XPages JEE 3.0 Beta 4
Wed May 22 13:48:19 EDT 2024
Earlier today, I uploaded beta 4 of XPages JEE 3.0 to GitHub. I've been taking a slow approach to this release due to its "breaking changes" nature, but I think it's just about ready for release.
Domino 14
Like previous betas, this release requires Domino 14 (and Notes 14 for development), since it moves to a baseline of Jakarta EE 10, which in turn requires Java 11. Doing this let me get rid of some extra shim code that was needed to support both Domino 14 and previous versions, and also let me move to some newer language constructs. If you're interested in the sorts of things that the new versions of Java brought, check out the OpenNTF webinar from April, where I talked about just that.
Library Reorganization
Beyond the Java version requirement, the big breaking change I made was to finally shrink the number of XPages libraries and p2 features in the project. As the project grew, I kept adding new distinct XPages libraries, for the principle of keeping each spec distinct, as they often technically are. A few things made me want to fix this, though:
- Checking all the boxes in the Xsp Properties editor for each library was annoying
- Checking "Yes, install this plug-in" for every single component, plus its source version, when installing in Designer was very annoying
- I had to do weird tricks to add features that touched multiple specs. For example, the project tree had a bunch of cross-spec fragments like "jaxrs.cdi" and "json.cdi" to contribute parts for when CDI was present but not break things when it wasn't. This added an extra layer of indirection and maintenance hassle
- The specs themselves have been converging, particularly in the sense that more and more they assume the "backbone" of CDI is present. For example, Faces removed its original
and related support in favor of going all-in on CDI. Jakarta REST is moving towards the same - It was hard to think of realistic scenarios where it would be important to split up the specs like this, using, say, REST but not CDI or Validation
Now, there are just three: "org.openntf.xsp.jakartaee.core", "org.openntf.xsp.jakartaee.ui", and "org.openntf.xsp.microprofile". I was tempted to roll MicroProfile into "core", but they're conceptually (and administratively) distinct enough that it was worth separating them. With this change, it's not only less annoying to install, but it lets me make a lot more assumptions about what is present across specs, simplifying a lot of little things.
Deep-Dive Sidebar: Class Loading
One interesting aspect I ran into when making this change was that I had to readjust my mental model for how class loading is done from an NSF-based application and the libraries it uses. The way it mostly works conceptually aligns with what you see in Designer:
- Select a library to depend on
- The XspLibrary has a "getPluginId" method, which then Designer uses to add the OSGi bundle to the classpath
- Any Require-Bundle dependencies in that plugin marked as "visibility:=reexport" are also included on the classpath
So, in this way, you'd previously select the "org.openntf.xsp.cdi" library, which would then add a dependency on the bundle of the same name, which would in turn re-export the things the NSF should see, such as the CDI API classes.
When I consolidated the libraries, I did it in the straightforward way: I made new "*.library" bundles for them and then added the existing spec-specific bundles as re-exported dependencies. As far as Designer was concerned, all was well, and there was just another little layer in between.
However, that's not quite the whole story when it comes to the runtime on the server. Though Designer presents the NSF as a pseudo-OSGi bundle using the Plug-in Development Environment, Domino doesn't do the same thing. What Domino does is use a class called ModuleClassLoader
(not to be confused with Equinox's ModuleClassLoader
, which is entirely different and IS an OSGi loader) to handle loading classes from the NSF and its dependencies. The way it gets to its dependencies isn't really a "true" OSGi way, though: it keeps track of a collection of ClassLoader
objects as extraDepends
, which it consults each in turn as needed. Those ClassLoader
objects, at least in post-8.5.2-era Domino, are the internal class loaders from the library OSGi bundles. This is cheating, and I imagine it was made for pragmatic transitional reasons when OSGi came into the picture.
The old layout conceptually looks like this:

At first blush, this seems like a "six of one, half a dozen of the other" sort of situation, but it's not quite. What this setup does that normal OSGi doesn't is that it exposes META-INF/services files inside the direct dependencies to the application's ClassLoader, whereas these are normally encapsulated in OSGi. The effect was that a bunch of things that used to work started to fail - REST couldn't find all its output-writing classes, Validation couldn't find its implementation, and so forth. This is because they would all internally ask the thread-context ClassLoader
(i.e. the NSF's loader) for resources within META-INF/services, and the extraDepends
list used to be able to find them. Now that there was a layer of indirection, this no longer worked: the extraDepends
loaders could see their own stuff but would not traverse the OSGi barrier to peek inside their further dependencies for these. Conceptually, now we have this:

A direct ClassLoader
dependency allows reading of resources, but a true OSGi-type dependency does not. So the result is that I had to "promote" a bunch of META-INF/services files from the now-downstream plugins into the "*.library" ones. It all makes sense once you see how the gears are moving, but it sure threw me for a loop for a while.
Bundle and Package Renaming
Okay, now back to the changes.
Since I was already breaking things anyway, I decided this was a good opportunity to fix the names of the bundles and packages in the project's source. For example, some names were antiquated: what was once "JSF" is "Jakarta Faces", but my bundle was "org.openntf.xsp.jsf". Additionally, I was inconsistent in my hierarchy: while Transaction was in "org.openntf.xsp.jakarta.transaction", others (like Faces there) skipped the "jakarta" level of the hierarchy. These don't normally matter to developers consuming the library, but they annoyed me. Now, all of the bundles and their contained packages are within either "org.openntf.xsp.jakarta", "org.openntf.xsp.jakartaee" (for platform-wide capabilities), or "org.openntf.xsp.microprofile".
Along with this will be a couple potential breaking changes for app-level code, such as moving org.openntf.xsp.beanvalidation.XPagesValidationUtil
to org.openntf.xsp.jakarta.validation.XPagesValidationUtil
, but there won't be TOO many due to this change.
Jakarta Data and NoSQL Changes
This one isn't from my latest round of changes and has been the case since early in the 3.x stream, but it's worth mentioning again here. The Repository
concept from Jakarta NoSQL moved from that spec to the new "Jakarta Data" spec, and so related packages changed from jakarta.nosql.mapping
to jakarta.data
. Additionally, since the NoSQL spec shrunk to accommodate, things like @Column
changed from jakarta.nosql.mapping.Column
to jakarta.nosql.Column
. It makes sense as NoSQL has been an evolving spec all along, but I suspect that this will be the biggest app-code-breaking change it experiences for a good while.
Release and Future Versions
My next steps are to put this through its paces now that all the issues are closed. Though I've ported everything to the JEE 10 versions, I haven't tested to make sure that most of the new features work. While JEE was largely a "cleanup" release, there are a bunch of new features, particularly in Faces, which is in turn always the jankiest part of the stack on Domino.
Post-3.0, I expect that my focus will start to shift to Jakarta EE 11. For a time, I was going to be SOL with it: though Domino 14 bumped Java to 17, JEE 11 was slated to target Java 21 at a minimum. In the mean time, however, that target shifted down to 17, putting it back on the table for Domino. JEE 11 was originally slated for Q1 of this year, but it slipped to some time around summer. That fits reasonably well with my cadence here. JEE 11 is technically also a breaking release, but I suspect that it won't break features that XPages JEE users use, at least not after this hurdle here.