Using Custom DNS Configurations With CertMgr

Thu Oct 24 18:51:20 EDT 2024

The most common way that I expect people use Domino's CertMgr/certstore.nsf is to use Let's Encrypt with the default HTTP-based validation. This is very common in other products too and usually works great, but there are cases when it's not what you want. I hit two recently:

  • My Domino servers are behind Traefik reverse proxies to blend them with other Docker-based services, and by default the HTTP challenge doesn't like when there's already an HTTP->HTTPS redirect in place
  • I also have dev servers at home that aren't publicly-visible at all, and so can't participate in the HTTP flow

The first hasn't been trouble until recently, since the reverse proxy is fine, but now I want to have a proper certificate for other services like DRAPI. For the second, I've had a semi-manual process: my pfSense-based router uses its Acme Certificate plugin to do the dns-01 challenge (since it knows about my DNS provider) and then, every three months, I would export that certificate and put it into certstore.nsf.

Re-Enter CertMgr

Domino's CertMgr can handle those DNS challenges just fine, though, and the HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE/domino-cert-manager project on GitHub contains configuration documents for several common providers/protocols.

For historical reasons (namely: I didn't like Network Solutions in 2000), I use as my registrar, and they're not in the default list. Indeed, it seems like their support for this process is very much a "oh geez, everyone's asking us for this, so let's hack something together" sort of thing. Fortunately, the configuration docs are adaptable with formula (and other methods) - I'll spare you the troubleshooting details and get to the specifics.

DNS Provider Configuration

In certstore.nsf, the "DNS Configuration" view lets you create configuration documents for custom providers. Before I go further, I'll mention that I put the DXL of mine in OpenNTF's Snippets collection - certstore.nsf has a generic "Import DXL" action that lets you point to a file and import it, made for exactly this sort of situation.

Anyway, the meat of the config document happens on the "Operations" tab. This tab has a bunch of options for various lookup/query actions that different providers may need (say, for pre-request authorization flows), but we won't be using most of those here.


Our type here is "HTTP Request" - there are options to shell out to a command or run an agent if you need even more flexibility, but that type should handle most cases.

The "Status formula" field controls what Domino considers the success/failure state of the request. It contains a formula that will be run in the context of a consistent document used across each phase. If your provider responds with JSON, the JSON will be broken down into JSONPath-ish item names, as you can see in the HCL-provided examples. You can then use that to determine success or failure. Joker replies in a sparse human-readable text format, but does set the HTTP status code nicely, so I set this to ret_AddStatus.

The "DNS provider delay" field indicates how long the challenge check will wait after the "Add" operation, and that latency will depend on your specific provider. I did 20 seconds to be safe, and it's proven fine.

During development, setting "HTTP request tracing" to "Enabled" is helpful for learning how things go, and then "Write trace on error" is likely the best choice once things look good.

HTTP Lookup Request

For Joker, you can leave this whole section blank - its "API" doesn't support this and it's optional, so ignore it.

HTTP Add Request

This section is broken up into two parts, "Query request" and "Request". Set/leave the "Query request type" to "None" or blank, since it's not useful here.

Now we're back into the meat of the configuration. For "Request type", set it to "POST".

"URL formula" should be cfg_URL, which represents the URL configured above. Other providers may have URL permutations for different operations, but Joker has only the one.

Joker is very picky about the Content-Type header, so set the "Header formula" field to "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", which will include that constant string in the upload.

Things get a bit more complicated when it gets to the "Post data formula". For this, we want to match the example from Joker's example, but we also need to do a bit of processing based on the specific name you're asking for. Some DNS providers may want you to send a DNS key value like, while others (like Joker) want just So we do a check here:

txtName := @If(@Ends(param_DnsTxtName; "."+cfg_DnsZone); @Left(param_DnsTxtName; "."+cfg_DnsZone); param_DnsTxtName);

"username=" + @UrlEncode("Domino"; cfg_UserName) + "&password=" + @UrlEncode("Domino"; cfg_Password) + "&zone=" + @UrlEncode("Domino"; cfg_DnsZone) + "&label=" + @UrlEncode("Domino";txtName) + "&type=TXT&value=" + @UrlEncode("Domino"; param_DnsTxtValue)

In my experience, this covers both single-host certificates and wildcard certificates.

HTTP Delete Request

This is for the cleanup step, so your DNS isn't littered with a bunch of useless TXT challenge records.

As before, make sure "Query request type" is "None" or blank.

Similarly, "Request type", "URL formula", and "Header formula" should all be the same as in the "Add" section.

Finally, the "Post data formula" is almost the same, but sets the value to nothing:

txtName := @If(@Ends(param_DnsTxtName; "."+cfg_DnsZone); @Left(param_DnsTxtName; "."+cfg_DnsZone); param_DnsTxtName);

"username=" + @UrlEncode("Domino"; cfg_UserName) + "&password=" + @UrlEncode("Domino"; cfg_Password) + "&zone=" + @UrlEncode("Domino"; cfg_DnsZone) + "&label=" + @UrlEncode("Domino";txtName) + "&type=TXT&value="

Putting It To Use

Once you have your generic provider configured, you can create a new Account document in the "DNS Providers" view.

In this document, set your "Registered domain" to your, uh, registered domain - in my case, "". This remains the case even if you want to register wildcard certificates for subdomains, like if I wanted "*". CertMgr will use this to match your request, and matches subdomain wildcards too.

There's a lot of room for special tokens and keys here, but Joker only needs three fields:

"DNS zone" is again your domain name.

"User name" is the user name you get when you go to your DNS configuration and enable Dynamic DNS - it's not your normal account name. This is a good separation, and a lot of other providers will likely have similar "don't use your normal account" stuff.

Similarly, "Password" is the Dynamic-DNS-specific password.

Joker account configuration

TLS Credentials

Your last step is to actually put in the certificate request. This stage is actually pretty much identical to the normal process, with the extra capability that you can now make use of wildcard certificates.

On this step, you can fill in your host name, servers with access, and then your ACME account. Even more than with the normal process, it's safest to start with "LetsEncryptStaging" instead of "LetsEncryptProduction" to avoid them temporarily banning you if you make too many requests.

With a custom provider, I recommend opening up a server console for your CertMgr server before you hit "Submit Request", since then you can see its progress as it goes. You can get potentially more info if you launch CertMgr as load certmgr -d for debug output. Anyway, with that open, you can click "Submit Request" and let it rip.

As it goes, you'll see a couple lines reading "CertMgr: Error parsing JSON Result" and so forth. This is normal and non-fatal - it comes from the default behavior of trying to parse the response as JSON and failing, but it should still put the unparsed response in the document. What you want is something at the end starting "CertMgr: Successfully processed ACME request", and for the document in certstore.nsf to get its nice little lock icon. If it fails, check the error message in the cert document as well as the document in the "DNS Trace Logs" view - that will contain logs of each step, and all of the contextual information written into the doc used by your formulas.

Wrapping Up

This process is, unfortunately, necessarily complicated - since each DNS provider does their own thing, there's not a one-config-fits-all option. But the nice thing is that, once it's configured, it should be good for a long while. You'll be able to generate certificates for non-public servers and wildcard at will, and that makes a lot of things a lot more flexible.