Showing posts for tag "jsf"

Modes Of App Development With XPages Jakarta EE

Fri Jul 28 11:46:50 EDT 2023

I've been working on my workshop for this year's CollabSphere, and one of the main decisions I have to make is what I'm going to focus on. The idea of the workshop is to give a bit more brass-tacks information about how to use the project: rather than just a list of features, it'll be about the specific business of building an app using it.

But how does one build an app in it? There's certainly no lack of tools available, but that leads to the opposite problem: what's the right one for your project? What's likely to be the most common path people take?

The Types

As I've been working on it, I've grouped things into four main categories, and I figured it'd be useful to enumerate them here to coordinate my thoughts and provide some general information. There aren't hard lines between these: you can use any mixture of some or all of the parts in an app, and do different mixes in different apps. These are just what I expect to be the main groupings:

  • "XPages Plus", using some new capabilities in existing or new apps with XPages-based UIs
  • REST services, focusing on providing REST endpoints for JavaScript-based apps or other servers
  • MVC and JSP, focusing on clean, lightweight UIs for document-based apps, but less ideal for complex business logic
  • JSF, building the same sorts of apps XPages is adept at, but using newer technology

"XPages Plus"

The first route is how the project got started: you keep building XPages apps but sprinkle in a few new capabilities to improve them.

For example, you could replace your managed beans defined in faces-config.xml with CDI beans, allowing you to get the quick benefit of annotation-based definitions and then the bigger benefits of @Inject, producer methods, and interceptors.

You could also start using newer EL features, like the long-desired ability to pass parameters to methods.

This path wouldn't necessarily require a lot of reworking of your app or changing the way you think about XPages development, but would still be something of a minor development refresh and can set you up well for future improvements.

Your data access will likely still be through the traditional xp:dominoDocument and xp:dominoView components, but you could also write beans that access data with lotus.domino or ODA, or switch to using the NoSQL driver.

REST Services

Alternatively, you could decide you want to focus your apps around REST services with either a JavaScript app in, for example, React as the front end, or providing services to remote servers.

With this, you'd largely stop using XPages design elements entirely, instead defining your services in Java classes with JAX-RS annotations. This brings huge advantages over other ways to write REST services on Domino, with the JAX-RS annotations allowing for clear, logical definition of services, their parameters, and their output. Moreover, the ancillary tooling brings things like automatic OpenAPI definitions, which would be annoying to maintain using things like the XPages-side REST controls.

This path is good if you're specifically aiming to build a JavaScript-based app, either because you just like it, because your organization decided to go that route, or if you have a larger team that splits the duties of front-end and back-end developers. It can also naturally blend into the next one.

Your data access here won't be through the XPages components, but you could still use lotus.domino or ODA classes, or switch to the NoSQL driver. That actually goes for the next two, too, so we'll just count that as assumed.


I'll admit that part of the reason I want to consider this a top-tier route is because I just personally really like it. I've had a blast writing apps like this blog and the OpenNTF site using this path, with its much-cleaner code and back-to-basics approach to HTML.

Regardless of my personal enjoyment of it, though, this has some nice advantages. The fact that MVC builds on top of JAX-RS means that it melds well with the REST-services approach above. For example, you might primarily write REST services for a JS app, but then do a set of "admin" pages with MVC. Or you might use this as part of the prototype phase: structure your app the same way you will when you expand to a multi-tier team, but start out by doing a quick UI with MVC on top of the same or related endpoints.

With this path, your app will start with Java classes with JAX-RS annotations, and then you'd mix it with JSP files inside WebContent/WEB-INF. One down side to this approach is that Designer doesn't provide much help for writing JSP files. In the tooling, I bind .jsp and .tag files to the HTML editor, so you at least get normal HTML assistance, but that won't help you with specific JSP tags and EL. Fortunately, the set of tools you'll likely use in JSP is comparatively small, so you'll eventually memorize things like <c:forEach items="..." var="...">...</c:forEach> in much the same way that you could eventually write out an <xp:repeat/> in your sleep in XPages.


This one, technically tricky though it may be, is conceptually straightforward: write the same sort of apps you do with XPages, but do it with modern JSF instead. This makes a lot of sense, since JSF shares XPages's acumen with complicated forms with partial refreshes and changing state data, but has benefited from some development that didn't happen on the XPages side.

It's not a direct replacement: in particular, JSF has no knowledge of Domino data sources, so there's no xp:dominoDocument or xp:dominoView. You'd still need to do your data access via beans, as in the previous two options, likely using either lotus.domino/ODA or the NoSQL driver. Additionally, Designer really doesn't help you here - again, I map .xhtml and .jsf files to the HTML editor, but JSF components have a lot of properties to set, and so you'll be spending a lot of time referencing documentation.

Still, it's clear why this is proving to be a popular path. The development model is the same as in XPages, while the JSF stack (especially including PrimeFaces) brings a lot of amenities that aren't in XPages and are also more portable to other environments.


So, for now, I'm thinking of splitting up the workshop to cover each of these paths a bit. That runs the risk of feeling like too much of a grab bag, but I don't want to give the opposite impression, that the project only allows for some specific path. It's a broad platform update, accommodating many development approaches, and I want to keep that clear. Fortunately, each path has a pretty-clean pitch, and the shared components (CDI, bean validation, the REST client, etc.) build on each other well, so the idea that it's a pool of features that you can swim in is, I think, compelling.

What To Do With All This XSP Markup? Redux

Thu Feb 17 14:53:01 EST 2022

Tags: jsf xpages

About a year ago, I wrote a post discussing what I saw as potential future options for all the XPages code we've collectively written over the years. That post was written with the assumption that the future life of an XPages app isn't XPages as it exists today - while that's still a possibility, it's a lot less fun to speculate about.

As it has been for years, this remains on my mind, but my recent addition of JSF to the XPages Jakarta EE project caused it to bubble back to the top of my musings.

Conceptual Tools

Before getting into some speculative specifics, I'd like to first take a step back and assess the concepts we're working with.

In that post, and as I frequently do, I referred back to an old post of mine discussing how an XPage is best thought of as a tree of components, one most-commonly described by way of the XSP markup language. The critical concept there is that there's nothing that inherently ties an XPage to the specific thing that sends HTML to the browser, and all the moreso when you're talking about the XML. While "XPages" as an entity on Domino encompasses an entire stack that starts just barely above the bottom of nHTTP, "an XPage" as such is almost always just XML that describes what you want to happen on the page. There are parts of it that are more specific than others, for sure: <xp:inputText/> has equivalents in a million other languages, but value="#{javascript: ...}" starts getting into some gnarly implementation specifics. Still, the point is that anything that can successfully interpret XSP markup can be considered functionally "XPages" for most uses.

The next handy concept to keep in mind is related, and that's that code is data. This is most apparent with an XML-based language like XSP, but it applies to everything. SSJS code is absolutely data: it's just strings that happen to be parsed out at runtime as ASTs and then executed. For SSJS, there's no explicit guarantee that facesContext refers to an instance of javax.faces.context.FacesContext or one of its subclasses. Heck, there's no specific requirement that even referring to the class by name would reference the same thing. It's just data and can be interepreted as the runtime seems fit.

And that goes further: Java bytecode is just data too. OSGi has a mechanism to alter classes at load time that already exists and works great on Domino. Also pertinently, Eclipse Transformer is a tool that translates code (source or compiled) that references javax.* JEE classes to jakarta.* classes, and is used commonly now by webapp runtimes to support both legacy and new apps with the same codebase. Fancy stuff, that.

The Musing

So back to what I've been pondering. I think I did mostly a good job covering the bases in my original post, but time and experience has given me further perspective.

JSF Driver For XSP

When I first mentioned it, I brushed the concept of writing a driver for JSF off a bit - not fully, but I did give it a shorter shrift than it deserved.

To begin with, this concept exists in JSF: the view declaration language. Now, it's not actually used for this sort of "transplant" thing, mind you: in practice, it's a concept that was used to transition from JSP as the language to write JSF pages to Facelets and not much else. Still, there's no inherent reason why one couldn't write a VDL driver for JSF that would interpret XSP markup and create components based on it. This is especially true because XSP itself doesn't really contain any real curveballs: it's a pretty basic mapping of tags to component names and attributes to bean properties, with the main hiccup being <xp:this.action>-type complex properties.


I've also given some thought to that tag-to-component mapping. One way to do that would be to make an interpreter that sees <xp:inputText/> and, instead of translating it to, would instead translate it to a newer stock component. I thereby brushed it off as being properly too complex to be workable, as XPages's nature as a hard fork of JSF meant that things like the java.faces.component.UIComponent#_xspGetStateId method would prove intractable.

I'm less sure of this difficulty now, though. The switch from javax.faces to jakarta.faces means there's room for coexistence on the same classpath, as I now have in the JEE project. This means there's a lot of room for adapting older code unchanged by way of using wrapper objects and proxies.

For the former, what I mean is that, while a JSF 4.x implementation like MyFaces 4 now has no knowledge of what a javax.faces.component.UIInput is, it doesn't have to: all it needs is a subclass of jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent that can fit into a tree and respond to normal JSF calls like processUpdates. The "real" JSF stack in front could pass in incoming form data from the client just the same as it does now, and a wrapped legacy XPages class could handle it exactly as it does now. Things get more complicated than that, but not impossibly so.

This is similar to all the Servlet-object wrapping and unwrapping I do in the JEE support project. These wrappers interpret and route equivalent method calls to the delegates they're wrapping, and so Servlet 5 code doesn't care that it's working with a Servlet 2.4 request, and similarly the Servlet 2.4 code can continue to know nothing at all about Servlet 5. The glue code handles the simple wrapper-based translations between the layers.

So, in this way, the XPages fork of JSF could remain essentially untouched. As long as the runtime does things like inserting an appropriate old-style FacesContext object into javax.faces.context.FacesContext and the like, no one needs to be the wiser.

And this is where Java object proxies could come into play. Where I've above said things like "an instance of javax.faces.context.FacesContext" or "an... object", that doesn't even need to be a real class that you construct with new Foo(). While Java's built-in proxies only work with interfaces, libraries like Javassist can generate proxy objects for true classes as well. One could have a proxy object that checks to see if an incoming method is compatible with the new style and use that one, or otherwise route to a wrapped class, and yet remain class-cast compatible with old code. I'm not sure this would be required if wrapping was done fully, but it's good to know as an option.


Then there's user code. I was going to have a bunch of stuff to say in this section, but it's actually all largely covered by the steps that would be necessary for keeping runtime code compatible, if that were the route to take. If user code calls javax.faces.context.FacesContext#getCurrentInstance, then it'd get a legacy object; if it calls jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext#getCurrentInstance, then it'd get the new-era one. That'd be the same as the work necessary to keep the old parts chugging along.

Now, if the old parts were to change - were the task to be to make it so that the classes are based on JSF 4.x - then there'd be some fiddling to do for user code. But, again, it'd be largely the same idea. You could either translate the code as it's loaded (for Java) or executed (for SSJS) or you could pass wrapper objects around. So all the same ideas apply.


I've also been thinking a lot about the notion of an "XPages 2" or the like existing alongside XPages as it is now. For example, you could imagine a variant of "XPages" that is indeed a JSF view definition language that interprets XSP markup, but which doesn't attempt to guarantee pure compatibility with existing code. Maybe it'd get 80% of the way there - it'd interpret components in largely the same way, but wouldn't guarantee that every little bit of code that dives down into the runtime implementation would work identically, and wouldn't guarantee that every fiddly detail of the XPages lifecycle and its optimizations would execute in the exact same way.

In such a scenario, there wouldn't be any particular need to remove or change the old stuff. This is the scenario that JEE app servers all faced with the jakarta.* move: you can't realistically expect every app to be transformed (automatically or otherwise) to work with the new versions, especially because old apps may target even-older specs that have since had other breaking changes.

In Domino, there are a few ways one could go about accomplishing this. One way would be to do kind of like what I do for JSP and JSF: tell NSFService to handle a given extension and then write a factory to handle it. In this way, you could declare a new extension, say ".xspx" (note: please do not use this extension), and then route incoming requests to a handler that's like normal XPages but not 100% compatible.

Alternatively, you could do something I've pondered for a while, which is to make another HttpService implementation that would check for a flag in the database referenced in incoming .nsf-containing URLs to see if it's set to "new mode" and, if so, interpret the request however which way it would like. Such a service could disregard all old rules for URL handling if it wanted, and could worry much less about the potential of cross-contamination between request types. It'd be more work, but is an intriguing possibility.


So is any of this the right way to go about dealing with our dear old friend XPages? I don't know - maybe. This is all pretty off-the-cuff, and I haven't necessarily thought through all the implications, but I do feel like there's more wiggle room here than I'd originally assumed. It's interesting to think about, at the very least.

JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project

Fri Feb 11 14:31:38 EST 2022

Tags: jakartaee jsf
  1. Dec 14 2021 - Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. Dec 20 2021 - JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Jan 06 2022 - Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. Jan 11 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. Jan 13 2022 - DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Jan 25 2022 - Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Feb 07 2022 - Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. Feb 11 2022 - JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. Apr 28 2022 - So Why Jakarta?
  10. May 25 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Jul 11 2022 - Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Jul 20 2022 - Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. Nov 22 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. Apr 20 2023 - XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. May 04 2023 - The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. May 25 2023 - XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. Jul 21 2023 - XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. Oct 27 2023 - XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. Feb 16 2024 - XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

When I talked about adding Jakarta NoSQL to the JEE support project, I mentioned how that in a way completed the pitch for this project as a full development mechanism. With data access and MVC+JSP in place, now it provides tools to build REST-based or server-rendered UIs backed cleanly by Domino data. Neat!

But, much like I had previously danced around the question of data access, there was still a spectre lurking in the background, a long-standing part of the Java/Jakarta EE platform: JSF, now named Jakarta Server Faces. This has unsurprisingly been gnawing at the back of my mind, since "upgrade JSF" has been one of the longest-running requests for XPages, starting basically right after JSF 1.2 came out with a smattering of technologies XPages didn't get.

While the notion of un-forking XPages is intriguing, it's its own big pile of work, and not in this project's bailiwick to address. What this project can do, though, is bring current JSF to an NSF alongside XPages. This proposition has a lot going on, so I think it'll be worth discussing both the practical elements and the implications.

How Is JSF Doing Nowadays, Anyway?

To start out with, it will be instructive to look at how JSF has fared since XPages split off from it in the JSF 1.1 era. We'll use the version history from Wikipedia as a starting point:

  1. 2004 - JSF 1.0
  2. 2004 - JSF 1.1 (minor release)
  3. 2006 - JSF 1.2 (feature release, included in Java EE)
  4. 2009 - JSF 2.0 (major release with significant improvements)
  5. 2010 - JSF 2.1 (minor release)
  6. 2013 - JSF 2.2 (feature release)
  7. 2017 - JSF 2.3 (feature release)

So... this is a real mixed bag, huh? Since XPages, JSF received a few major feature releases, progressing to 2.3. But, uh, the gaps in the years, though - that's ominous. And 2017 was the last feature update? Hrm.

But wait - when I tweeted about it, the screenshot says "JSF 4.0". What's going on there?

Well, like all active JEE specs, Faces received a major-version bump for semantic-versioning purposes when moving to the jakarta.* namespace. Version 3.0 came out in 2020, but was functionally identical to 2.3 from 2017, just with the API package names changed.

After that point, though, the future is in the Eclipse Foundation's hands, and each Jakarta spec is deciding its fate for future releases. Some specs, like JSP, are focusing on non-breaking releases that focus on just a handful of fixes and clarifications. Faces, though, seems to have be the focus of some pent-up desires for change that are coming to fruition now that there's headroom for it.

Faces 4.0 gets another major-version bump because it involves some breaking changes that go beyond just the package names, including outright removing old deprecated features in favor of better modern options. Beyond that, it gains some outright new features - not the sort of features that would change a developer's life, but useful stuff.

Does this mean that JSF is in the prime of its life? Well, time will tell, and merely having developers settle what was presumably very old business doesn't guarantee a vibrant future, but it's a nice sign. In any event, it's not dead, so it has that going for it. Plus, the repositories for "ecosystem" libraries like PrimeFaces and Tobago are quite active, which is important.

So Is It Good? Is This How We Should Write Apps?

Maybe! I'm not sure. I mean, there's no getting around the general popularity of client-JS-first app dev, and the server side of that is covered well by JAX-RS. That said, current popularity isn't everything when it comes to development: it's all about the problems it solves. For the type of development usually done for Domino, server-side apps fit quite well, and even an exceedingly-adept developer can often get results quicker in an integrated stack of this type.

In any event, I expect I'll give it a shot for a bit and see how it shakes out.

How Does This Even Work? Doesn't It Conflict With XPages?

I'm glad you asked! Part of the problem I'd tangled with with this project from the start was that the aging versions of the various JEE specs - and the XPages JSF fork - are essentially unmovable obstacles. If I want to have a project that enhances Domino in place rather than replacing it in whole or in part, I have to deal with the stuff that's there.

Fortunately, like with pseudo-updating the core Servlet spec, the javax.*-to-jakarta.* namespace move is my savior. Honestly, being a trademark stickler may be the best thing Oracle's ever done from my perspective. Thanks to this switch, all the concerns API-side about distinguishing versions disappeared. While I might know that javax.faces.context.FacesContext and jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext are competing versions of the same spec, Java doesn't know - they're completely unrelated.

However, as with some other components, the API isn't the whole story. While the API packages all changed for Jakarta EE 9, the implementations generally kept their original packages. XPages is based on the original JSF implementation, which is now Mojarra over at Eclipse. This implementation uses the com.sun.faces namespace. While most of the XPages-specific stuff is under, all those Sun-branded classes are still floating around, like com.sun.faces.RIConstants and com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl. Moreover, XPages still uses com.sun.faces prefixes for stored application properties. For example, there's an ApplicationAssociate object that Sun-JSF and XPages use to keep track of app-specific information, and it stashes this in the conceptual NSF application. Using Mojarra, these sorts of classes and properties conflict, and things got hairy, with me trying to stash the com.sun stuff to the side per-request, with only partial success.

Fortunately, Mojarra isn't the only game in town: Apache MyFaces is alive and well, including with an actively-developed 4.0 branch. This implementation does not derive from the original, and doesn't use the com.sun.faces namespace. As an intriguing tidbit, Notes (but not Domino) actually includes MyFaces 1.1; I'm guessing it's another thing in there to support some kind of "Social" foofaraw.

Anyway, MyFaces was my ticket to success. Not only did it remove the problem of needing to walk on eggshells with package and attribute names, but the fact that it's a wholly-different implementation removed some of the other weird problems I was dealing with from the table.

Required Infrastructure Improvements

Unlike some of the more staid specs (like JSP) or cutting-edge ones (like MVC and NoSQL), both JSF implementations lean heavily on Servlet-spec features that showed up after Domino's 2.4 implementation. While they fortunately don't require filters, they do heavily use listeners of many stripes.

So, like when I had to hack together RequestDispatcher support to implement MVC, I had to do similarly here to support attribute listeners and manually kick of lifecycle event notifications.

I realize I'm kind of baking my way into making a full Servlet 5 container on top of Domino's rickety old one. There's way more work to make that an actual thing, but it's intriguing seeing it take shape just as incidental work from implementing other parts.

Next Steps

For the next steps, I'm not quite sure. For what it is, I think it's all working pretty well. However, while JSF on its own provides a lot of functionality, it's stuff like the component libraries from PrimeFaces that makes it a full toolkit. In a normal case, the server itself wouldn't provide component packs like PrimeFaces or Tobago - the app itself would bring them in as Maven/etc. dependencies and they would be included as part of the WAR. This would probably work in an NSF, but the experience of developing in an NSF when you have JARs in the classpath is... not great. Accordingly, I'm pondering including one or both of those in the project. It'd have tradeoffs, but it might make sense, or maybe it'd make sense to have associated projects that package them as distinct libraries to include. We'll see.

Designer Experiment and Feature Request: JSF Tools in Designer

Wed Sep 17 18:31:59 EDT 2014

Tags: jsf fixit

TL;DR: You can install JSF tools in Designer to help out quite a bit with faces-config.xml editing, but there are bugs that may require changes in Designer's code to fix.

I was having a discussion about Andrew Magerman's recent on-point jeremiad about SSJS and the topic got to the difficulty of using Java in XPages if you don't already know the ropes - creating classes, managed beans, etc.. I looked around a bit for examples of how other tools do it, and I found this page on using the Web Tools Platform (WTP) plugins in Eclipse for doing basic JSF development. Looking through the tutorial, you can see parts that don't apply to XPages (the stuff about locating the tags and creating JSP elements), but some parts clearly would, such as the faces-config.xml editor. Mid-lamentation about how this isn't available to us, I noticed the date: June 18, 2007. "2007?" I said to myself. "Why, that's even older than Designer!"

So I set out trying to cram this stuff into Designer. The first step was to find a version of WTP that would work with the base version of Eclipse used in Designer - Ganymede, or Eclipse 3.4. I found an archived build of WTP version 3.0.5, which fits our needs. Unlike most Eclipse plugins, the download lacks a normal site.xml file, so I dropped the features and plugins into their respective folders in <Notes Data>\domino\workspace\applications\eclipse.

The next step was to install the prerequisites. To do that, I added the standard Ganymede Update Site to Designer in the File → Application → Install screen with the name "Ganymede" and URL "". I found everything I could relating to the core EMF, EMF XSD, GEF, DTP, and their SDKs. Once I had them installed and I restarted, I went to File → Application → Application Management to find the category containing the WTP stuff, the "Java EE Developer Tools":

For me, it was disabled by default, so I had to click the "show disabled" icon (the third in the toolbar) and then select and enable it. If you're missing any dependencies, it'll tell you, though it'll give you the plugin ID instead of a friendly name. Fortunately, it's usually easy enough to match the friendly name to what you need from the Update Site. Everything is in there, in any event.

Once that stuff was enabled (and I restarted Designer), I still had the task of actually enabling the tools for an NSF project. Normally, you'd create a new Web Project in Eclipse and it would come pre-configured, but that's not how it works with NSFs. There's supposed to be a way to enable the features after the fact to an existing project ("Project Facets"), but I found that that didn't even show up until I took a couple steps first.

To find what I needed, I created a new Web project (New → Web → Dynamic Web Project) with the "JavaServer Faces v1.1 Project" configuration:

Then, I went to copy some of the project settings from that project into the NSF. To do that, I enabled displaying dotfiles in the Package Explorer (the "sandwich" icon → Filters... → uncheck ".* resources") and then opened ".project" inside the newly-created project. From there, I copied some lines from the natures node of the XML and pasted them into the same place in the ".project" file for the NSF:


I also copied two files from the ".settings" folder of the new project to the one in the NSF:


Once I did that, I was able to right-click on the NSF project, go to Properties, and see "Project Facets". In there, I selected the "JavaServer Faces v1.2 Project" and then clicked the "Further configuration required..." link that sprouts at the bottom. I tweaked the settings slightly to match the NSF layout, namely the source folder:

Then I hit Next and... nothing happened. Or, more accurately, an NPE was thrown out to the OSGi console. That appears to happen sometimes and I'm not sure what triggers it, but some combination of re-opening Designer and re-copying those files seems to help. Who knows?

Once the Next button DID work, the next page was fine, so I hit okay. When I did that, Eclipse got to work JSF-ifying the project, creating stuff like web.xml and MANIFEST.MF files we don't need. Those aren't important (I wish web.xml was important), but they're not everything it enables: the cool thing that you get to use is the faces-config.xml editor. Since the DB I created used an older, pre-Framework-and-@ManagedBean version of my XPages Scaffolding project, it came chock full of values already filled in:

And it's not just viewing what's there. The editor comes with tools for letting you create each of these elements. In some cases, it's just a Java class picker (which on its own is valuable due to not having to remember the XML element name), but in others it's much more complex. Managed beans are a perfect example - the editor lets you create beans based on either an existing class or an inline new class (make sure you pick the right source folder), it recommends a name for you (for if you're lazy), and even lets you specify the different types of managed properties, the names of which it picks up from the getters and setters in the class (!):

This includes the esoteric list and map values:

So this is pretty cool, huh? Should everyone just drop it into Designer and lead better, more-productive XPage-developing lives? Well... not quite. Aside from the fact that we can't use all the other goodies from the tool set (like the JSP editor) and the parts that the tools don't know about (like view-scoped managed beans), there's a problem wherein part of the configuration needed to support the editor is reset whenever you close and re-open the NSF in Designer. I've been able to track down changes it makes to the .settings/.jsdtscope file, but just fixing that isn't enough to make it work again (or, if it is, it takes a project re-open to refresh, which defeats the point). The upshot is that you need to go through that project-facet setup every time you open the project. The editor also doesn't open up when you open faces-config.xml from the "Applications" view, only the "Package Explorer" view (well, presumably any non-"Applications" view would do).

This is where the feature request comes in: I think this sort of thing should be in Designer (better: the XPages/VFS bits of Designer should be in stock Eclipse, but that's a larger project). There's a lot standing in between us and using all of the available web tools, but even just the faces-config.xml editor would go miles toward making Java palatable to legacy-Notes developers, and would even be a nice quality-of-life improvement to those of us who breathe Java daily. The first step to improving XPages app development is to make it easier to do the right thing, and this would be a big step in that direction.