PSA: ndext JARs on Designer 14 FP1 and FP2

Sep 12, 2024, 11:02 AM

Tags: java xpages
  1. Oct 19 2018 - AbstractCompiledPage, Missing Plugins, and MANIFEST.MF in FP10 and V10
  2. Jan 07 2020 - Domino 11's Java Switch Fallout
  3. Jan 29 2021 - fontconfig, Java, and Domino 11
  4. Nov 17 2022 - Notes/Domino 12.0.2 Fallout
  5. Dec 15 2023 - Notes/Domino 14 Fallout
  6. Sep 12 2024 - PSA: ndext JARs on Designer 14 FP1 and FP2
  7. Dec 16 2024 - PSA: XPages Breaking Changes in 14.0 FP3

Back when Notes/Domino 14 came out, I made a post where I described some of the fallout of it. One of the entries was about the upstream removal of the "jvm/lib/ext" directory and the moving of all common extension JARs to the "ndext" directory. The upshot there was that any JARs that you want to add to the filesystem in Designer to match deployment on the server would have to be added to the active JRE in Designer in order to be recognized.

HCL presumably noticed this problem and altered the installation to accommodate it in FP1 and FP2. However, the approach they took is to add all JARs from ndext to the JVM. Thus, a fresh install+upgrade of Notes 14 to FP2 (or 14.5 EAP1) has a JVM that looks like this:

Screenshot of the 'Edit JRE' screen in Designer 14 FP2

This is a problem in a couple ways, but the most immediate is that it includes the toxic "jsdk.jar" I warned about in the earlier post. This JAR contains primordial Servlet classes from the very first addition of Servlet to Domino, predating XPages, and that version lacks even the convenience methods added in the ancient-but-less-so version in XPages. To demonstrate this, you can write this code:

HttpServletRequest req = null; /* pretend this is assigned to something */
Map param = req.getParameterMap();

This will work in a clean Designer 14 installation but will break on upgrade to 14 FP2, with Designer complaining that the getParameterMap method does not exist. There are others like this too, but basically any "The method foo() is undefined..." error for Servlet classes is a sign of this.

The fix is to go into your JVM definition (Preferences - "Java" - "Installed JREs" - "jvm (default)" - "Edit...") and remove jsdk.jar. While you're in there, I recommend also removing POI and its related JARs (poi-*, xmlbeans, ooxml-schemas, fr.opensagres.poi.*, commons-*) too, unless you also happen to have deployed them to the server, since they're not normally present on Domino and are thus mostly there to lead you astray. Honestly, almost none of the JARs present in there by default are useful for the XPages JVM definition, since the critical ones are contributed via OSGi plugins. I guess guava.jar is important just because it's going to contaminate the server's JVM too, so you want to account for that. Otherwise, it's probably best to treat it like a 14 install and only add the new JARs you've explicitly added and deployed to the server.

Recent Open-Source Project Updates

Sep 6, 2024, 2:25 PM

I've released a spate of open-source project updates recently, and I figured it'd be good to round up what's new. Most of them are utilitarian in nature - mostly fixes for things that crop up with Domino 14 and Java > 8 - but the first one is larger.

XPages Jakarta EE

Today, I released version 3.1.0 of the XPages JEE project. This is mostly about fixing up some edge-case and sporadic bugs that cropped up in 3.0, but also includes some performance updates and contributions from new contributors. Additionally, it should work on the newly-launched Domino 14.5 EAP1. The use of Java 21 in that version of Domino won't necessarily affect XPages JEE in a while, since JEE 11 targets Java 17, but there's some neat stuff in there for general use.


The p2-layout-resolver is a plugin that allows the use of p2 (Eclipse-style) repositories as Maven dependencies in non-Tycho projects. I use this in a lot of cases where I move a project from Tycho to maven-bundle-plugin for simplicity in dependency management.

Version 1.9.0 includes a very-useful contribution that fixes dependencies in cases where a bundle has a Bundle-ClassPath entry that references an embedded JAR that doesn't exist. In the Domino world, this cropped up in Domino 14, so it's useful if you're building anything that targets that version of the runtime or above.


For various Domino-related needs, I maintain a fork of the p2-maven-plugin, which is useful for its additions of things like generating site.xml files (still important for importing into an NSF update site, after all these years) and the <transform>jakarta</transform> option to run JARs through Eclipse Transformer when bundling them, allowing use of pre-Jakarta JEE artifacts in a smooth way.

The 3.1.x versions focused on fixing problems when running on Java > 8 (namely no longer using IBM Commons XML) and improving handling of some other hiccups.