Showing posts for tag "nar-maven-plugin"

Maven Native Chronicles, Part 1: Figuring Out nar-maven-plugin

Fri Jul 24 15:48:59 EDT 2015

  1. Jul 24 2015 - Maven Native Chronicles, Part 1: Figuring Out nar-maven-plugin
  2. Jul 26 2015 - Maven Native Chronicles, Part 2: Setting Up a Windows Jenkins Node
  3. Jul 26 2015 - Maven Native Chronicles, Part 3: Improving Native Artifact Handling
  4. Feb 27 2016 - Maven Native Chronicles: Running Automated Notes-based Tests

As I mentioned the other day, my work lately involves a native shared library that is then included in an OSGi plugin. To get it working during a Maven compile, I just farmed out the actual build process to Visual Studio's command-line project builder. That works as far as it goes, but it's not particularly Maven-y and, more importantly, it's Windows-only.

In looking around, it seems like the most popular method of doing native compilation in Maven, especially with JNI components, is maven-nar-plugin - nar means "Native ARchive", and it's meant to be a consistent way to package native artifacts (executables and libraries) across platforms. It does an admirable job wrangling the normally-loose nature of a C/C++ program to work with Maven-ish standards and attempts to paper over the differences between platforms and toolchains. I'm not entirely convinced that this will be the way I go long-term (in particular, its attitude towards multi-platform/arch builds seems to be "eh, sort of?"), but it's a good place to get started with non-Windows compilation.

The first step was to move the files around to mostly match a Maven-style layout. Starting out, the .cpp and .h files were in the src folder directly, while dependency headers were in a dependencies folder next to it. I left the Notes includes in there for now, but it seems that nar-maven-plugin will cover the JNI stuff for me, so I could simplify that somewhat. The new project structure looks like:

  • (project root)
    • src
      • main
        • c++
        • include
    • dependencies
      • inc
        • notes

Next was to set up the project configuration. For now, I want to still use Visual Studio's CLI app to build the Windows version, and I'm going to have to specifically define supported platforms, so I define the project as a nar, but then disable actual execution of the plugin by default:


Then, much as I did for the Windows-specific builds, I added a profile to try to build on my Mac. Note that these build settings produce a library that fails all unit tests, so they're surely not correct, but hey, it compiles and links, so that's a start. To ensure that it only builds when it has an appropriate context, it is triggered by a combination of OS family and the presence of the notes-program Maven property, which should point to the Notes executable directory.


Unstable though the result may be, the nar plugin does its job: it produces an archive containing the dylib, suitable for distribution as a Maven artifact and extraction into the downstream project, which I'll go into later.

So this is a good step towards my final goal. As I mentioned, I may end up getting rid of nar-maven-plugin specifically, but this is a good way to shape the code into something more portable (I also got rid of a few Windows-isms in the C++ while I was at it). My ultimate goal is to get a single build run that produces artifacts for all of the important platforms (Windows 32/64 and Linux 32/64 for production, Mac 32/64(?) for JUnit tests during development). I may be able to accomplish that using the nar plugin with a distributed Jenkins build, or I may be able to do it with Makefiles with GCC cross-compilers on OS X build host. If that works, it's the sort of thing that makes all this Maven stuff worthwhile.