Showing posts for tag "json"

Pretty-Printing JSON in the (Desktop) Notes Client and Domino

Fri Jul 26 10:30:35 EDT 2024

In the OpenNTF Discord (join if you haven't!), Daniel Nashed brought up a task he was facing: in the Notes client, writing pretty-printed JSON. LotusScript has its NotesJSON* classes that can process JSON in their stark way, but the stringify output is meant for machine reading and doesn't include whitespace and line breaks, making it ill-suited for things like configuration files or other things a human might read or edit.

Since the goal is to get it working in the full Notes client and not Nomad, Java is on the table, but Java - for dumb historical reasons - has no proper built-in JSON library. However, as of 12.something HCL shunted IBM Commons down to the global classpath in order to support the "share Java design elements between XPages and agents" feature. Among many other things, IBM Commons includes a JSON library that can suit.

I wrote a post almost a decade ago talking about this library and its limited nature, but it's nonetheless less limited than the LotusScript classes, and it's up to the task. There are a couple ways to go about this, depending on your needs, but for now I'll just cover the basic case here of "I have a string of JSON and want to format it".

To do this, you can make a Script Library of the Java type named, say, "JsonPrettyPrint" and make a new class in the "com.example" package and named "JsonPrettyPrint" with this contents:

package com.example;



public class JsonPrettyPrint {
	public String prettyPrint(String json) throws JsonException, IOException {
		Object jsonObj = JsonParser.fromJson(JsonJavaFactory.instanceEx, json);
		return JsonGenerator.toJson(JsonJavaFactory.instanceEx, jsonObj, false);

Then, you can instantiate this object with LS2J and pass it a JSON string, such as one from NotesJSONNavigator:

UseLSX "*javacon"
Use "JsonPrettyPrint"

Sub Initialize
	Dim jsession As New JavaSession, jsonPrinter As JavaObject
	Set jsonPrinter = jsession.GetClass("com.example.JsonPrettyPrint").CreateObject()
	MsgBox jsonPrinter.prettyPrint(|{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}|)
End Sub

That'll get you something presentable:

Screenshot of a message box showing pretty-printed JSON

While the stringify-parse-stringify process you'd do if you generated your JSON with the NotesJSON* classes is inefficient, it's not too bad, especially for the size of content you're likely to want to emit here. You could alternatively do more work with JsonJavaObject and friends from IBM Commons directly to save a little overhead, but this path is a good way to do the vast majority of work in "normal" LotusScript and then only dip in to Java for the last step.

As mentioned at the start, the presence of Java means this won't work for Nomad, unfortunately. There may be a way to wrangle your way to this result using the primordial JavaScript runtime present in that, but that may not be worth the trouble unless you really need it. Better would be to vote for the Aha idea to add pretty printing to LS.

Parsing JSON in XPages Applications

Thu May 21 12:47:53 EDT 2015

Tags: json java

David Leedy pointed out to me that a post I made last year about generating JSON in XPages left out a crucial bit of followup: reading that JSON back in. This topic is a bit simpler to start with, since there's really just one entrypoint:

There are a few variants of this method to provide either a callback to call during parsing or a List to fill with the result, but most of the time you're going to use the variants that take a String or Reader of JSON and convert it into a set of Java objects. As with generating JSON, the first parameter here is a JsonJavaFactory, and which static instance property you choose matters a bit. Contrary to the first-Google-result documentation, there are three types, and they differ slightly in the types of objects they output:

  • instance: This uses java.util.HashMap for JSON objects/maps and java.util.ArrayList for JSON arrays.
  • instanceEx: This is like instance, but uses JsonJavaObject for JSON objects/maps.
  • instanceEx2: Like instanceEx, this uses JsonJavaObject for objects/maps but also uses JsonArray for JSON arrays.

Since JsonJavaObject and JsonArray implement the normal Map<String, Object> and List<Object> interfaces you'd expect (and, indeed, subclass HashMap and ArrayList), you can treat them interchangeably if you're just using the interfaces like you should, but it may matter if you're doing something where you expect certain traits of one of the concrete classes or want to use the explicit getString, etc. methods on the JSON-specific ones.*

Anyway, with that out of the way, the actual code to use these is pretty straightforward:

String json = "{ \"foo\": 1, \"bar\": 2}";
Map<String, Object>result = (Map<String, Object>)JsonParser.fromJson(JsonJavaFactory.instance, json);

In this case, I'm immediately casting the result from Object to Map because I'm sure of the contents of the JSON. If you're less confident, you should surround it with instanceof tests before doing something like that. In any event, that's pretty much all there is to it. As with generating JSON, SSJS wraps this functionality in a fromJson method (which may or may not produce the same objects; I haven't checked).

* You could also subclass the standard as the code does if you have specific needs or desires, like using a LinkedHashMap instead of HashMap to preserve the order of the object's keys.

Generating JSON in XPages Applications

Thu Sep 18 17:55:44 EDT 2014

Tags: json java

This topic is fairly well-trodden ground, but there's no harm in trodding it some more: methods of producing JSON in the XPages environment. Specifically, this will be primarily about the IBM Commons JSON classes, found in The reason for that choice is just that they ship with Domino - other tools (like Gson) are great too, and in some ways better.

Before I go further, I'd like to reiterate a point I made before:

Never, ever, ever generate code without proper escaping.

This goes for any executable, markup, or data language like this. It's tempting to generate XML or JSON in Domino views, but formula language lacks proper escape functions and so, unless you are prepared to study the specs for all edge cases (or escape every character), don't do it.

So anyway, back to the JSON generation. To my knowledge, there are three main ways to generate JSON via the Commons libraries: a single call to process an existing Java object, by building a JsonJavaObject directly, and by "streaming" the code bit by bit. I've found the first and last methods to be useful, but there's nothing inherently wrong about the middle one.

Processing an existing object

With this route, you use a class called JsonGenerator to process an existing JSON-compatible object (usually a List or Map) into a String after building the object via some other mechanism. In a simple example, it looks like this:

Map<String, Object> foo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
foo.put("bar", "baz");
foo.put("ness", 1);
return JsonGenerator.toJson(JsonJavaFactory.instance, foo);

Overall, it's fairly straightforward: create your Map the normal way (or get it from some library), and then pass it to the JsonGenerator. Becuase it's Java, it forces you to also pass in the type of generator you want to use, and that's JsonJavaFactory's role. There are several instance objects that seem to vary primarily in how much they rely on the other Commons JSON classes in their implementation, and I have no idea what the performance or other characteristics are like. instance is fine.

Building a JsonJavaObject

An alternate route is to use the JsonJavaObject directly and then toString it at the end. This is very similar in structure to the previous example (because JsonJavaObject inherits from HashMap<String, Object> directly, for some reason):

JsonJavaObject foo = new JsonJavaObject();
foo.put("bar", "baz");
foo.put("ness", 1);
return foo.toString();

The result is effectively the same. So why do I avoid this method? Mostly for flexibility reasons. Conceptually, I don't like assuming that the data is going to end up as a JSON string right from the start unless there's a compelling reason to do so, and so it's strange to use JsonJavaObject right out of the gate. If your data starts coming from another source that returns a Map, you'll need to adjust your code to account for it, whereas that is less the case in the first case.

Still, it's no big problem if you use this. Presumably, it will be slightly faster than the first method, and it's often functionally identical anyway (considering it is a Map<String, Object>).


This one is the weird one, but it will be familiar if you've ever written a renderer (stay tuned to NotesIn9 for an example). Rather than constructing the entire object, you push out bits of the JSON code as you go. There are a couple reasons you might do this: when you want to keep memory/processor use low when dealing with large objects, when you want to make your algorithm recursive without, again, using up too much memory, or when you're actually streaming the result to the client. It's the ugliest method, but it's potentially the fastest and most efficient. This is what you want to use if you're writing out a very large collection (say, filtered view data) in an XAgent or other servlet.

I'll leave out an example of using it in a streaming context for now, but if you're curious you can find examples in the DAS code in the Extension Library or in the REST API code for the model objects (which is derived wholesale from DAS).

The key object here is JsonWriter, which is found in the sub-package. Much like with other Writers in Java, you hook this up to a further destination - in this example, I'll use a StringWriter, which is a basic way to write into a String in memory and return that. In other situations, this would likely be the ServletOutputStream. Here's an example of it in action:

StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(out, false);




Map<String, Object> foo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
foo.put("bar", "baz");
foo.put("ness", 1);


return out.toString();

As you can tell, the LOC count ballooned fast. But you can also tell that it makes a kind of sense: you're doing the same thing, but "manually" starting and ending each element (there are also constructs for arrays, booleans, etc.). This is very similar to writing out HTML/XML using equivalent libraries. And it's good to know that there's always a fallback to output a full object in the style of the first example when it's appropriate. For example, you might be outputting data from a large view - many entries, but each entry is fairly simple. In that case, you'd use this writer to handle the array structure, but build a Map for each entry and add that to keep the code simpler and more obvious.

So none of these are right in all cases (and sometimes you'll just do toJson(...) in SSJS), but they're all good to know. Most of the time, the choice will be between the first and the last: the easy-to-use, just-do-what-I-mean one and the cumbersome, really-crank-out-performance one.