NSF File Server 2.0
Apr 7, 2024, 1:59 PM
A few years ago, I made a little project that hosts an SFTP server that stores documents in an NSF. I've used it here and there since then - as in the original post, I stashed some company docs in it to have them nicely synced among our Domino servers, and I've also had cases where clients use it to, for example, provide a way for their vendors to upload files in a standard way.
The other week, I decided to dive back into it to add some capabilities I'd wanted for a while, and the result is version 2.0.0. This version is a significant revamp that adds quite a bit.
Multiple Mounts
The first limitation I wanted to improve was the fact that the first version was restricted to a single NSF. That works fine in the basic case, but I wanted to start doing things like storing server config backups in there, and wouldn't necessarily want them in the same NSF as, say, company contracts, credentials, and secrets.
The way I went about this was to make it so that the new configuration NSF has a "Mounts" view that lets you specify a path in a conceptual top level of the filesystem that would then point to a target NSF. This allows the admin to do things like have separate ACLs for different mounts - since the client will act as an authenticated Domino user, these will be properly obeyed, and a user won't be able to access documents they don't have rights to.
Additionally, I could configure it so that not all mounts are present on all servers, which will come into play particularly with the next feature.

New Filesystem Types
Once I had a composite top-level filesystem, I realized that it wouldn't be terribly difficult to allow more filesystem types than the original NSF file store I made. That filesystem is built using the NIO File System Provider framework added in Java 7, and that system is designed to be pretty extensible. By default, Java comes with a few providers: the normal local filesystem as well as one that can treat a ZIP or JAR as a contained filesystem itself. These are accessed in a generic way, where you specify a URI and a map of "env" properties that are provider-specific.
For example, the ZIP filesystem takes a URI in the form of "jar:file:/some/path/to/file.zip" and an environment map configuring whether the filesystem should be created if it doesn't already exist in memory and what encoding to use for filenames (very important if you have Unicode characters in there).
So I added ways to configure a mount to the local server filesystem (similar to what the Mindoo FTP Server does) and then a generic configuration for any installed provider. It's probably uncommon that you will have a custom File System Provider implementation in your Java classpath, but hey, maybe you do, and I want to allow that to work.
I also added an extension point to the project itself that allows adding new providers via plugin.xml files in OSGi, and I can think of a couple other projects that may use this, like the NSF ODP Tooling.
WebContent Filesystem
Beyond adding the JVM-provided systems, I wrote another new filesystem type, one that provides access to the conceptual "WebContent" directory presented in Package Explorer in Designer:

The idea here is that this could be used to deploy, say, a JavaScript client application to an NSF without the developer or build server having to know anything about Domino. Pretty much everything can work with SFTP, so this makes accessing those files a lot easier. This is similar to the WebDAV capabilities Domino has had for a very long time, but with a different protocol.
Server Keypairs
In the first version, the app would generate and store the server's SSH keypair on the filesystem, in the data directory. This is fine, but part of the point of this whole project is that I like to get away from non-replicating stuff, and so I moved these keys to the configuration NSF. Now, on first connection, the server will look for a keypair document in the NSF and, if it doesn't exist, will generate a new one and store it there. Since I've been working with encrypted fields a lot for client work lately, I also realized that this was a good use for it: the public key is a normal text item (so you could distribute and verify it as needed), but the private key is encrypted with the generating server's ID file. Since only the server itself ever needs to know its private key, this works swimmingly.
This isn't a new app feature per se, but this was a good situation for me to put JNX to work in an open-source project. I had originally written this using the lotus.domino
classes for most work and the IBM NAPI for things like generating sessions for a given username, but switching to JNX let me ditch both of those.
Admittedly, this is a case where switching to JNX didn't grant me significant new capabilities, but it DID let me do a couple things better. Some things are distinct feature improvements, like improving password authentication (previously, I was doing a compare of hashes "manually", which is fragile), while others are just making the code smoother, like no longer having to do the read-convert-recycle dance with DateTime
s in LSXBE. It's just pleasant, and let me find a few places where the JNX API could be improved.
Future Additions
When I pick this project back up, there are certainly a couple things I'd like to add.
One would be to look into rsync support: rsync is tremendously useful for things like synchronizing filesystem-bound configs, but it's its own protocol tunneled over SSH, and so just having SFTP isn't enough. The underlying Apache Mina SSHD project is a general SSH server and not just SFTP, so it may be possible to do it by intercepting the commands sent over to initialize rsync, but it will be non-trivial. There's a library in Java that provides an rsync server, but it's GPL-licensed, and so I have to keep away for license-safety's sake.
Beyond that, it's mostly that I'd like to implement more filesystem types. Presenting data as a filesystem can be a very powerful tool: you could imagine providing access to documents in a DB as DXL or YAML, or listing files from a Document Library NSF, or (as I'd like to do some day) having the NSF ODP Tooling project replicate the ODP layout over SFTP.
For now, I'm looking forward to putting it to more use as a coordinating point. If I keep messing around with apps on TrueNAS, it'll give me a good feeling of security to have more info stashed in Domino and less prone to destruction if one server happens to blow up.