XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider

Apr 20, 2023, 9:47 AM

  1. Dec 14 2021 - Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. Dec 20 2021 - JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Jan 06 2022 - Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. Jan 11 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. Jan 13 2022 - DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Jan 25 2022 - Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Feb 07 2022 - Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. Feb 11 2022 - JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. Apr 28 2022 - So Why Jakarta?
  10. May 25 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Jul 11 2022 - Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Jul 20 2022 - Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. Nov 22 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. Apr 20 2023 - XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. May 04 2023 - The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. May 25 2023 - XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. Jul 21 2023 - XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. Oct 27 2023 - XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. Feb 16 2024 - XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

Yesterday, I put two releases up on OpenNTF, and I figure it'd be worth mentioning them here.

XPages Jakarta EE Support

The first is a new version of the XPages Jakarta EE Support project. As with the last few, this one is mostly iterative, focusing on consolidation and bug fixes, but it added a couple neat features.

The largest of those is the JPA support I blogged about the other week, where you can build on the JDBC support in XPages to add JPA entities. This is probably a limited-need thing, but it'd be pretty cool if put into practice. This will also pay off all the more down the line if I'm able to add in Jakarta Data support in future versions, which expands the Repository idiom currently in the NoSQL build I use to cover both NoSQL and RDBMS databases.

I also added the ability to specify a custom JsonbConfig object via CDI to customize the output of JSON in REST services. That is, if you have a service like this:

public SomeCustomObject get() {
	return findSomeObject();

In this case, the REST framework uses JSON-B to turn SomeCustomObject into JSON. The defaults are usually fine, but sometimes (either for personal preference or for migration needs) you'll want to customize it, particularly changing the behavior from using bean getters for properties to instead use object fields directly as Gson does.

I also expanded view support in NoSQL by adding a mechanism for querying views with full-text searches. This is done via the ViewQuery object that you can pass to a repository method. For example, you could have a repository like this:

public interface EmployeeRepository extends DominoRepository<Employee, String> {
	Stream<Employee> listFromSomeView(Sorts sorts, ViewQuery query);

Then, you could perform a full-text query and retrieve only the matching entries:

Stream<Employee> result = repo.listFromSomeView(
		.ftSearch("Department = 'HR'", Collections.singleton(FTSearchOption.EXACT))

Down the line, I plan to add this capability for whole-DB queries, but (kind of counter-intuitively) that would get a bit fiddlier than doing it for views.

XPages Javadoc Provider

The second one is a new project, the XPages Javadoc Provider. This is a teeny-tiny project, though, not even containing any Java code. This is a plugin for either Designer or normal Eclipse and it provides Javadoc for some standard XPages classes - specifically, those covered in the official Javadoc for Designer and the XPages Extensibility APIs. This covers things like com.ibm.commons and the core stuff from com.ibm.xsp, but doesn't cover things like javax.faces.* or lotus.domino.

The way this works is that it uses Eclipse's Javadoc extension point to tell Designer/Eclipse that it can find Javadoc for a couple bundles via the hosted version, really just linking the IDE to the public HTML. I went this route (as opposed to embedding the Javadoc in the plugin) because the docs don't explicitly say they're redistributable, so I have to treat them as not. Interestingly, the docs are actually still hosted at public.dhe.ibm.com. If HCL publishes them on their site or makes them officially redistributable, I'll be able to update the project, but for now it's relying on nobody at IBM remembering that they're up there.

In any event, it's not a huge deal, but it's actually kind of nice. Being able to have Javadoc for things like XspLibrary removes a bit of the guesswork in using the API and makes the experience feel just a bit better.

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