Large Features I'd Like To Add To XPages JEE
Sun Dec 08 12:05:28 EST 2024
Lately, the XPages Jakarta EE project is in a very good place: the move to Jakarta EE 10 cleaned up a lot of the codebase, there aren't currently any more looming brick walls, and the app development using it I've been doing has remained exceedingly productive. The product has a long list of issues to work on - a few of them are difficult-to-reproduce bugs, but most are small-to-medium-sized features. There are a handful of things, though, that would be big projects on their own that I'd love to find the time to do, but don't currently have enough of an impetus to devote the time to.
In no particular order:
Jakarta Batch (Or Scheduled Jobs Generally)
The Jakarta Batch spec is a way to define data-processing tasks in a standardized way - think agents but more explicit. It's a bit of a staid spec - it came from IBM and sure looks like it was specifically designed to be a very mainframe-y way of doing things - but that may be fine.
The advantages of this over agents would be that it would run in the OSGi class space and could use app code fully and that the definition language is pretty flexible. Additionally, though the XPages JEE project already has programmatically-defined scheduled tasks by way of Jakarta Concurrency, those tasks are pretty opaque from outside, while Batch jobs could theoretically be described usefully in a server-wide way for administrative purposes.
Jakarta Messaging
The Jakarta Messaging spec defines a consistent way to work with message queues and pub/sub systems, which helps when making an app as part of a larger system. There are a bunch of pretty enterprise-y implementations, but this looks like it could be a pretty good fit for local use on a Domino server, potentially with Domino's own message queues. Being able to have apps send messages to each other (or to tasks outside the HTTP JVM) could have a lot of uses, and having it baked in to the framework would make it worth considering much more than it's currently used.
Code Generation For NoSQL
When using NoSQL entity classes, it's not strictly necessary to have an actual Form design element, but it's a very common case that you'd have one - either because you make a quick-and-dirty Notes UI first or you're building a JEE app on top of an existing Notes app. Accordingly, it'd be neat to have an option in Designer to automatically generate Java classes for existing forms, saving some tedium of manually defining each property.
There are a couple things that would make doing this sort of a PITA, though. For one, it'd involve writing a UI plugin for Designer, which sounds like it'd just be a miserable process. I could probably work primarily or entirely with the Eclipse VFS and project APIs instead of Designer-specific classes, but still. Beyond that, there'd be the matter of trying to correctly describe a form. Text and number fields would be easy enough, but things would get tricky quickly. Should a multi-option field be presented as an Enum if the options are compatible? Should it try to guess boolean-storage fields? What system-type fields - like SaveOptions - should be included in the model as opposed to handled via compute-with-form? Should the display options for date/time fields map exactly to java.time classes? Not impossible, especially since "good enough" would be significantly better than nothing, but still a deep well of potential work.
Quality-of-Life Extension Projects
For the most part, the XPages JEE project focuses on implementing the specs as they are, with only a few things that are Domino-specific. Over time, I've been building up ideas for little features to add: a bean to handle Domino name formatting, supporting alternative HTML templating tools like Thymeleaf, packaged libraries for common tasks like Markdown formatting and RSS feeds, and so forth. These wouldn't really fit in the core project because I don't want it to bloat out of scope, but I could see them being their own additions or a general "extension library" for it.
Better OSGi Webapps
The JEE project has a couple capabilities in the direction of being used in OSGi-based webapps, but constantly bumps into ancient limitations with it. Something I've considered doing is making an alternative extension point to basically do this but better, presenting a Servlet 6 environment for OSGi-wrapped webapps, avoiding the need for wrappers and translation layers between old and new.
This would be a big undertaking, though. A chunk of it is handled by the existing HttpService
system, so it wouldn't be like writing a Java app server from scratch, but there'd be a lot to do as far as managing application lifecycles and so forth. Still, having control over the ComponentModule
level would let me handle things that are finicky or impractical currently, like annotation-based Servlets, ServletContainerInitializer
s, and various listeners that just aren't implemented in the existing stack.
To go along with this, I'd want to look into what I can do with the Jakarta Data/NoSQL support to make it practical to not use Domino-specific interfaces all the time. The idea there would be that you could write an app that uses NoSQL with one of the other supported databases but then, when running on Domino, would store in an NSF instead. This would make it possible to develop entirely outside of Domino (and thus not have to worry about Designer) in a way that's basically the same. There'd be some trouble there in that it's pretty easy to hit a point with Domino as a data store where you need to give hints for views or data storage to make it practical, so it wouldn't always be doable, but it's worth considering.
Better NSF Webapps
Which leads to the last big potential feature: doing a custom ComponentModule
but for NSFs. The idea here would be that you would, one way or another, register your NSF as a webapp container, and then it would be handled by a new ComponentModule
type that eschews the XPages and legacy parts in favor of exerting full control over events, listeners, and URLs. This would allow apps to skip the "xsp/app" stuff in the URL, make it easier to do things like Filters, and have proper hooks for all app lifecycle listeners.
Like OSGi webapps, this would be a real 80/20 sort of thing, where some of the early steps would be fairly straightforward but would quickly get into the weeds (for example, having to write a custom resource provider for stylesheets, files, etc.). Still, I keep running into limitations of the current container, and this would potentially be a way out. It's probably the one I'd want to do most, but would also be the most work. We'll see.
I may get to some or all of these on my own time anyway, and any of them may end up cropping up as a real client need to bump them up the priority list. It's also just kind of nice having a good stable of "rainy day" projects to tickle the mind.