these types of extra plugins - it's used in the normal case here for the "shim" Notes API plugin to avoid a dependency on Notes.jar. The same can be done for these non-Designer plugins:

		<!-- snip -->


Once that's in place, Tycho will include the plugin in its build and will be able to compile properly.

Incidentally, this technique has also proven useful in executing test cases in a setup that makes heavy use of fragments. Tycho won't automatically pick up all fragments when constructing a test environment, but you can force it to include them by adding an extra requirement on a feature that references them. For example:

<!-- snip -->

This is the sort of Maven/OSGi interaction that brings joy to my heart and grey to my hair.

Dealing with OSGi Fragments in Tycho and Designer

Fri Sep 11 19:30:20 EDT 2015

Tags: java tycho osgi

This post is partly to spread information publicly and partly a useful note to my future self for the next time I run into this trouble.

In OGSi, the primary type of entity you're dealing with is a "Bundle" or "Plug-in" (the two terms are effectively the same for our needs). However, there's a sort of specialized type that you may run into called a "Fragment". They're similar to a plug-in in that they're a contained unit of Java code and resources, but they have the special property that they're attached to another plug-in and automatically come along for the ride when the main plug-in is used. This is useful in a couple situations, such as code organization, serving platform-specialized native libraries, after-the-fact additions, or providing library dependencies.

In the basic case, the only requirement is to specify in the fragment what the "parent" plug-in is (Eclipse provides a field for this in its editor) and then including the fragment in the installable feature alongside the plug-in. However, there are a few situations where a bit more work is required if you want to access the classes in the fragment: when used as part of a Tycho build and when used as an XSP Library in Designer (which may also apply to Eclipse dependency use generally).


When doing a full Tycho build, even if both the plug-in and its fragment(s) are part of the current build, another project won't automatically include the fragment when doing the compilation. This can lead to a situation where the projects will compile cleanly in Eclipse (which handles the fragment attachment) but fail in Tycho. The trick, though small, is non-obvious: you have to tell the project that is using the fragment code about the fragment in its

So say you have three projects: the main plug-in (some.main.plugin), a fragment attached to it (some.main.plugin.fragment), and the project consuming them (some.dependent.plugin). The normal first step is to include the main plug-in in the dependent plug-in's MANIFEST.MF as usual:

Require-Bundle: some.main.plugin

In Eclipse, this will suffice: both the main plug-in and its fragment will show up in the "Plug-in Dependencies" library. For Tycho, though, you have to tip it off using a line like this in

extra.. = platform:/fragment/some.main.plugin.fragment

Think of this as saying "hey, dummy, don't forget about the fragment". Once you have that line, the Tycho-enabled Maven build should be able to resolve the fragment's classes and all will be well.


When using the plug-in and its fragment in an XSP Library in Designer, there's a similar-seeming problem: though Designer will include any direct dependencies of your Library plug-in in the class path, it won't pick up on any fragments by default (though it seems that Domino does). The trick here is that the primary plug-in has to tell Designer that it accepts fragments, which is done by setting Eclipse-ExtensibleAPI in the MANIFEST.MF file for some.main.plugin, like so:

Eclipse-ExtensibleAPI: true

Once that's in place, the fragment should start showing up in your NSF's classpath when the library is enabled.

Wrangling Tycho and Target Platforms

Sun Aug 30 17:16:13 EDT 2015

Tags: maven tycho

One of the persistent problems when dealing with OSGi projects with Maven is the interaction between Maven, Tycho, and Eclipse. The core trouble comes in with the differing ways that Maven and OSGi handle dependencies.

Dependency Mechanisms

The Maven way of establishing dependencies is to list them in your Maven project's POM file. A standard one will look something like this:


This tells Maven that your project depends on Guava version 18.0. The "groupId" and "artifactId" bits are essentially arbitrary strings that identify the piece of code, and, following Java standards, convention dictates that they are generally reverse-DNS-style. There are variations on this setup, such as specifying version ranges or sub-artifacts, but that's what you'll usually see. The term "artifact" is a Maven-ism referring to a specific entity, usually a single Jar file, and I've taken to using it casually.

One of the key things Maven brings to the table here is Maven Central: a warehouse of common Maven-ized projects. Without specifying any additional configuration, the dependency declaration above will cause Maven to check with Maven Central to find the Jar, download it, and store it in your local repository (usually ~/.m2/repository). Then, during the build process, Java can reference the local copy of the Jar in the consistently-organized local folder structure. It will also, if needed, download "transitive" dependencies: the dependencies listed by the project you're depending on.

OSGi's dependency system is conceptually similar. Instead of the POM file, it piggybacks on the Jar's MANIFEST.MF file with something like this:


This is essentially the same idea as the Maven dependency: you reference an OSGi-enabled Jar (called a "Bundle" in OSGi parlance... which can also be a "Plug-in") by its usually-reverse-DNS name and provide restrictions on versions, plus other potential options.

There is no equivalent here of Maven Central: OSGi artifacts are found in Update Sites for each project and are added to the OSGi environment. When you install a plug-in in Eclipse/Designer or Domino, you are contributing to your installation's pool of OSGi artifacts. There are some conveniences to make this experience easier in some cases, such as the Eclipse Marketplace and the primary Eclipse Update Site, but it's not as coordinated as Maven.

The Overlap

Though often redundant, these two dependency mechanisms are not inherently incompatible. A given Jar file can be represented as both a Maven artifact and an OSGi bundle - and, indeed, a great many of the artifacts in Maven Central come pre-packaged with OSGi metadata, and there are Maven plugins to make generating this invisible to the developer.

Tycho - the Maven plugin that creates an OSGi environment for your Maven development - has the capability to more-or-less bridge this gap. By adding the Tycho plugins to your Maven build, you can point Maven at OSGi Update Sites (called "p2" sites) and Tycho will be able to find the artifacts referenced by your project's MANIFEST.MF Require-Bundle line. Even better, by using <pomDependencies>consider</pomDependencies> in your Tycho config, it will be able to look at the Maven dependencies of your project, check them for OSGi metadata, and then use that to satisfy the MANIFEST.MF requiremenets.

Though convoluted to say, the upshot is that, when you have that pomDependencies option, things work out pretty well... from the command line. The trouble comes in when you want to develop these projects in Eclipse.

Target Platforms

The aggregate set of OSGi bundles known by your OSGi environment (either Tycho or Eclipse in this case) and used for compilation is the "Target Platform". If you've used the XPages SDK or otherwise set up a non-Designer Eclipse installation for XPages plug-in development, you've seen Target Platforms in action: the installation process locates your Notes and Domino installations and adds their OSGi bundles to Eclipse's Target Platform, allowing them to be references by your own OSGi projects.

The trouble is that Eclipse is a bit... inflexible when it comes to specifying a project's Target Platform. Though Eclipse has the capacity to have many Target Platform definitions, only one is active at a time for your entire workspace. Moreover, this Target Platform (plus any projects in your workspace) makes up the entirety of what Eclipse is willing to acknowledge for OSGi development.

This causes serious trouble for Maven dependencies.

If you have a Tycho-enabled project, Eclipse's adapter will not use its Maven dependencies for OSGi requirement resolution. So if your project lists Guava in both OSGi and Maven, even though Maven can see it, and Tycho can see it, and the Guava Jar sitting in your local Maven repository is brimming with OSGi metadata, Eclipse will not acknowledge it and you will have an error that can't be found.


There are a couple potential workarounds for this, none of which are particularly great.

Just Do It Manually

One option is to just have any developers working on the project also track down and manually add all applicable OSGi bundles to their Eclipse installation. It's not ideal, but it could work in a pinch, especially if you only have a single dependency or two.

Include the Project Wholesale

This is the approach the OpenNTF Domino API has taken to date: several of its external dependencies are included wholesale in source form in the project tree. This accomplishes the goal because, with the projects in your workspace, Eclipse will happily acknowledge them as part of the Target Platform, while Tycho will also be able to recognize them. However, it carries with it the significant down side of importing a whole heap of foreign code into your project and then having to ensure that it builds in your environment.

Maven-Generated Target Platform

Another option is to have Maven create a Target Platform file (*.target) dynamically, and then have Eclipse use that as its Target Platform definition. You can do that by including a Maven project like this in your tree:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

By creating a shell Target file in Eclipse named, this project will locate its known dependencies (namely, any dependencies listed in it or in parent projects) and glom the paths of any of those OSGi plugins found in your local Maven repository onto it. In Eclipse, you can then open the generated Target file and set it as your active.

This... basically works, but it's ugly. Moreover, it limits your Target Platform customization options. If you want to include other Update Sites in your platform (say, the XPages targets generated by the SDK), you would have to modify the base Target file manually, making it fragile for multi-developer use.

Maven-Generated p2 Site

This is the option I'm tinkering with now, and it's similar to the Target-file approach. However, instead of creating an exclusive Target Platform, you can have Maven create a p2 Update Site and then add that directory to your Target Platform manually. That manual step is still unfortunate, but it's not too bad, and it should adapt automatically as more dependencies are added. A Maven plugin named p2-maven-plugin can do a tremendous amount of heavy lifting here: it can track down Maven dependencies, add OSGi metadata if they don't have them already, do the same for their dependencies, and then put them all into a nicely-organized Update Site:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""




Once this project is executed, you can then add the generated folder to Eclipse's active Target Platform and be set. Though I haven't put this into practice yet, it may be the best out of a bad bunch of options.

Don't Use Eclipse

Well, I guess this final option may be the best if you're not an Eclipse fan - other IDEs may handle this whole thing much more smoothly. So, if you use IntelliJ and it doesn't have this problem, that's good.

These problems cause a lot more heartburn than you'd think they should, considering that this is basic project setup and not even part of the task of actually developing your project, but such is life. As long as you have a dependency on non-Mavenized OSGi artifacts (such as the XPages runtime) or want to use Tycho's full abilities (such as OSGi-environment unit tests or building full Eclipse-based applications) while also developing in Eclipse, you're stuck with this sort of workaround.