Showing posts for tag "domino-jnx"

Simplifying the Maven Build of the NSF File Server Project

Apr 10, 2024, 5:02 PM

When working on NSF File Server project that I talked about the other day, I took a slightly-different tack as far as building it than I did in the past, and I think it's worth going over some of that in case it's useful for others.

Initial Version

The first version of this project was a non-OSGi WAR file meant to be deployed to an app server like Liberty, not to Domino's OSGi stack, and so it's never involved Tycho. This made it mostly simpler, since its various dependencies are normal Maven dependencies and so I didn't have to worry about any of the annoying hoops.

However, it did have some native Domino dependencies: Notes.jar and the NAPI. These would need to be included as Maven dependencies and brought into the final WAR. The way I handled this was using the generate-domino-update-site project, which lets you first generate a p2 site in the style of the painfully outdated IBM-provided update site and then, if desired, turn that p2 site into more-normal Maven artifacts.

When I eventually switched from targeting a WAR file to having it run on Domino, I used the same dependency structure. The Domino version runs as an HttpService implementation, and so I pointed at the Mavenized version of the and bundles.

Then, I used the maven-bundle-plugin, which fits the job of taking an otherwise-normal Maven project and making it work in OSGi environments (mostly). The way that plugin works is that you specify a lot of your MANIFEST.MF rules in the pom.xml:


The first couple are one-for-one matches to what you'd have in the MANIFEST.MF, but things get weird once you get to the "Embed-*" ones.

The Embed-Dependency instruction is a potent one: you give it a description of what dependencies you want embedded in your OSGi bundle (in this case, all my non-provided dependencies), and then it does the job of copying them into your final bundle JAR. You can do this other ways - copying them manually, using the Maven Dependency Plugin, or others - but this handles all your transitive stuff nicely for you, thanks to Embed-Transitive. I use Embed-Directory here just for cleanliness - the result is functionally the same without it.

The final bits are just for cleanliness: I remove Require-Capability to avoid some trouble I had with older Domino versions, and then I set what the snapshot value will be, which ends up being the current build time.

With this, I end up with a single OSGi bundle with everything in it. This works well for this sort of project - with something to be used in Designer, I prefer to make a big pool of distinct OSGi bundles to make it so that you can look up the source properly, but something server-only like this doesn't need that.

2.0 Version

In this new version, the switch to JNX meant that I was tantalizingly close to not having to do any weird dependency stuff: JNX is distributed in Maven Central, so I didn't need to have the weird locally-built stuff like I did for Notes.jar and the NAPI.

However, that wasn't everything: there are still the "bootstrap" bundles containing the HttpService superclass and related classes. While I don't need to distribute those anywhere, they're still required to compile the classes - no amount of non-verified text files or the like will get around that.

I came up with another way, though. Java only needs classes that look like those to compile, and then the compiled class of mine will be the same regardless of anything else. This is critical: I don't actually need any implementation code, and that's the part I can't redistribute. So I made two little Maven modules: and These modules contain just a handful of classes, and of those classes only the methods actually referenced by my code. Since these modules will then be marked as "provided", they won't be bundled into the final JAR.

This squared the circle nicely, where now I can compile the Java side without any weird pre-requisites. Admittedly, the two NSFs in the module set still require an NSF ODP Tooling environment, which is a whole other ball of wax, but it's a step in the right direction.

Other Uses

This technique can be used in other similar projects when you only need a few classes from the XPages stack. For example, if your goal is to just wrap a third-party library and provide it to XPages in Designer, you could probably do this by making a stub implementation of XspLibrary and related classes, and skip the whole generate-domino-update-site step. The more you use from the stack, the less practical this is - for example, the XPages Jakarta EE project reaches into all sorts of crap, and so I can't really do this there. For this, though, it works nicely.

Overdue CollabSphere Followup

Oct 11, 2023, 4:59 PM

Though it's been over a month since CollabSphere 2023, I've somehow now yet gotten around to talking about it here. Time to remedy that!

Webinar and Workshop

I presented a couple sessions at CollabSphere, but the meatiest was my workshop on the XPages Jakarta EE project. A bit before the show, I wrote a post discussing modes of development with it and that formed the structure of the workshop.

It also formed the structure of August's OpenNTF webinar. Fortunately, unlike the workshop, the webinar was recorded, and that is up on OpenNTF's YouTube channel. Though the workshop was longer and had some refinements and audience discussion, they both worked from the same original slide deck and so the webinar did a pretty good job of covering the same material.

As part of the presentations, I created four versions of the same basic to-do tracker app, written in each of the four modes I talked about. I put them up in the project repository with a quick README introducing each of them. With the project installed (they were written to 2.13.0 and above), you should be able to sync the ODPs with NSFs in Designer and poke around yourself. They're all intentionally-similarly structured and basic, with all of their elements in either Java classes, file resources, or stylesheets. They're also all intentionally under-developed, so you're not allowed to make fun of them.


This one will be a doozy! In fact, it's such a doozy that I'm going to keep kicking the can down the road as far as properly talking about it.

In short, Domino JNX is a more-modern API for Domino access - it was initiated and is used heavily by the Domino REST API (DRAPI), but also stands on its own. It started out essentially as another swing at Karsten Lehmann's Domino JNA and shares a lot of the same ideas and approaches (and code - the committer info in the GitHub repo is deceptive, as I got to paste a whole mountain of existing code from another repo into this one and thus got credit for it).

Now that it's open source, there's some significant work to do as far as documentation, examples, integration, and distribution go. I plan to find time to improve a lot of these aspects, including blogging here, though it's the sort of thing that always ends up below other priorities.

In any event, it's quite neat and has a lot of good capabilities. I plan to write a driver for JNoSQL for it, either to be alongside or to wholly supplant the Notes.jar-based one currently used by the project. The neat thing there is that users of XPages JEE won't have to care much: it'll just get a bit faster in parts but should largely work the same, except maybe with a change to the way you point at other databases.