Quick Tip: Stashing Log Files From Domino Testcontainers

Mar 28, 2023, 11:36 AM

Tags: docker

I've been doing a little future-proofing in the XPages Jakarta EE project lately and bumped against a common pitfall in my test setup: since I create a fresh Domino Testcontainer with each run, diagnostic information like the XPages log files are destroyed at the end of each test-suite execution.

Historically, I've combatted this manually: if I make sure to not close the container and I kill the Ryuk watcher container the framework spawns before testing is over, then the Domino container will linger around. That's fine and all, but it's obviously a bit crude. Plus, other than when I want to make subsequent HTTP calls against it, I generally want the same stuff: IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT and the Equinox logs dir.

Building on a hint from a GitHub issue reply, I modified my test container to add a hook to its close event to copy the log files into the IT module's target directory.

In my DominoContainer class, which builds up the container from my settings, I added an implementation of containerIsStopping:

protected void containerIsStopping(InspectContainerResponse containerInfo) {
	try {
		// If we can see the target dir, copy log files
		Path target = Paths.get(".").resolve("target"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
		if(Files.isDirectory(target)) {
			this.execInContainer("tar", "-czvf", "/tmp/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT.tar.gz", "/local/notesdata/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT");
			this.copyFileFromContainer("/tmp/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT.tar.gz", target.resolve("IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT.tar.gz").toString());
			this.execInContainer("tar", "-czvf", "/tmp/workspace-logs.tar.gz", "/local/notesdata/domino/workspace/logs");
			this.copyFileFromContainer("/tmp/workspace-logs.tar.gz", target.resolve("workspace-logs.tar.gz").toString());
	} catch(IOException | UnsupportedOperationException | InterruptedException e) {

This will tar/gzip up the logs en masse and drop them in my project's output:

Screenshot of the target directory with logs copied

Having this happen automatically should save me a ton of hassle in the cases where I need this, and I figured it was worth sharing in case it's useful to others.

JPA in the XPages Jakarta EE Project

Mar 18, 2023, 11:55 AM

For a little while now, I'd had an issue open to implement Jakarta Persistence (JPA) in the project.

JPA is the long-standing API for working with relational-database data in JEE and is one of the bedrocks of the platform, used by presumably most normal apps. That said, it's been a pretty low priority here, since the desire to write applications based on a SQL database but running on Domino could be charitably described as "specialized". Still, the spec has been staring me in the face, maybe it'd be useful, and I could pull a neat trick with it.

The Neat Trick

When possible, I like to make the XPages JEE project act as a friendly participant in the underlying stack, building on good use of the ComponentModule system, the existing app lifecycle, and so forth. This is another one of those areas: XPages (re-)gained support for relational data over a decade ago and I could use this.

Tucked away in the slide deck that ships with the old ExtLib is this tidbit:

Screenshot of a slide, highlighting 'Available using JNDI'

JNDI is a common, albeit creaky, mechanism used by app servers to provide resources to apps running on them. If you've done LDAP from Java, you've probably run into it via InitialContext and whatnot, but it's used for all sorts of things, DB connections included. What this meant is that I could piggyback on the existing mechanism, including its connection pooling. Given its age and lack of attention, I imagine that it's not necessarily the absolute best option, but it has the advantage of being built in to the platform, limiting the work I'd need to do and the scope of bugs I'd be responsible for.


With one piece of the puzzle taken care for me, my next step was to actually get a JPA implementation working. The big, go-to name in this area is Hibernate (which, incidentally, I remember Toby Samples getting running in XPages long ago). However, it looks like Hibernate kind of skipped over the Jakarta EE 9 target with its official releases: the 5.x series uses the javax.persistence namespace, while the 6.x series uses jakarta.persistence but requires Java 11, matching Jakarta EE 10. Until Domino updates its creaky JVM, I can't use that.

Fortunately, while I might be able to transform it, Hibernate isn't the only game in town. There's also EclipseLink, another well-established implementation that has the benefits of having an official release series targeting JEE 9 and also using a preferable license.

And actually, there's not much more to add on that front. Other than writing a library to provide it to the NSF and a resolver to account for OSGi's separation, I didn't have to write a lot of code.

Most of what I did write was the necessary code and configuration for normal JPA use. There's a persistence.xml file in the normal format (referencing the source made by the XPages JDBC config file), a model class, and then access using the normal API.

In a normal full app server, the container would take care of some of the dirty work done by the REST resource there, and that's something I'm considering for the future, but this will do for now.

Writing Tests

One of the neat side effects is that, when I went to write the test case for this, I got to make better use of Testcontainers. I'm a huge fan of Testcontainers and I've used it for a good while for my IT suites, but I've always lost a bit by not getting to use the scaffolding it provides for common open-source projects. Now, though, I could add a PostgreSQL container alongside the Domino one:

postgres = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:15.2")

Here, I configure a basic Postgres container, and the wrapper class provides methods to specify the extremely-secure username and password to use, as well as the default database name. Here, I pass it a network object that lets it share the same container network space as the Domino server, which will then be able to refer to it via TCP/IP as the bare name "postgresql".

The remaining task was to write a method in the test suite to make sure the table exists. You can do this in other ways - Testcontainers lets you run init scripts via URL, for example - but for one table this suits me well. In the test class where I want to access the REST service I wrote, I made a @BeforeAll method to create the table:

public static void createTable() throws SQLException {
	PostgreSQLContainer<?> container = JakartaTestContainers.instance.postgres;
	try(Connection conn = container.createConnection(""); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
		stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.companies (\n"
				+ "	name character varying(255) NOT NULL\n"
				+ ");");

Testcontainers takes care of some of the dirty work of figuring out and initializing the JDBC connection for me. That's not particularly-onerous work, but it's one of the small benefits you get when you're doing the same sort of thing other users of the tool are doing.

With that, everything went swimmingly. Domino saw the Postgres container (thanks to copying the JDBC driver to the classpath) and the JPA access worked just the same as it does in my real environment.

Like with the implementation, there's not much there beyond "yep, do the things the docs say and it works". Though there were the usual hurdles that I've gotten used to with adding things like this to Domino, this all went pleasantly smoothly. I may build on this in the future - such as the aforementioned server-managed JPA bits - but that will depend on whether I or others have need. Regardless, I'm glad it's in there.

Moving Relative Date Text Client-Side

Mar 12, 2023, 10:57 AM

One of my main goals in the slow-moving OpenNTF home-page revamp project I'm doing (which I recently moved to a public repo, by the way) is to, like on this blog, keep things extremely simple. There's almost no JavaScript - just Hotwire Turbo so far - and the UI is done with very-low-key JSP pages and tags.

The Library

This also extends to the server side, where I use the XPages Jakarta EE project as the baseline but otherwise don't yet have any other dependencies to distribute. I have had a few Java dependencies kept as JARs within the project, though, and they're always a bit annoying. The other day, when Designer died again trying to sync one of them to the ODP, I decided to try to remove PrettyTime in favor of something slimmer.

PrettyTime is a handy little library that does the job of turning a moment in time into something human-friendly relative to the current time. OpenNTF uses this for, for example, the list of recent releases, where it'll say things like "19 hours ago" or "5 months ago". Technically the same information as if it showed the raw date, but it's a little nicer. It's also svelte, with the JAR coming in at about 160k. Still, nice as it is, it's a binary blob and a third-party dependency, so it was on the chopping block.

The Strategy

My antipathy for using JavaScript isn't so much about an objection to the language itself but to the sort of bloated monstosities it gives rise to. Using it in the "old" way - progressive enhancement - is great. Same goes for Web Components: I think they're the right tool a lot less frequently than a lot of JavaScript UI toolkits do, but they have their place, and this is one such place.

What I want is a way to send a "raw" ISO time value to the client and have it actually display something nice. Conveniently, just the other week, Stephan Wissel tipped me off to the existence of the Intl object in JavaScript, which handles the fiddly business of time formating, pluralization, and other locale-related needs on behalf of the user. Using this, I could write code that translates an ISO date into something friendly without also then being on the hook for coming up with translations for any future non-English languages that the OpenNTF app may support.

The Component

In the original form, when I was using PrettyTime, the code in JSP to emit relative times tended to look like this:

<c:out value="${temporalBean.timeAgo(release.releaseDate)}"/>

I probably could have turned that into a JSP tag like <t:timeAgo value="${release.releaseDate}"/>, but it was already svelte enough in the normal case. Either way, this already looks very close to what it would be with a web component, just happening server-side instead of on the client.

As it happens, Web Components aren't actually terribly difficult to write. A lot of JS toolkits optimize for the complex case - Shadow DOM and all that - but something like this can be readily written by hand. It can start with some normal JavaScript (since I'm writing this in Designer, I made this a File resource, since then the JS editor doesn't die on modern syntax):

class TimeAgo extends HTMLElement {
	constructor() {

	connectedCallback() {
		/* Do the formatting */

customElements.define("time-ago", TimeAgo);

Put that in a .js file included in the page and then you can use <time-ago/> at will! It won't do anything yet, but it'll be legal.

While the Intl library will help with this task, it doesn't inherently have all the same functionality as PrettyTime. Fortunately, there's a pretty reasonable idiom that basically everybody who has sought to solve this problem has ended up on. Plugging that into our component, we can get this:

class TimeAgo extends HTMLElement {
	static units = {
		year: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365,
		month: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365 / 12,
		day: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
		hour: 60 * 60 * 1000,
		minute: 60 * 1000,
		second: 1000
	static relativeFormat = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat(document.documentElement.lang);
	static dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(document.documentElement.lang, { dateStyle: 'short', timeStyle: 'short' });
	static dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(document.documentElement.lang, { dateStyle: 'medium' });

	constructor() {

	connectedCallback() {
		let date = new Date(this.getAttribute("value"));

		this.innerText = this._relativize(date);
		if (this.getAttribute("value").indexOf("T") > -1) {
			this.title = TimeAgo.dateTimeFormat.format(date);
		} else {
			this.title = TimeAgo.dateFormat.format(date)

	_relativize(d1) {
		var elapsed = d1 - new Date();

		for (var u in TimeAgo.units) {
			if (Math.abs(elapsed) > TimeAgo.units[u] || u == 'second') {
				return TimeAgo.relativeFormat.format(Math.round(elapsed / TimeAgo.units[u]), u)
		return TimeAgo.dateTimeFormat.format(d1);

customElements.define("time-ago", TimeAgo);

The document.documentElement.lang bit there means that it'll hew to being the professed language of the page - that could also use the default language of the user, but it'd probably be disconcerting if only the times were in one's native language.

With that in place, I could replace the server-side version with the Web Component:

<time-ago value="${release.releaseDate}" />

When that loads on the page, the browser will display basically the same thing as before, but the client side is doing the lifting here.

It's not perfect yet, though. Ideally, I'd want this to extend a standard element like <time/>, so you'd be able to write like <time is="time-ago" datetime="${release.releaseDate}">${release.releaseDate}</span> - that way, if the browser doesn't have JavaScript enabled or something goes awry, there'd at least be an ISO date visible on the page. That'd be the real progressive-enhancement path. When I tried that route, I wasn't able to properly remove the original text from the DOM like I'd like, but that's presumably something that I could do with some more investigation.

In the mean time, I'm pretty pleased with the switch. One fewer binary blob in the NSF, a bit of new knowledge of a browser technology, and the app's code remains clean and meaningful. I'll take it.