Showing posts for tag "cocoa"

Executing a Complicated OSGi-NSF-Surefire-NPM Build With Docker

Thu Aug 13 14:42:58 EDT 2020

  1. Jun 28 2020 - Weekend Domino-Apps-in-Docker Experimentation
  2. Aug 13 2020 - Executing a Complicated OSGi-NSF-Surefire-NPM Build With Docker
  3. Sep 14 2020 - Getting to Appreciate the Idioms of Docker

The other month, I got my feet wet with Docker after only conceptually following it for a long time. With that, I focused on getting a basic Jakarta EE app up and running with an active Notes runtime by way of the official Domino-on-Docker image provided by HCL.

Since that time, I'd been mulling over another use for it: having it handle the build process of my client's sprawling app. This started to become a more-pressing desire thanks to a couple factors:

  1. Though I have the build working pretty well on Jenkins, it periodically blocks indefinitely when it tries to launch the NSF ODP Compiler, presumably due to some sort of contention. I can go in and kill the build, but that's only when I notice it.
  2. The project is focusing more on an Angular-based UI, with a distinct set of programmers working on it, and the process of keeping a consistent Domino-side development environment up and running for them is a real hassle.
  3. Setting up a new environment with a Notes runtime is a hassle even for in-the-weeds developers like me.

The Goal

So I set out to use Docker to solve this problem. My idea was to write a script that would compose a Docker image containing all the necessary base tools - Java, Maven, Make for some reason, and so forth - bring in the Domino runtime from HCL's image, and add in a standard Notes ID file, names.nsf, and notes.ini that would be safe to keep in the private repo. Then, I'd execute a script within that environment that would run the Maven build inside the container using my current project tree.

The Dockerfile

Since I'm still not fully adept at Docker, it's been a rocky process, but I've managed to concoct something that works. I have a Dockerfile that looks like this (kindly ignore all cargo-culting for now):

FROM maven:3.6.3-adoptopenjdk-8-openj9
USER root

# Install toolchain files for the NPM native components
RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y python make gcc g   openssh-client git

# Configure the Maven environment and permissive root home directory
COPY settings.xml /root/.m2/
RUN mkdir -p /root/.m2/repository
RUN chmod -R 777 /root

# Bring in the Domino runtime
COPY --from=domino-docker:V1101_03212020prod /opt/hcl/domino/notes/11000100/linux /opt/hcl/domino/notes/latest/linux
COPY --from=domino-docker:V1101_03212020prod /local/notesdata /local/notesdata

# Some LotusScript libraries use an all-caps name for lsconst.lss
RUN ln -s lsconst.lss /opt/hcl/domino/notes/latest/linux/LSCONST.LSS

# Copy in our stock Notes ID and configuration files
COPY notesdata/* /local/notesdata/

# Prepare a permissive data environment
RUN chmod -R 777 /local/notesdata

The gist here is similar to my previous example, where it starts from the baseline Maven package. One notable difference is that I switched away from the -alpine variant I had inherited from my original Codewind example: I found that I would encounter npm: not found during the frontend build process, and discovered that this had to do with the starting Linux distribution.

The rest of it brings in the core Domino runtime and data directory from the official image, plus my pre-prepared Maven configuration. It also does the fun job of symlinking "lsconst.lss" to "LSCONST.LSS" to account for the fact that some of the LotusScript in the NSFs was written to assume Windows and refers to the include file by that name, which doesn't fly on a case-sensitive filesystem. That was a fun one to track down.

The script is just a shell script that runs several Maven commands specific to this project.

The Executor Script

The other main component is a Bash script, ./

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

mkdir -p ~/.m2/repository
mkdir -p ~/.ssh

# Clean any existing NPM builds
rm -rf ../app-ui/*/node_modules
rm -rf ../app-ui/*/dist

# Set up the Docker workspace
rm -rf scratch
mkdir -p scratch/builder
cp maven/* scratch/builder/
cp -r notesdata-server scratch/builder/notesdata

# Build the image and execute a Maven install
docker build scratch/builder -f build.Dockerfile -t app-build
docker run \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/..",target=/build \
    --mount type=bind,source="$HOME/.m2/repository",target=/root/.m2/repository \
    --mount type=bind,source="$HOME/.ssh",target=/root/.ssh \
    --rm \
    --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
    app-build \
    sh /

This script ensures that some common directories exist for the user, clears out any built Node results (useful for a local dev environment), copies configuration files into an image-building directory, and builds the image using the aforementioned Dockerfile. Then, it executes a command to spawn a temporary container using that image, run the build, and delete the container when done. Some of the operative bits and notes are:

  • I'm using --mount here maybe as opposed to --volume because I don't know that much about Docker. Or maybe it's the right one for my needs? It works, anyway, even if performance on macOS is godawful currently
  • I bring in the current user's Maven repository so that it doesn't have to regenerate the entire world on each build. I'm going to investigate a way to pre-package the dependencies in a cacheable Maven RUN command as my previous example did, but the sheer size of the project and OSGi dependencies tree makes that prohibitive at the moment
  • I bring in the current user's ~/.ssh directory because one of the NPM dependencies references its dependency via a GitHub SSH URL, which is insane and bad but I have to account for it. Looking at it now, I should really mark that one read-only
  • The --rm is the part that discards the container after completing, which is convenient
  • I use --user to specify a non-root user ID to run the build, since otherwise Docker on Linux ends up making the target results root-owned and un-deletable by Jenkins. This is also the cause of all those chmod -R 777 ... calls in the Dockerfile. There are gotchas to keep in mind when doing this

Miscellaneous Other Configuration

To get ODP ? NSF compilation working, I had to make sure that Maven knew about the Domino runtime. Fortunately, since it'll now be consistent, I'm able to make a stock settings.xml file and copy that in:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<settings xmlns=""

Those three are the by-convention properties I use in the NSF ODP Tooling and my Tycho-run test suites to pass information along to initialize the Notes process.

Future Improvements

The main thing I want to improve in the future is getting the dependencies loaded into the image ahead of time. Currently, in addition to sharing the local Maven repository, the command brings in not only the full project structure but also the app-dependencies submodule we use to store giant blobs of p2 sites needed by the build. The "Docker way" would be to compose these in as layers of the image, so that I could skip the --mount bit for them but have Docker's cache avoid the need to regenerate a large dependencies image each time.

I'd also like to pair this with app-runner Dockerfiles to launch the webapp variants of the XPages and JAX-RS projects in Liberty-based containers. Once I get that clean enough, I'll be able to hand that off to the frontend developers so that they can build the full app and have a local development environment with the latest changes from the repo, and no longer have to wonder whether one of the server-side developers has updated the Domino server with some change. Especially when that server-side developer is me, and it's Friday afternoon, and I just want to go play Baba Is You in peace.

In the mean time, though, it works, and works in a repeatable way. Once I figure out how to get Jenkins to read the test results of a freestyle project after the build, I hope to replace the Jenkins build process with this script, which should both make the process more reliable and allow me to run multiple simultaneous builds per node without worry about deadlocking contention.

CocoaLove Reflection

Sun Oct 26 20:13:10 EDT 2014

Tags: cocoa

This weekend, I attended CocoaLove, a new Mac/iOS-development-related conference held in Philadelphia. Though my Cocoa resume consists of doing various tutorials every few years for the last decade or so, the location, concept, and speaker lineup were impossible to resist.

The upshot: this was a great conference. As the tagline – "A conference about people, not tech." – indicates, the sessions weren't technical or even generally about programming as such. Instead, it was a bit more in the ATLUG Day of Champions vein. They covered a range of useful "surrounding" topics, from self-image, to lessons from other industries, to diversity (in a far more interesting sense than that semi-buzzword makes it sound). The secondary push of the conference was social-in-the-sense-of-socializing - the keynote encouraged everyone to introduce themselves and the tables were stocked with levels-of-introversion pins, something that could be a silly conceit but worked well.

In fact, the socializing push worked remarkably well, thanks in large part to the nature of the talks. Since it was a single-track conference and the topics weren't technical reference material, laptops were almost entirely sheathed the whole time and even phone-checking was shockingly limited. Since the event was in a single room, there was no walking around needed between sessions - the breaks were spent talking about the just-presented topic or getting to know the people sitting with you.

This was also personally a very interesting experience for me. When it comes to Cocoa development, I am but an egg. It was weird being back in the position of not being known by anyone and only knowing a few people by their works and reputation – it was like my first MWLUG a couple years ago. I had a bit of "I got to meet Marco Arment and Brent Simmons!" fanboy-ism, but mostly it was great meeting a whole slew of people in a community I've only ever observed from the outside. It also made me realize that I need to get over the hump of the train ride and watch for more events in the city.

For reference, as you'd probably expect, nobody had any idea what "IBM Domino" is other than one long-former IBMer. The reactions I got when I explained that I do Java development all day ranged from "ah, I've used that for some Android development" to the sort of sympathetic reaction you'd get if you told someone you were just evicted from your house.

On a final note, the conference badges were amazing. They were all hand-drawn renditions of attendees' Twitter-or-otherwise avatars and it was an unexpected cool touch. The Fracture (one of the sponsors) prints they threw in were a nice bonus.