Rewriting The OpenNTF Site With Jakarta EE, Part 1

Sun Jun 19 10:13:32 EDT 2022

Tags: jakartaee java
  1. Rewriting The OpenNTF Site With Jakarta EE, Part 1
  2. Rewriting The OpenNTF Site With Jakarta EE: UI

The design for the OpenNTF home page has been with us for a little while now and has served us pretty well. It looks good and covers the bases it needs to. However, it's getting a little long in the tooth and, more importantly, doesn't cover some capabilities that we're thinking of adding.

While we could potentially expand the current one, this provides a good opportunity for a clean start. I had actually started taking a swing at this a year and a half ago, taking the tack that I'd make a webapp and deploy it using the Domino Open Liberty Runtime. While that approach would put all technologies on the table, it'd certainly be weirder to future maintainers than an app inside an NSF (at least for now).

So I decided in the past few weeks to pick the project back up and move it into an NSF via the XPages Jakarta EE Support project. I can't say for sure whether I'll actually complete the project, but it'll regardless be a good exercise and has proven to be an excellent way to find needed features to implement.

I figure it'll also be useful to keep something of a travelogue here as I go, making posts periodically about what I've implemented recently.

The UI Toolkit

The original form of this project used MVC and JSP for the UI layer. Now that I was working in an NSF, I could readily use XPages, but for now I've decided to stick with the MVC approach. While it will make me have to solve some problems I wouldn't necessarily have to solve otherwise (like file uploads), it remains an extremely-pleasant way to write applications. I am also not constrained to this: since the vast majority of the logic is in Java beans and controller classes, switching the UI front-end would not be onerous. Also, I could theoretically mix JSP, JSF, XPages, and static HTML together in the app if I end up so inclined.

In the original app (as in this blog), I made use of WebJars to bring in JavaScript dependencies, namely Hotwire Turbo to speed up in-site navigation and use Turbo Frames. Since the NSF app in Designer doesn't have the Maven dependency mechanism the original app did, I just ended up copying the contents of the JAR into WebContent. That gave me a new itch to scratch, though: I'd love to be able to have META-INF/resources files in classpath JARs picked up by the runtime and made available, lowering the number of design elements present in the NSF.

The Data Backend

The primary benefit of this project so far has been forcing me to flesh out the Jakarta NoSQL driver in the JEE support project. I had kind of known hypothetically what features would be useful, but the best way to do this kind of thing is often to work with the tool until you hit a specific problem, and then solve that. So far, it's forced me to:

  • Implement the view support in my previous post
  • Add attachment support for documents, since we'll need to upload and download project releases
  • Improve handling of rich text and MIME, though this also has more room to grow
  • Switched the returned Streams from the driver to be lazy loading, meaning that not all documents/entries have to be read if the calling code stops reading the results partway through
  • Added the ability to use custom property types with readers/writers defined in the NSF

Together, these improvements have let me have almost no lotus.domino code in the app. The only parts left are a bean for formatting Notes-style names (which I may want to make a framework service anyway) and a bean for providing access to the various associated databases used by the app. Not too shabby! The app is still tied to Domino by way of using the Domino-specific extensions to JNoSQL, but the programming model is significantly better and the amount of app code was reduced dramatically.

Next Steps

There's a bunch of work to be done. The bulk of it is just implementing things that the current XPages app does: actually uploading projects, all the stuff like discussion lists, and so forth. I'll also want to move the server-side component of the small "IP Tools" suite I use for IP management stuff in here. Currently, that's implemented as Wink-based JAX-RS resources inside an OSGi bundle, but it'll make sense to move it here to keep things consolidated and to make use of the much-better platform capabilities.

As I mentioned above, I can't guarantee that I'll actually finish this project - it's all side work, after all - but it's been useful so far, and it's a further demonstration of how thoroughly pleasant the programming model of the JEE support project is.

Working Domino Views Into Jakarta NoSQL

Sun Jun 12 15:33:47 EDT 2022

A few versions ago, I added Jakarta NoSQL support to the XPages Jakarta EE Support project. For that, I used DQL and QueryResultsProcessor exclusively, since it's a near-exact match for the way JNoSQL normally goes things and QRP brought the setup into the realm of "good enough for the normal case".

However, as I've been working on a project that puts this to use, the limitations have started to hold me back.

The Limitations

The first trouble I ran into was the need to list, for example, the most recent 20 of an entity. This is something that QRP took some steps to handle, but it still has to build the pseudo-view anew the first time and then any time documents change. This gets prohibitively expensive quickly. In theory, QRP has enough flexibility to use existing views for sorting, but it doesn't appear to do so yet. Additionally, its "max entries" and "max documents" values are purely execution limits and not something to use to give a subset report: they throw an exception when that many entries have been processed, not just stop execution. For some of this, one can deal with it when manually writing the DQL query, but the driver doesn't have a path to do so.

The second trouble I ran into was the need to get a list composed of multiple kinds of documents. This one is a limitation of the default idiom that JNoSQL uses, where you do queries on named types of documents - and, in the Domino driver, that "type" corresponds to Form field values.

The Uncomfortable Solution

Thus, hat in hand, I returned to the design element I had hoped to skim past: views. Views are an important tool, but they are way, way overused in Domino, and I've been trying over time to intentionally limit my use of them to break the habit. Still, they're obviously the correct tool for both of these jobs.

So I made myself an issue to track this and set about tinkering with some ways to make use of them in a way that would do what I need, be flexible for future needs, and yet not break the core conceit of JNoSQL too much. My goal is to make almost no calls to an explicit Domino API, and so doing this will be a major step in that direction.

Jakarta NoSQL's Extensibility

Fortunately for me, Jakarta NoSQL is explicitly intended to be extensible per driver, since NoSQL databases diverge more wildly in the basics than SQL databases tend to. I made use of this in the Darwino driver to provide support for stored cursors, full-text search, and JSQL, though all of those had the bent of still returning full documents and not "view entries" in the Domino sense.

Still, the idea is very similar. Jakarta NoSQL encourages a driver author to write custom annotations for repository methods to provide hints to the driver to customize behavior. This generally happens at the "mapping" layer of the framework, which is largely CDI-based and gives you a lot of room to intercept and customize requests from the app-developer level.


To start out with, I added two annotations you can add to your repository methods: @ViewEntries and @ViewDocuments. For example:

public interface BlogEntryRepository extends DominoRepository<BlogEntry, String> {
    public static final String VIEW_BLOGS = "vw_Content_Blogs"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    @ViewDocuments(value=VIEW_BLOGS, maxLevel=0)
    Stream<BlogEntry> findRecent(Pagination pagination);
    @ViewEntries(value=VIEW_BLOGS, maxLevel=0)
    Stream<BlogEntry> findAll();

The distinction here is one of the ways I slightly break the main JNoSQL idioms. JNoSQL was born from the types of databases where it's just as easy to retrieve the entire document as it is to retrieve part - this is absolutely the case in JSON-based systems like Couchbase (setting aside attachments). However, Domino doesn't quite work that way: it can be significantly faster to fetch only a portion of a document than the data from all items, namely when some of those items are rich text or MIME.

The @ViewEntries annotation causes the driver to consider only the item values found in the entries of the view it's referencing. In a lot of cases, this is all you'll need. When you set a column in Designer to be just directly an item value from the documents, the column is by default named with the same name, and so a mapped entity pulled from this column can have the same fields filled in as from a document. This does have the weird characteristic where objects pulled from one method may have different instance values from the "same" objects from another method, but the tradeoff is worth it.

@ViewDocuments, fortunately, doesn't have this oddity. With that annotation, documents are processed in the same way as with a normal query; they just are retrieved according to the selection and order from the backing view.

Using these capabilities allowed me to slightly break the JNoSQL idiom in the other way I needed: reading unrelated document types in one go. For this, I cheated a bit and made a "document" type with a form name that doesn't correspond to anything, and then made the mapped items based on the view name. So I created this entity class:

public class ProjectActivity {
    private String projectName;
    private OffsetDateTime date;
    private String createdBy;
    private String form;
    private String subject;

    /* snip */

As you might expect, no form has a field named $10, but that is the name of the view column, and so the mapping layer happily populates these objects from the view when configured like so:

public interface ProjectActivityRepository extends DominoRepository<ProjectActivity, String> {
    Stream<ProjectActivity> findByProjectName(@ViewCategory String projectName);

These are a little weird in that you wouldn't want to save such entities lest you break your data, but, as long as you keep that in mind, it's not a bad way to solve the problem.

Future Changes

Since this implementation was based on fulfilling just my immediate needs and isn't the result of careful consideration, it's likely to be something that I'll revisit as I go. For example, that last example shows the third custom annotation I introduced: @ViewCategory. I wanted to restrict entries to a category that is specified programmatically as part of the query, and so annotating the method parameter was a great way to do that. However, there are all sorts of things one might want to do dynamically when querying a view: setting the max level programmatically, specifying expand/collapse behavior, and so forth. I don't know yet whether I'll want to handle those by having a growing number of parameter annotations like that or if it would make more sense to consolidate them into a single ViewQueryOptions parameter or something.

I also haven't done anything special with category or total rows. While they should just show up in the list like any other entry, there's currently nothing special signifying them, and I don't have a way to get to the note ID either (just the UNID). I'll probably want to create special pseudo-items like @total or @category to indicate their status.

There'll also no doubt be a massive wave of work to do when I turn this on something that's not just a little side project. While I've made great strides in my oft-mentioned large client project to get it to be more platform-independent, it's unsurprisingly still riven with Domino API references top to bottom. While I don't plan on moving it anywhere else, writing so much code using explicit database-specific API calls is just bad practice in general, and getting this driver to a point where it can serve that project's needs would be a major sign of its maturity.

Per-NSF-Scoped JWT Authorization With JavaSapi

Sat Jun 04 10:35:05 EDT 2022

Tags: domino dsapi java
  1. Poking Around With JavaSapi
  2. Per-NSF-Scoped JWT Authorization With JavaSapi
  3. WebAuthn/Passkey Login With JavaSapi

In the spirit of not leaving well enough alone, I decided the other day to tinker a bit more with JavaSapi, the DSAPI peer tucked away undocumented in Domino. While I still maintain that this is too far from supported for even me to put into production, I think it's valuable to demonstrate the sort of thing that this capability - if made official - would make easy to implement.


I've talked about JWT a bit before, and it was in a similar context: I wanted to be able to access a third-party API that used JWT to handle authorization, so I wrote a basic library that could work with LS2J. While JWT isn't inherently tied to authorization like this, it's certainly where it's found a tremendous amount of purchase.

JWT has a couple neat characteristics, and the ones that come in handy most frequently are a) that you can enumerate specific "claims" in the token to restrict what the token allows the user to do and b) if you use a symmetric signature key, you can generate legal tokens on the client side without the server having to generate them. "b" there is optional, but makes JWT a handy way to do a quick shared secret between servers to allow for trusted authentication.

It's a larger topic than that, for sure, but that's the quick and dirty of it.

Mixing It With An NSF

Normally on Domino, you're either authenticated for the whole server or you're not. That's usually fine - if you want to have a restricted account, you can specifically grant it access to only a few NSFs. However, it's good to be able to go more fine-grained, restricting even powerful accounts to only do certain things in some contexts.

So I had the notion to take the JWT capability and mix it with JavaSapi to allow you to do just that. The idea is this:

  1. You make a file resource (hidden from the web) named "jwt.txt" that contains your per-NSF secret.
  2. A remote client makes a request with an Authorization header in the form of Bearer Some.JWT.Here
  3. The JavaSapi interceptor sees this, checks the target NSF, loads the secret, verifies it against the token, and authorizes the user if it's legal

As it turns out, this turned out to be actually not that difficult in practice at all.

The main core of the code is:

public int authenticate(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    IJavaSapiHttpRequestAdapter req = context.getRequest();

    // In the form of "/foo.nsf/bar"
    String uri = req.getRequestURI();
    String secret = getJwtSecret(uri);
    if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(secret)) {
        try {
            String auth = req.getHeader("Authorization"); //$NON-NLS-1$
            if(StringUtil.isNotEmpty(auth) && auth.startsWith("Bearer ")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                String token = auth.substring("Bearer ".length()); //$NON-NLS-1$
                Optional<String> user = decodeAuthenticationToken(token, secret);
                if(user.isPresent()) {
                    req.setAuthenticatedUserName(user.get(), "JWT"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } catch(Throwable t) {


To read the JWT secret, I used IBM's NAPI:

private String getJwtSecret(String uri) {
    int nsfIndex = uri.toLowerCase().indexOf(".nsf"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if(nsfIndex > -1) {
        String nsfPath = uri.substring(1, nsfIndex+4);
        try {
            NotesSession session = new NotesSession();
            try {
                if(session.databaseExists(nsfPath)) {
                    // TODO cache lookups and check mod time
                    NotesDatabase database = session.getDatabase(nsfPath);
                    NotesNote note = FileAccess.getFileByPath(database, SECRET_NAME);
                    if(note != null) {
                        return FileAccess.readFileContentAsString(note);
            } finally {
        } catch(Exception e) {
    return null;

And then, for the actual JWT handling, I use the auth0 java-jwt library:

public static Optional<String> decodeAuthenticationToken(final String token, final String secret) {
	if(token == null || token.isEmpty()) {
		return Optional.empty();
	try {
		Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(secret);
		JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm)
		DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token);
		Claim claim = jwt.getClaim(CLAIM_USER);
		if(claim != null) {
			return Optional.of(claim.asString());
		} else {
			return Optional.empty();
	} catch (IllegalArgumentException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
		throw new RuntimeException(e);

And, with that in place, it works:

JWT authentication in action

That text is coming from a LotusScript agent - as I mentioned in my original JavaSapi post, this authentication is trusted the same way DSAPI authentication is, and so all elements, classic or XPages, will treat the name as canon.

Because the token is based on the secret specifically from the NSF, using the same token against a different NSF (with no JWT secret or a different one) won't authenticate the user:

JWT ignored by a different endpoint

If we want to be fancy, we can call this scoped access.

This is the sort of thing that makes me want JavaSapi to be officially supported. Custom authentication and request filtering are much, much harder on Domino than on many other app servers, and JavaSapi dramatically reduces the friction.

XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall

Wed May 25 14:41:52 EDT 2022

  1. Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. So Why Jakarta?
  10. XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

Earlier today, I published version 2.5.0 of the XPages Jakarta EE Support project. It's mostly a consolidation and bug-fix release, but there are few interesting features and notes about the implementation. Plus, as teased in the post title up there, there's a looming problem for the project.

New Features

There are two main new features in this version.

First, I added some configurable CORS support for REST services. Fortunately for me, RestEasy comes with a CORS filter by default, and it just needs to be enabled. I wired it up using MicroProfile Config to read some values out of

rest.cors.enable=true                   # required for CORS
rest.cors.allowCredentials=true         # defaults to true
rest.cors.allowedMethods=GET,HEAD       # defaults to all
rest.cors.allowedHeaders=Some-Header    # defaults to all
rest.cors.exposedHeaders=Some-Header    # optional
rest.cors.maxAge=600                    # optional
# allowedOrigins is required, and can be "*"

I also added support for using the long-standing @WebServlet annotation. Though REST services will generally do what you want, sometimes it's handy to use the lower-level Servlet capability, and now you can do so inline:

@WebServlet(urlPatterns = { "/someservlet", "/someservlet/*", "*.hello" })
public class ExampleServlet extends HttpServlet {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	ApplicationGuy applicationGuy;

	protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
		resp.getWriter().println("Hello from ExampleServlet. context=" + req.getContextPath() + ", path=" + req.getServletPath() + ", pathInfo=" + req.getPathInfo());
		resp.getWriter().println("ApplicationGuy: " + applicationGuy.getMessage());


There were a couple specs where I had previously either copied the source into the repository (CDI, Mail) or had maintained a local branch fork (NoSQL). Those were always uncomfortable concessions to reality, but I decided to look further into ways to handle that.

For NoSQL, part of it was what I talked about in my last post: using Eclipse Transformer to make use of javax.* compiled binaries and source converted to jakarta.* automatically. But beyond that, it had the same problem that I had forked Mail for. Namely, it hits the same trouble that lots of non-OSGi code does in an OSGi context, where it uses ServiceLoader in a non-extensible way. Though I have an open PR to make use of the pseudo-standard "HK2" ServiceLoader provider, waiting for that would mean continuing the local-build trouble.

Instead, for all of these cases I made use of OSGi's Weaving capability to re-write those parts of the class files on the fly. While this is a bit unfortunate, it works well in practice. The only real down side for now is having to be a bit more careful when bumping the versions in the future, but this type of code changes very rarely.

The Looming Wall

While this has been going swimmingly, I've started to hit some real impediments with Domino's Java version. The next release of Jakarta EE, version 10, requires Java 11 as a minimum. This is similar to the move Equinox (Domino's OSGi framework of choice) made just under two years ago, and which has itself bitten me with a blockage to upgrading Tycho to version 2.0 and above. Java 11 is about four years old now, and is no longer even the latest LTS release, so this all makes sense.

I've known this was coming for a while, but incompatible versions of JEE specs and implementations started to trickle in over the past year, leading to me leaving notes for myself about maximum versions. JEE 10 itself is fairly imminent now, so I'll be capped at the ones released with JEE 9 a while ago.

So I've been pondering my options here.

In one sense, I solved this problem years ago. The Domino Open Liberty Runtime project has had the ability to download any version of open-source Java that you want, and I expanded it last year to let you pick from several common flavors. Liberty maintains a breathless pace of advancement, adding official support for Java 18 the month after it came out. If one wants to run JEE apps on Domino, that's the most complete way. However, though it does its job technologically well, it's not exactly a natural fit for Domino developers in its current state.

But I've been considering anew a notion I had years ago, which is to write an extension for Liberty so that it reads class files and resources out of an NSF directly. In some early investigation a bit ago, this started to appear quite doable. In theory, I could write an adapter that would take an incoming request for "foo.nsf" and then read files out of the NSF in the same way XPages does, but instead feeding them to Liberty's runtime. Doing this would essentially implement all remaining JEE and MicroProfile specs in one fell swoop on top of the "any Java version" support, but would add the fault-prone attribute of running a separate process and proxying requests to it. In practice, that setup has proven itself good, but it's certainly more complicated than the "single process on port 80" deal that Domino's HTTP is now.

That route also wouldn't inherently support XPages, which would be something of an impediment to the XPages JEE project's original remit. That's something I've also pondered, and in theory I could make an auto-vivifying version of the XPages Runtime project that grabs all the pertinent XPages bundles from the current server and patches them into the Liberty server as an extension feature, similar to how all the built-in Liberty features work. This could be done, but I'll admit that I balk a bit at the prospect. Though I run XPages outside Domino constantly, it's with full knowledge of the tradeoffs and special considerations. Getting a normal NSF-based XPages app to run in this way would take some additional work.

Anyway, those options could work, but none of them are great. The true fix would naturally be for HCL to move to a newer Java version in Domino's HTTP stack, but I don't control that, so I'll content myself with considering what to do in the mean time. Admittedly, pondering this sort of thing is enjoyable in its own right. Also fortunately, even without tackling this, there's still plenty of stuff in the pile for me to tackle as the fancy strikes me.

Putting Eclipse Transformer To Use In Dependency Wrangling

Tue May 24 15:46:15 EDT 2022

Tags: jakartaee java

Setting code aside, the backbone of the XPages Jakarta EE Support project is its dependency pool. In it, I use my fork of the p2-maven-plugin to wrangle all the spec and implementation dependencies. Aside from just collecting them, this file does a ton of work to create and reconfigure their OSGi bundle rules to get everything working on Domino.

There have been limitations, though, and some of them have to do with the Jakarta NoSQL project. Though there are side branches of that project using the jakarta.* namespace, the main master branch is still on javax.* for a couple Jakarta depenencies. Historically, I've dealt with this by running a build locally and deploying it to OpenNTF's Maven server. However, this adds a bit of randomness to the mix: if a snapshot build of NoSQL goes out to the main repository that happens to be newer, then building the dependency repository locally might pick up on that instead, since it's named the same thing.


Fortunately, IBM wrote the solution for me: Eclipse Transformer. This Transformer is a rules engine to translate files (Java and related resources, namely) based on configuration - and, while it's generic, it's really designed for the transition from javax.* to jakarta.* namespaces.

It allows you to do these transformations at runtime or (as I'll be doing here) ahead of time, even if you don't have access to the original source. Though I do have access to the source, it's more useful at the moment to act like I don't.

I'd known about the tool and have seen how it's used heavily by both app servers and implementation vendors to be able to support both old- and new-style uses, and so I've kept it in mind for in case the need ever came up. It's a perfect fit for this.


I considered a couple ways to handle this, but realized the cleanest for now would be to integrate it into the dependency pool generator that I already have, since it fits right in with the OSGi transformations I'm doing.

So I went on over to the p2-maven-plugin fork and got to work. When defining Maven artifacts to bring in, the format looks like this:


Now, Servlet already has a jakarta.* version, but it'll be useful here as an example that avoids the other transformations I'm doing.

My addition is to add a transform configuration option here, with jakarta as the only value for now:


...and that'll be it! When that is specified, the code will now run the artifact and its source JAR transparently through Transformer and the version you get in your p2 repository will reflect the transition. And, well, it works perfectly in my case. The resultant NoSQL spec and dependencies are functionally equivalent to the ones in the jakarta.* source branch, but without having to actually change the source files yet. Neat.


Though it took a bit to track down the best way to do it, it turned out that Transformer is quite easy to embed into a Java app like the Maven plugin. The majority of the code ends up being effectively Java boilerplate to provide the default values for Jakarta transformation. Truncated, it looks like this:

String inputFileName = t.getAbsolutePath(); // the artifact in ~/.m2/repository
File dest = File.createTempFile(t.getName(), ".jar"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String outputFileName = dest.getAbsolutePath();

Map<String, String> optionDefaults = JakartaTransform.getOptionDefaults();
Function<String, URL> ruleLoader = JakartaTransform.getRuleLoader();
TransformOptions options = /* build TransformOptions object that reads the above variables */

Transformer transformer = new Transformer(logger, options);
ResultCode result =;
switch(result) {
	throw new IllegalStateException("Received unexpected result from transformer: " + result);
	return dest;

There are plenty of options to specify, but that's really about it. Once given the Jakarta defaults, it will do the right thing in the normal case, both for the compiled class files as well as the source JAR.

I'm not sure if I'll need it in other cases (NoSQL will move over in the main branch eventually), but it's sure handy here and should be useful in a pinch. From time to time, I've run across dependencies that would be useful to include but use old JEE specs, and this could do the trick in those cases too.

Poking Around With JavaSapi

Thu May 19 16:49:22 EDT 2022

Tags: dsapi java
  1. Poking Around With JavaSapi
  2. Per-NSF-Scoped JWT Authorization With JavaSapi
  3. WebAuthn/Passkey Login With JavaSapi

Earlier this morning, Serdar Basegmez and Karsten Lehmann had a chat on Twitter regarding the desire for OAuth on Domino and their recollections of a not-quite-shipped technology from a decade ago going by the name "JSAPI".

Seeing this chat go by reminded me of some stuff I saw when I was researching the Domino HTTP Java entrypoint last year. Specifically, these guys, which have been sitting there since at least 9.0.1:

JavaSapi class files in

I'd made note of them at the time, since there's a lot of tantalizing stuff in there, but had put them back on the shelf when I found that they seemed to be essentially inert at runtime. For all of IBM's engineering virtues (and there are many), they were never very good at cleaning up their half-implemented experiments when it came time to ship, and I figured this was more of the same.

What This Is

Well, first and foremost, it is essentially a non-published experiment: I see no reference to these classes or how to enable them anywhere, and so everything within these packages should be considered essentially radioactive. While they're proving to be quite functional in practice, it's entirely possible - even likely - that the bridge to this side of thing is full of memory leaks and potential severe bugs. Journey at your own risk and absolutely don't put this in production. I mean that even more in this case than my usual wink-and-nod "not for production" coyness.

Anyway, this is the stuff Serdar and Karsten were talking about, named "JavaSapi" in practice. It's a Java equivalent to DSAPI, the API you can hook into with native libraries to perform low-level alterations to requests. DSAPI is neat, but it's onerous to use: you have to compile down to a native library, target each architecture you plan to run on, deploy that to each server, and enable it in the web site config. There's a reason not a lot of people use it.

Our new friend JavaSapi here provides the same sorts of capabilities (rewriting URLs, intercepting requests, allowing for arbitrary user authentication (more on this later), and so forth) but in a friendlier environment. It's not just that it's Java, either: JavaSapi runs in the full OSGi environment provided by HTTP, which means it swims in the same pool as XPages and all of your custom libraries. That has implications.

How To Use It

By default, it's just a bunch of classes sitting there, but the hook down to the core level (in remains, and it can be enabled like so:


(strings is a useful tool)

Once that's enabled, you should start seeing a line like this on HTTP start:

[01C0:0002-1ADC] 05/19/2022 03:37:17 PM  HTTP Server: JavaSapi Initialized

Now, there's a notable limitation here: the JavaSapi environment isn't intended to be arbitrarily extensible, and it's hard-coded to only know about one service by default. That service is interesting - it's an OAuth 2 provider of undetermined capability - but it's not the subject of this post. The good news is that Java is quite malleable, so it's not too difficult to shim in your own handlers by writing to the services instance variable of the shared JavaSapiEnvironment instance (which you might have to construct if it's not present).

Once you have that hook, it's just a matter of writing a JavaSapiService instance. This abstract class provides fairly-pleasant hooks for the triggers that DSAPI has, and nicely wraps requests and responses in Servlet-alike objects.

Unlike Servlet objects, though, you can set a bunch of stuff on these objects, subject to the same timing and pre-filtering rules you'd have in DSAPI. For example, in the #rawRequest method, you can add or overwrite headers from the incoming request before they get to any other code:

public int rawRequest(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    context.getRequest().setRequestHeader("Host", "foo-bar.galaxia");

If you want to, you can also handle the entire request outright:

public int rawRequest(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    if(context.getRequest().getRequestURI().contains("foobar")) {
        context.getResponse().setHeader("Content-Type", "text/foobar");
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

You probably won't want to, since we're not lacking for options when it comes to responding to web requests in Java, but it's nice to know you can.

You can even respond to tell http foo commands:

public int processConsoleCommand(String[] argv, int argc) {
    if(argc > 0) {
        if("foo".equals(argv[0])) { //$NON-NLS-1$
            System.out.println(getClass().getSimpleName() + " was told " + Arrays.toString(argv));
            return HTEXTENSION_SUCCESS;

So that's neat.

The fun one, as it usually is, is the #authenticate method. One of the main reasons one might use DSAPI in the first place is to provide your own authentication mechanism. I did it years and years ago, Oracle did it for their middleware, and HCL themselves did it recently for the AppDev Pack's OAuth implementation.

So you can do the same here, like this super-secure implementation:

public int authenticate(IJavaSapiHttpContextAdapter context) {
    context.getRequest().setAuthenticatedUserName("CN=Hello From " + getClass().getName(), getClass().getSimpleName());

The cool thing is that this has the same characteristics as DSAPI: if you declare the request authenticated here, it will be fully trusted by the rest of HTTP. That means not just Java - all the classic stuff will trust it too:

Screenshot showing JavaSapi authentication in action


Again: this stuff is even further from supported than the usual components I muck around in, and you shouldn't trust any of it to work more than you can actively observe. The point here isn't that you should actually use this, but more that it's interesting what things you can find floating around the Domino stack.

Were this to be supported, though, it'd be phenomenally useful. One of Domino's stickiest limitations as an app server is the difficulty of extending its authentication schemes. It's always been possible to do so, but DSAPI is usually prohibitively difficult unless you either have a bunch of time on your hands or a strong financial incentive to use it. With something like this, you could toss Apache Shiro in there as a canonical source of user authentication, or maybe add in Soteria - the Jakarta Security implementation - to get per-app authentication.

There's also that OAuth 2 thing floating around in there, which does have a usable extension point, but I think it's fair to assume that it's unfinished.

This is all fun to tinker with, though, and sometimes that's good enough.

Upcoming Sessions With OpenNTF and at Engage

Wed May 11 08:48:47 EDT 2022

Tags: engage openntf

This month contains a few presentations and sessions of note for me, and I realized I should compile a list.

To start out with, I'll be the second presenter at next week's OpenNTF webinar, which will be about the Domino One-Touch Setup capability from V12 onward. The first leg of the presentation will feature Roberto Boccadoro covering its use in the standard case of easing the lives of administrators, while my section will cover more developer-centric needs, particularly my use of it as a tool for repeatable integration-test suites of Domino code. This webinar will take place next week, on May 19th, and you can register for it at

While I won't personally be attending Engage this year, it's shaping up to be a good conference and OpenNTF and Jakarta EE will be well represented (in chronological order):

  • Ro05. Happy Birthday, OpenNTF! Now What? - on Tuesday, Serdar Basegmez (and possibly other OpenNTF directors) will run our traditional community roundtable, where you can hear about what OpenNTF has been up to and provide ideas about where you'd like us to go.
  • De20. Domino apps CI with Docker - also on Tuesday, Martin Pradny will discuss the use of the NSF ODP Tooling project within a Docker container to automate NSF building within a CI infrastructure in a smooth and reliable way.
  • De17. Domino + Jakarta EE = AppDev In Heaven - on Wednesday morning, Daniele Vistalli will cover the XPages Jakarta EE Support project, going over the myriad Jakarta and MicroProfile specifications that it brings to Domino development and showing how you can bring them to bear to fix a lot of long-standing Domino dev limitations.

If you're attending Engage, I definitely suggest you check out all of those.

So Why Jakarta?

Thu Apr 28 16:10:11 EDT 2022

Tags: jakartaee java
  1. Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. So Why Jakarta?
  10. XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

I've spent a lot of time over the last while tinkering with the XPages Jakarta EE Support project in particular and Jakarta technologies in general, and I figured it'd be worth discussing a bit why I like this stack and why I think it's worth putting work into.

There are a couple facets to this, I think. Why is it good on its own? Why is it good as a complement or replacement for XPages? And why is it good compared to the other roads offered for Domino developers?

Quick Aside: Spring and Others

Before I get much further, I should mention early on that this isn't so much about Jakarta as opposed to technologies like Spring. Spring is good! It's similar in concept, both because it started from a JEE-aligned mindset and now because Jakarta and MicroProfile have been adopting a lot of the best concepts. It's kind of a "D&D and Pathfinder" situation. While there are some philosophical differences, and Jakarta is (now) run by an open-source organization as opposed to an individual company, the distinction for our purposes isn't important.

This also goes for some other technologies that could potentially be slotted in for server-based app dev, like Vert.x. Vert.x, for its part, often serves different purposes, and so that discussion is also separate.

Technical Reasons

Going into all the specific things that I think are good about JEE technologies would be quite an ordeal, so I'll stick to summarizing some overarching themes that I appreciate.

Presumably as a sign of my own ever-increasing age, I appreciate the staid nature of many aspects of it. While some of that comes from the near-stagnation the stack suffered from towards the end of Oracle's sole stewardship of it, it's good that things like Servlet have remained consistent in important ways since the very beginning. Some aspects have come and some will soon go, but the main aspects have remained pleasantly consistent because they were designed to be simple and largely adaptable. Servlet has its limitations, but they're limitations that don't generally show up for normal use.

I also quite appreciate how annotation-based most of the specs are. This was a good way of moving away from the original "pile of XML" configuration process of the early versions of Java EE while still retaining introspection abilities. What I mean by that is the ability of programs (like a server or an IDE) to look at a Jakarta app and glean important information without having to actually execute the code. As a point of comparison, take this hypothetical version of a REST server, where you declare endpoints programmatically:

public void initServer(ServerConfig config) {
    config.addHandler("/foo", new FooHandler());
    config.addHandler("/foo/bar", new BarHandler());

...and then compare that to the annotation-based way of doing it:

public class FooHandler {
	/* snip */

	public Object getBar() { /* ... */ }

Both could be functionally the same at runtime, but the latter allows tools to inspect the classes statically to provide summaries and capabilities in the UI in a way that would be technically possible but much more difficult otherwise. This is certainly not unique to Jakarta, but it's an important feature of it nonetheless.

Moreover, I think that the stack is morphing itself nicely into a cleaner, modern form. It's been a rocky process, but a lot of the individual specs are either adapting themselves onto CDI or using it as the baseline. As much as I sang the praises of Servlet in the earlier paragraph, you can write a thoroughly-capable app using CDI and JAX-RS without ever caring about much else beyond a data layer.

This adaptability is also paying off with newer-era work like Quarkus. Quarkus is an intriguing project that combines slices of Jakarta, MicroProfile, and others with the native-compilation capabilities of GraalVM to provide a toolchain that lets you write quite-efficient compiled apps, targeted primarily for Kubernetes deployments where the startup and response time of a single node is very important. This is really solving a lot of problems I don't have, but it's interesting to watch, and to see how these goals feed back into Jakarta with things like CDI Lite.

Jakarta As An XPages Extension Or Successor

XPages was (and is) a fork of a subset of Java EE, with the split happening somewhere just before 2006's Java EE 5. It's a small subset, but you can look down that list of technologies and see a few that remain to this day: Servlet 2.4/2.5, JSF 1.1/1.2 by way of the XPages fork, JavaMail, and a few other miscellaneous packages. DAS and the Extension Library brought in JAX-RS 1.1, so you can add a dash of 2009's Java EE 6 to the pot.

The XPages Jakarta EE Support project started as a mechanism for bringing in a newer JAX-RS version, followed by CDI to replace managed beans and EL 3 to replace XPages's primordial Expression Language support - essentially, as a slowly-growing platform update. In its current form, it brings in a wide slate of technologies, but the fact that it was starting as an extension of an existing ancient Java EE fork made it possible to do this gradually, piece by piece. Really, up until the move to the jakarta.* namespace, it was a process of just glomming compatible parts onto the existing Servlet baseline.

Even after that switch, the historical alignment with the older parts of the stack makes building on comparatively straightforward. That applies both to me as the person doing the adapting the spec implementations and (hopefully) to a developer actually using them. While XPages predated the annotation-heavy push in JEE as well as CDI entirely, a lot of the core concepts are in common, and I expect that it'd be an easier transition from XPages alone to Jakarta EE than, say, classic Domino web dev to XPages was. It certainly was for me, anyway.

Jakarta As A Cultural Match

This topic covers both my general appreciation for a thoroughly-open-source platform and why I specifically like it in relation to other roads open to Domino developers.

Java EE had for a long time been kind of open source: though Sun and then Oracle held the reins, the specs grew to be free to implement, and over time there flourished a slew of compatible servers, many of which are now or have always been fully open-source.

I like this for a lot of reasons. For one, it's just good as a programmer to have source access. Normally, you can just go by the spec, but having full access to the server's source lets you debug thorny problems when you hit an edge case. While closed-source software certainly has its place, there's just a layer of "all else being equal, source access is better".

Beyond being able to see and debug the source, it's valuable that the platform is open source and the implementations I use are as well, and the whole thing is guided by the extremely-established Eclipse Foundation. While a company handing something over to an open-source organization can sometimes just be a way to usher it to a plausibly-deniable death, the activity around Jakarta EE shows that isn't the case here. While Oracle and IBM still tend to naturally top the charts, it has a diverse pool of contributors, and its fate isn't tied to the interests of a single company. As with closed-source software, sometimes being shepherded by a single company has advantages, but it leaves you more exposed to the winds of their financial incentives.

This all contributes to a platform where I can be comfortable writing a bunch of code with the knowledge that, while it may not be good forever, the path will be at least clear. While there's something of an industry for modernizing old Java EE applications (one our old friend Niklas Heidloff is involved in), it's a task shared by a lot of companies and, indeed, a lot of the work is "replace old vendor-specific code with standards-based code". While nothing can truly prevent you from having a pile of obsolete code other than not writing it in the first place, following a path like this that's shared with a broad slice of the industry is a good way to mitigate the trouble.

And I think that paragraph is what a lot of it comes down to for me. As much as I can be, I want to be out of the business of writing code that doesn't have a built-in "plan B". If Domino magically stopped existing tomorrow, code written in this way wouldn't necessarily directly work elsewhere, but it'd be a much shorter journey than for the Notes-client and classic Domino web code I wrote in my early career. And, really, some of it would directly work elsewhere. The stuff that's just describing a REST entrypoint or a page layout? The stuff that describes the interaction between those and an abstracted data layer? That code doesn't care what your server is, and there's a whole ecosystem of servers ready to do the job. That, there, is what makes this worthwhile for me.

Structure of the Domino Web App Container

Fri Feb 25 15:01:33 EST 2022

A while back, I talked about the uses of HttpService in Domino. In that post, I talked about how the various HttpService implementations take a look at incoming URLs, see if they're something that should be handled on the Java layer, and then either handle them or pass them back to the legacy NHTTP code to do its thing. My fiddling with the XPages Jakarta EE project in recent days has gotten me thinking about this layer again, and I think it'll be interesting to expand how how this whole layer works (at least as I understand it).

Along with this post, it might be useful to peruse the slide deck for AD105 from LotusSphere 2011. There's a lot of good stuff in there, and basically nothing has changed in the intervening 11 years.

The Stack (Conceptually)

The Domino HTTP stack looks conceptually something like this:

Diagram of the Domino HTTP stack

This is, setting aside the specifics, pretty similar to how other app servers of various kinds are laid out. There's some bottom layer that handles the actual network connection, some part just above that that handles interpreting the requests as HTTP (optionally bypassed in some cases), and then an orchestrator that manages the actual apps sitting on the top layer and routes requests as appropriate.

The Stacks (Java-wise)

Before I continue, I think it will be useful to have some stack traces to reference back to, to see what they share in common and where they diverge. These three examples - from an XPage request, an Equinox-registered Servlet, and an OSGi-packaged webapp - all cover the part of the stack from the bottom up until where user code comes into play.

XPages (DesignerFacesServlet is what handles serving an XPage):


Equinox Servlet (the org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.servlets extension point):

	at com.example.SomeServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.internal.ServletManager$ServletWrapper.service(
	at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ServletRegistration.handleRequest(
	at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.processAlias(
	at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Web Container (the extension point):

	at ccom.example.ExampleServlet.doGet(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Each one of these has some intriguing lines, but we'll end up focusing on the bottom 5-6 in each.

Anyway, back to the details.


The bottom three lines of all three stacks are identical, and they show the entrypoint from the C side to Java.

The job of XspCmdManager is to take a bunch of handles and flags given to it by the C side, wrap them into something a little more suitable for polite company, and pass that off immediately to LCDEnvironment. At this level, while the code is clearly focused around getting to the point of handling Servlets, the actual classes don't actually implement javax.servlet parts - they're all a little more abstract than that. XspCmdManager has a few other responsibilities, but it's best thought of as just the glue layer between the native side and the Java stack.

From there, it passes the request along to LCDEnvironment, as the sole implementation of LCDRequestHandler. Things get a little meatier here. This is the part that loads up all of the HttpService implementations we've discussed before. It uses these services to answer calls to isXspUrl (which basically means "should Java handle this?") and then to handle the incoming requests. The first HttpService (sorted by its getPriority() value) that will handle the incoming request gets it, and here's our first point of divergence above. NSFService is the in-NSF XPages-and-stuff handler, taking care of requests with ".nsf" and either "xsp" or a registered extension in the path. OSGIService, for its part, handles both Equinox-registered servlets and Expeditor webapps, albeit in different ways.


The next layer is interesting, and it's a part I didn't really talk about in the previous post. While an HttpService can just handle an incoming request directly (as the proxy service in the Domino Open Liberty Runtime project does), the idiom in the Domino stack is to use ComponentModule implementations to do it. These correspond conceptually to web apps deployed from WAR files in a standard app server: they're a cordoned-off blob of user code, with its own ClassLoader and notions for how to access resources.

For an NSF, this is NSFComponentModule. These objects are spawned by NSFService as needed when a matching request comes in for an NSF the first time and create a weird sort of webapp out of the NSF contents (with special handling for Single-Copy XPage Design). It doesn't go as far in that direction as the full web container, but it's enough to run and retain the XPages application. This type of module also opts in to the IServletFactory extension system, where contributors can add Servlets to the module either internally or via an OSGi extension. All ComponentModule types have the ability to opt in to this, but NSFComponentModule is the only one that does in practice.

Though both the Equinox Servlet and the PVC web container app go through OSGIService, here is where they split apart into OSGIModule (for standalone Servlets) and OSGIWebContainerModule.

OSGIModule uses some of the parts of the Equinox Servlet Container support to run an individual Servlet. It's the smallest of the three and mostly just creates the ServletRequest et al implementations, does a little wrapping in Equinox garb, and passes them on to your HttpServlet class.

OSGIWebContainerModule is fancier, since its job is to run (most of) a JEE-style web.xml-based app contained in an OSGi bundle. To do this, it uses a chopped-down fork of WebSphere - indeed, many of the classes in the stack still exist in much the same form in Liberty, but here are intermingled with Domino-specific stuff and some Expeditor PvC detritus. This isn't quite as capable as a full Servlet 2.5 container, lacking things like Filters and various listeners, but it gets the job done.

Module Adaptability

Though this system hasn't in practice grown beyond the built-in implementations to my knowledge, it's a neat little structure. There's some unfinished stuff in there in a mashupmaker package that I guess must have been to do with Lotus Mashups (which is apparently a product that existed at some point), but that's about it as far as extending it.

This is an intriguing layer, though, since it's also the one where the "adapter" Servlet objects from above are actually turned into instances of javax.servlet classes, specifically using classes like LCDAdapterHttpServletResponse. At this layer, you have a good amount of Java scaffolding, but being before the full conversion to javax.servlet classes means that a lot of the limitations in Domino's Servlet support only really come in in the upper echelons. Other than network- and HTTP-layer technologies like WebSocket and HTTP/2 (which are handled at the native layer), it'd be entirely possible to plug into this system with more-modern technologies while still participating cleanly in the environment. For example, you could write an HttpService that declares a higher priority than NSFService and use it to treat an NSF as an entirely-different sort of app, intercepting all URLs prefixed with it. I don't know that it would be a good idea to do so, but it's possible, and it's fun to think about.

What To Do With All This XSP Markup? Redux

Thu Feb 17 14:53:01 EST 2022

Tags: jsf xpages

About a year ago, I wrote a post discussing what I saw as potential future options for all the XPages code we've collectively written over the years. That post was written with the assumption that the future life of an XPages app isn't XPages as it exists today - while that's still a possibility, it's a lot less fun to speculate about.

As it has been for years, this remains on my mind, but my recent addition of JSF to the XPages Jakarta EE project caused it to bubble back to the top of my musings.

Conceptual Tools

Before getting into some speculative specifics, I'd like to first take a step back and assess the concepts we're working with.

In that post, and as I frequently do, I referred back to an old post of mine discussing how an XPage is best thought of as a tree of components, one most-commonly described by way of the XSP markup language. The critical concept there is that there's nothing that inherently ties an XPage to the specific thing that sends HTML to the browser, and all the moreso when you're talking about the XML. While "XPages" as an entity on Domino encompasses an entire stack that starts just barely above the bottom of nHTTP, "an XPage" as such is almost always just XML that describes what you want to happen on the page. There are parts of it that are more specific than others, for sure: <xp:inputText/> has equivalents in a million other languages, but value="#{javascript: ...}" starts getting into some gnarly implementation specifics. Still, the point is that anything that can successfully interpret XSP markup can be considered functionally "XPages" for most uses.

The next handy concept to keep in mind is related, and that's that code is data. This is most apparent with an XML-based language like XSP, but it applies to everything. SSJS code is absolutely data: it's just strings that happen to be parsed out at runtime as ASTs and then executed. For SSJS, there's no explicit guarantee that facesContext refers to an instance of javax.faces.context.FacesContext or one of its subclasses. Heck, there's no specific requirement that even referring to the class by name would reference the same thing. It's just data and can be interepreted as the runtime seems fit.

And that goes further: Java bytecode is just data too. OSGi has a mechanism to alter classes at load time that already exists and works great on Domino. Also pertinently, Eclipse Transformer is a tool that translates code (source or compiled) that references javax.* JEE classes to jakarta.* classes, and is used commonly now by webapp runtimes to support both legacy and new apps with the same codebase. Fancy stuff, that.

The Musing

So back to what I've been pondering. I think I did mostly a good job covering the bases in my original post, but time and experience has given me further perspective.

JSF Driver For XSP

When I first mentioned it, I brushed the concept of writing a driver for JSF off a bit - not fully, but I did give it a shorter shrift than it deserved.

To begin with, this concept exists in JSF: the view declaration language. Now, it's not actually used for this sort of "transplant" thing, mind you: in practice, it's a concept that was used to transition from JSP as the language to write JSF pages to Facelets and not much else. Still, there's no inherent reason why one couldn't write a VDL driver for JSF that would interpret XSP markup and create components based on it. This is especially true because XSP itself doesn't really contain any real curveballs: it's a pretty basic mapping of tags to component names and attributes to bean properties, with the main hiccup being <xp:this.action>-type complex properties.


I've also given some thought to that tag-to-component mapping. One way to do that would be to make an interpreter that sees <xp:inputText/> and, instead of translating it to, would instead translate it to a newer stock component. I thereby brushed it off as being properly too complex to be workable, as XPages's nature as a hard fork of JSF meant that things like the java.faces.component.UIComponent#_xspGetStateId method would prove intractable.

I'm less sure of this difficulty now, though. The switch from javax.faces to jakarta.faces means there's room for coexistence on the same classpath, as I now have in the JEE project. This means there's a lot of room for adapting older code unchanged by way of using wrapper objects and proxies.

For the former, what I mean is that, while a JSF 4.x implementation like MyFaces 4 now has no knowledge of what a javax.faces.component.UIInput is, it doesn't have to: all it needs is a subclass of jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent that can fit into a tree and respond to normal JSF calls like processUpdates. The "real" JSF stack in front could pass in incoming form data from the client just the same as it does now, and a wrapped legacy XPages class could handle it exactly as it does now. Things get more complicated than that, but not impossibly so.

This is similar to all the Servlet-object wrapping and unwrapping I do in the JEE support project. These wrappers interpret and route equivalent method calls to the delegates they're wrapping, and so Servlet 5 code doesn't care that it's working with a Servlet 2.4 request, and similarly the Servlet 2.4 code can continue to know nothing at all about Servlet 5. The glue code handles the simple wrapper-based translations between the layers.

So, in this way, the XPages fork of JSF could remain essentially untouched. As long as the runtime does things like inserting an appropriate old-style FacesContext object into javax.faces.context.FacesContext and the like, no one needs to be the wiser.

And this is where Java object proxies could come into play. Where I've above said things like "an instance of javax.faces.context.FacesContext" or "an... object", that doesn't even need to be a real class that you construct with new Foo(). While Java's built-in proxies only work with interfaces, libraries like Javassist can generate proxy objects for true classes as well. One could have a proxy object that checks to see if an incoming method is compatible with the new style and use that one, or otherwise route to a wrapped class, and yet remain class-cast compatible with old code. I'm not sure this would be required if wrapping was done fully, but it's good to know as an option.


Then there's user code. I was going to have a bunch of stuff to say in this section, but it's actually all largely covered by the steps that would be necessary for keeping runtime code compatible, if that were the route to take. If user code calls javax.faces.context.FacesContext#getCurrentInstance, then it'd get a legacy object; if it calls jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext#getCurrentInstance, then it'd get the new-era one. That'd be the same as the work necessary to keep the old parts chugging along.

Now, if the old parts were to change - were the task to be to make it so that the classes are based on JSF 4.x - then there'd be some fiddling to do for user code. But, again, it'd be largely the same idea. You could either translate the code as it's loaded (for Java) or executed (for SSJS) or you could pass wrapper objects around. So all the same ideas apply.


I've also been thinking a lot about the notion of an "XPages 2" or the like existing alongside XPages as it is now. For example, you could imagine a variant of "XPages" that is indeed a JSF view definition language that interprets XSP markup, but which doesn't attempt to guarantee pure compatibility with existing code. Maybe it'd get 80% of the way there - it'd interpret components in largely the same way, but wouldn't guarantee that every little bit of code that dives down into the runtime implementation would work identically, and wouldn't guarantee that every fiddly detail of the XPages lifecycle and its optimizations would execute in the exact same way.

In such a scenario, there wouldn't be any particular need to remove or change the old stuff. This is the scenario that JEE app servers all faced with the jakarta.* move: you can't realistically expect every app to be transformed (automatically or otherwise) to work with the new versions, especially because old apps may target even-older specs that have since had other breaking changes.

In Domino, there are a few ways one could go about accomplishing this. One way would be to do kind of like what I do for JSP and JSF: tell NSFService to handle a given extension and then write a factory to handle it. In this way, you could declare a new extension, say ".xspx" (note: please do not use this extension), and then route incoming requests to a handler that's like normal XPages but not 100% compatible.

Alternatively, you could do something I've pondered for a while, which is to make another HttpService implementation that would check for a flag in the database referenced in incoming .nsf-containing URLs to see if it's set to "new mode" and, if so, interpret the request however which way it would like. Such a service could disregard all old rules for URL handling if it wanted, and could worry much less about the potential of cross-contamination between request types. It'd be more work, but is an intriguing possibility.


So is any of this the right way to go about dealing with our dear old friend XPages? I don't know - maybe. This is all pretty off-the-cuff, and I haven't necessarily thought through all the implications, but I do feel like there's more wiggle room here than I'd originally assumed. It's interesting to think about, at the very least.