Showing posts for tag "dsapi"

Per-NSF-Scoped JWT Authorization With JavaSapi

Sat Jun 04 10:35:05 EDT 2022

Tags: domino dsapi java
  1. May 19 2022 - Poking Around With JavaSapi
  2. Jun 04 2022 - Per-NSF-Scoped JWT Authorization With JavaSapi
  3. Jul 05 2022 - WebAuthn/Passkey Login With JavaSapi

In the spirit of not leaving well enough alone, I decided the other day to tinker a bit more with JavaSapi, the DSAPI peer tucked away undocumented in Domino. While I still maintain that this is too far from supported for even me to put into production, I think it's valuable to demonstrate the sort of thing that this capability - if made official - would make easy to implement.


I've talked about JWT a bit before, and it was in a similar context: I wanted to be able to access a third-party API that used JWT to handle authorization, so I wrote a basic library that could work with LS2J. While JWT isn't inherently tied to authorization like this, it's certainly where it's found a tremendous amount of purchase.

JWT has a couple neat characteristics, and the ones that come in handy most frequently are a) that you can enumerate specific "claims" in the token to restrict what the token allows the user to do and b) if you use a symmetric signature key, you can generate legal tokens on the client side without the server having to generate them. "b" there is optional, but makes JWT a handy way to do a quick shared secret between servers to allow for trusted authentication.

It's a larger topic than that, for sure, but that's the quick and dirty of it.

Mixing It With An NSF

Normally on Domino, you're either authenticated for the whole server or you're not. That's usually fine - if you want to have a restricted account, you can specifically grant it access to only a few NSFs. However, it's good to be able to go more fine-grained, restricting even powerful accounts to only do certain things in some contexts.

So I had the notion to take the JWT capability and mix it with JavaSapi to allow you to do just that. The idea is this:

  1. You make a file resource (hidden from the web) named "jwt.txt" that contains your per-NSF secret.
  2. A remote client makes a request with an Authorization header in the form of Bearer Some.JWT.Here
  3. The JavaSapi interceptor sees this, checks the target NSF, loads the secret, verifies it against the token, and authorizes the user if it's legal

As it turns out, this turned out to be actually not that difficult in practice at all.

The main core of the code is:

public int authenticate(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    IJavaSapiHttpRequestAdapter req = context.getRequest();

    // In the form of "/foo.nsf/bar"
    String uri = req.getRequestURI();
    String secret = getJwtSecret(uri);
    if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(secret)) {
        try {
            String auth = req.getHeader("Authorization"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(auth) && auth.startsWith("Bearer ")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                String token = auth.substring("Bearer ".length()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                Optional<String> user = decodeAuthenticationToken(token, secret);
                if(user.isPresent()) {
                    req.setAuthenticatedUserName(user.get(), "JWT"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } catch(Throwable t) {


To read the JWT secret, I used IBM's NAPI:

private String getJwtSecret(String uri) {
    int nsfIndex = uri.toLowerCase().indexOf(".nsf"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if(nsfIndex > -1) {
        String nsfPath = uri.substring(1, nsfIndex+4);
        try {
            NotesSession session = new NotesSession();
            try {
                if(session.databaseExists(nsfPath)) {
                    // TODO cache lookups and check mod time
                    NotesDatabase database = session.getDatabase(nsfPath);
                    NotesNote note = FileAccess.getFileByPath(database, SECRET_NAME);
                    if(note != null) {
                        return FileAccess.readFileContentAsString(note);
            } finally {
        } catch(Exception e) {
    return null;

And then, for the actual JWT handling, I use the auth0 java-jwt library:

public static Optional<String> decodeAuthenticationToken(final String token, final String secret) {
	if(token == null || token.isEmpty()) {
		return Optional.empty();
	try {
		Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(secret);
		JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm)
		DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token);
		Claim claim = jwt.getClaim(CLAIM_USER);
		if(claim != null) {
			return Optional.of(claim.asString());
		} else {
			return Optional.empty();
	} catch (IllegalArgumentException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
		throw new RuntimeException(e);

And, with that in place, it works:

JWT authentication in action

That text is coming from a LotusScript agent - as I mentioned in my original JavaSapi post, this authentication is trusted the same way DSAPI authentication is, and so all elements, classic or XPages, will treat the name as canon.

Because the token is based on the secret specifically from the NSF, using the same token against a different NSF (with no JWT secret or a different one) won't authenticate the user:

JWT ignored by a different endpoint

If we want to be fancy, we can call this scoped access.

This is the sort of thing that makes me want JavaSapi to be officially supported. Custom authentication and request filtering are much, much harder on Domino than on many other app servers, and JavaSapi dramatically reduces the friction.

Poking Around With JavaSapi

Thu May 19 16:49:22 EDT 2022

Tags: dsapi java
  1. May 19 2022 - Poking Around With JavaSapi
  2. Jun 04 2022 - Per-NSF-Scoped JWT Authorization With JavaSapi
  3. Jul 05 2022 - WebAuthn/Passkey Login With JavaSapi

Earlier this morning, Serdar Basegmez and Karsten Lehmann had a chat on Twitter regarding the desire for OAuth on Domino and their recollections of a not-quite-shipped technology from a decade ago going by the name "JSAPI".

Seeing this chat go by reminded me of some stuff I saw when I was researching the Domino HTTP Java entrypoint last year. Specifically, these guys, which have been sitting there since at least 9.0.1:

JavaSapi class files in

I'd made note of them at the time, since there's a lot of tantalizing stuff in there, but had put them back on the shelf when I found that they seemed to be essentially inert at runtime. For all of IBM's engineering virtues (and there are many), they were never very good at cleaning up their half-implemented experiments when it came time to ship, and I figured this was more of the same.

What This Is

Well, first and foremost, it is essentially a non-published experiment: I see no reference to these classes or how to enable them anywhere, and so everything within these packages should be considered essentially radioactive. While they're proving to be quite functional in practice, it's entirely possible - even likely - that the bridge to this side of thing is full of memory leaks and potential severe bugs. Journey at your own risk and absolutely don't put this in production. I mean that even more in this case than my usual wink-and-nod "not for production" coyness.

Anyway, this is the stuff Serdar and Karsten were talking about, named "JavaSapi" in practice. It's a Java equivalent to DSAPI, the API you can hook into with native libraries to perform low-level alterations to requests. DSAPI is neat, but it's onerous to use: you have to compile down to a native library, target each architecture you plan to run on, deploy that to each server, and enable it in the web site config. There's a reason not a lot of people use it.

Our new friend JavaSapi here provides the same sorts of capabilities (rewriting URLs, intercepting requests, allowing for arbitrary user authentication (more on this later), and so forth) but in a friendlier environment. It's not just that it's Java, either: JavaSapi runs in the full OSGi environment provided by HTTP, which means it swims in the same pool as XPages and all of your custom libraries. That has implications.

How To Use It

By default, it's just a bunch of classes sitting there, but the hook down to the core level (in remains, and it can be enabled like so:


(strings is a useful tool)

Once that's enabled, you should start seeing a line like this on HTTP start:

[01C0:0002-1ADC] 05/19/2022 03:37:17 PM  HTTP Server: JavaSapi Initialized

Now, there's a notable limitation here: the JavaSapi environment isn't intended to be arbitrarily extensible, and it's hard-coded to only know about one service by default. That service is interesting - it's an OAuth 2 provider of undetermined capability - but it's not the subject of this post. The good news is that Java is quite malleable, so it's not too difficult to shim in your own handlers by writing to the services instance variable of the shared JavaSapiEnvironment instance (which you might have to construct if it's not present).

Once you have that hook, it's just a matter of writing a JavaSapiService instance. This abstract class provides fairly-pleasant hooks for the triggers that DSAPI has, and nicely wraps requests and responses in Servlet-alike objects.

Unlike Servlet objects, though, you can set a bunch of stuff on these objects, subject to the same timing and pre-filtering rules you'd have in DSAPI. For example, in the #rawRequest method, you can add or overwrite headers from the incoming request before they get to any other code:

public int rawRequest(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    context.getRequest().setRequestHeader("Host", "foo-bar.galaxia");

If you want to, you can also handle the entire request outright:

public int rawRequest(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    if(context.getRequest().getRequestURI().contains("foobar")) {
        context.getResponse().setHeader("Content-Type", "text/foobar");
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

You probably won't want to, since we're not lacking for options when it comes to responding to web requests in Java, but it's nice to know you can.

You can even respond to tell http foo commands:

public int processConsoleCommand(String[] argv, int argc) {
    if(argc > 0) {
        if("foo".equals(argv[0])) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            System.out.println(getClass().getSimpleName() + " was told " + Arrays.toString(argv));
            return HTEXTENSION_SUCCESS;

So that's neat.

The fun one, as it usually is, is the #authenticate method. One of the main reasons one might use DSAPI in the first place is to provide your own authentication mechanism. I did it years and years ago, Oracle did it for their middleware, and HCL themselves did it recently for the AppDev Pack's OAuth implementation.

So you can do the same here, like this super-secure implementation:

public int authenticate(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    context.getRequest().setAuthenticatedUserName("CN=Hello From " + getClass().getName(), getClass().getSimpleName());

The cool thing is that this has the same characteristics as DSAPI: if you declare the request authenticated here, it will be fully trusted by the rest of HTTP. That means not just Java - all the classic stuff will trust it too:

Screenshot showing JavaSapi authentication in action


Again: this stuff is even further from supported than the usual components I muck around in, and you shouldn't trust any of it to work more than you can actively observe. The point here isn't that you should actually use this, but more that it's interesting what things you can find floating around the Domino stack.

Were this to be supported, though, it'd be phenomenally useful. One of Domino's stickiest limitations as an app server is the difficulty of extending its authentication schemes. It's always been possible to do so, but DSAPI is usually prohibitively difficult unless you either have a bunch of time on your hands or a strong financial incentive to use it. With something like this, you could toss Apache Shiro in there as a canonical source of user authentication, or maybe add in Soteria - the Jakarta Security implementation - to get per-app authentication.

There's also that OAuth 2 thing floating around in there, which does have a usable extension point, but I think it's fair to assume that it's unfinished.

This is all fun to tinker with, though, and sometimes that's good enough.

A Partially-Successful Venture Into Improving Reverse Proxies With Domino

Sat Jan 30 16:00:41 EST 2021

  1. Dec 08 2012 - Putting Apache in Front of Domino
  2. May 30 2013 - Better Living Through Reverse Proxies
  3. Nov 01 2015 - Domino's Server-Side User Security
  4. Jan 30 2021 - A Partially-Successful Venture Into Improving Reverse Proxies With Domino
  5. Jan 19 2022 - PSA: Reverse-Proxy Regression in Domino 12.0.1

I've long been an advocate for Domino's HTTPEnableConnectorHeaders notes.ini setting. That's the one that lets you pass some WebSphere-derived headers like $WSRA and (particularly-dangerously) $WSRU to Domino and have them fully override the normal values for the incoming host, user, and more.

I'm still a big fan of it, but it always come with the irritating absolute requirement that Domino not be publicly-accessible, lest any schmoe come along and pretend to be any user on your server. That's fine and all, but sometimes it's useful to have Domino be accessible without the proxy, such as for troubleshooting. What I really want it selective enabling of this feature based on source IP. So I set out this weekend to try to implement this.

The Core Idea

The mechanism for doing the lowest-level manipulation you can with HTTP on Domino is to use DSAPI, the specialized API for the web server task specifically. Unfortunately, working with DSAPI means writing a native library with C ABI entrypoints for a handful of known functions. I don't enjoy writing C (though I respect it thoroughly), but I've done it before, so I set out making a project plan.

My goal was to support the X-Forwarded-* headers that are common among reverse proxies, allowing administrators to use this common idiom instead of the $WS* headers, and also having the side effect of removing the "act as this user" part from the equation. I figured I'd make up a notes.ini property that took a comma-separated set of IP patterns, look for requests coming in from those hosts, and elevate the X-Forwarded-* headers in them up to their equivalent real properties.

Initial Side Trip Into Rust

Since C in the hands of a dilettante such as myself has a tendency to result in crashed servers and memory bugs, I figured this might be a good opportunity to learn Rust, the programming language that sprung out of Mozilla-the-organization that focuses heavily on safety, and which has some mechanisms for low-level C interoperability.

I figured this would let me learn the language, have a safer program, and avoid having to bring in third-party C libraries for e.g. regex matching.

I made some progress on this, getting to the point where I was able to actually get the filter compiled and loaded properly. However, I ended up throwing up my hands and shelving it for now when I got lost in the weeds of how to call function pointers contained in pointers to C structs. I'm sure it's possible, but I figured I shouldn't keep spending all my time working out fiddly details before I even knew if what I wanted to do was possible.

Back to C

So, hat in hand, I returned to C. Fortunately, I realized that fnmatch(3) would suit my pattern-matching needs just fine, so I didn't actually need to worry about regexes after all.

Jaw set and brimming with confidence, I set out writing the filter. I cast my mind back to my old AP Computer Science days to remember how to do a linked list to allow for an arbitrary number of patterns, got my filter registered, and then set about intercepting requests.

However... it looks like I can't actually do what I want. The core trouble is this: while I can intercept the request fairly early and add or override headers, it seems that the server/CGI variables - like REMOTE_HOST - are read-only. So, while I could certainly identify the remote host as a legal proxy server and then read the X-Forwarded-For header, I can't do anything with that information. Curses.

My next thought was that I could stick with the $WS* headers on the proxy side, but then use a DSAPI filter to remove them when they're being sent from an unauthorized host. Unfortunately, I was stymied there too: the acceptance of those headers happens before any of the DSAPI events fire. So, by the time I can see the headers, I don't have any record of the true originating host - only the one sent in via the $WSRA header.

The Next-Best Route

Since I can't undo the $WS* processing, I'd have to find a way to identify the remote proxy other than its address. I decided that, while not ideal, I could at least do this with a shared secret. So that's what I've settled on for now: you can specify a value in the HTTPConnectorHeadersSecret notes.ini property and then the filter will verify that $WS*-containing requests also include the header X-ConnectorHeaders-Secret with that value. When it finds a request with a connector header but without a matching secret, it unceremoniously drops the request into processing oblivion, resulting in a 404.

I'm not as happy with this as I would have been with my original plan, but I figure it should work. Or, at least, I figure it will enough that it's worth mulling over for a while to decide if I want to deploy it anywhere. In the mean time, it's up on GitHub for anyone curious.

Additionally, kindly go vote for the X-Forwarded-For ideas on the Domino Ideas portal, since this should really be built in.

The DSAPI Login Filter I Wrote Years Ago

Mon May 19 15:02:18 EDT 2014

Tags: dsapi c

In one of the conversations I had at the meetup yesterday, I was reminded of the DSAPI filter I use on my server for authentication, and remembered I'd yet to properly blog about it.

Years ago, I had a problem: I was setting up an XPages-based forum site for my WoW guild, and I wanted sticky logins. Since my guildies are actual humans and not corporate drones subject to the whims of an IT department, I couldn't expect them to put up with having to log in every browser session, nor did I want to deal with SSO tokens expiring seemingly randomly during normal use. My first swing at the problem was to grossly extend the length of Domino's web sessions and tweak the auth cookie on the server to make it persist between browser launches, but that still broke whenever I restarted the server or HTTP task.

What I wanted instead was a way to have the user authenticate in a way that was separate from the normal Domino login routine, but would still grant them normal rights as a Domino user, reader fields and all. Because my sense of work:reward ratios is terribly flawed, I wrote a DSAPI filter in C. Now, I hadn't written a line of C since a course or two in college, and I hadn't the foggiest notion of how the Domino C API works (for the record, I consider myself as now having exactly the foggiest notion), and the result is a mess. However, it contains the kernel of some interesting concepts. So here's the file, warts, unncessary comments, probable memory leaks or buffer overflows, and all:


The gist of the way my login works is that, when you log in to the forum app, a bit of code (in an SSJS library, because I was young and foolish) finds the appropriate ShortName, does a basic XOR semi-encryption on it, BASE64s the result, and stores it in a cookie. The job of this DSAPI filter, then, is to look for the presence of the cookie, de-BASE64 it, re-XOR it back to shape, and pass the username back to Domino.

Now, the thing that's interesting to me is that, because you've hooked directly into Domino's authentication stack, the server trusts the filter's result implicitly. It doesn't have to check the password and - interestingly - the user doesn't actually have to exist in any known Directory. So you can make up any old thing:

CN=James T. Kirk/OU=Starfleet/O=UFP

Though I do not, in fact, maintain a Directory for the Federation, Domino is perfectly happy to take this name and run with it, generating a full-fledged names list:

Names List: CN=James T. Kirk/OU=Starfleet/O=UFP, *, */OU=Starfleet/O=UFP, */O=UFP

It gets better: you can use any of these names, globs included, in Directory groups or DB-level ACLs and they're included transparently. So I set up a couple groups in the main Directory containing either the full username or "*/OU=Starfleet/O=UFP" and also granted "*/O=UFP" Editor access and an Admin role in the DB itself. Lo and behold:

Names List: CN=James T. Kirk/OU=Starfleet/O=UFP, *, */OU=Starfleet/O=UFP, */O=UFP, Starfleet Captains, Guys Who Aren't As Good As Picard, [Admin]
Access Level: Editor

Now we're somewhere interesting! Though I didn't use it for this purpose (all my users actually exist in a normal Directory), you could presumably use this to do per-app user pools while still maintaining the benefits of Domino-level authentication (reader fields, ACLs, user tracking). With a lot of coordination, you could write your C filter to look for appropriate views in the database matching the incoming HTTP request and only pass through the username when the cookie credentials match a document in the requested app. Really, only the requirements of high performance and the relentless difficulty of writing non-server-crashing C stand in between you and doing some really clever things with web authentication.