Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino

Jan 25, 2022, 1:36 PM

  1. Dec 14 2021 - Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. Dec 20 2021 - JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Jan 06 2022 - Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. Jan 11 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. Jan 13 2022 - DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Jan 25 2022 - Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Feb 07 2022 - Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. Feb 11 2022 - JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. Apr 28 2022 - So Why Jakarta?
  10. May 25 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Jul 11 2022 - Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Jul 20 2022 - Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. Nov 22 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. Apr 20 2023 - XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. May 04 2023 - The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. May 25 2023 - XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. Jul 21 2023 - XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. Oct 27 2023 - XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. Feb 16 2024 - XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

A few weeks back, I talked about my use of DQL and QRP in writing a JNoSQL driver for Domino. In that, I left the specifics of the JNoSQL side out and focused on the Domino side, but that former part certainly warrants some expansion as well.


As a quick overview, Jakarta NoSQL is an approaching-finalization spec for working with NoSQL databases of various stripes in a Jakarta EE app. This is as opposed to the venerable JPA, which is a long-standing API for working with RDBMSes in JEE.

JNoSQL is the implementation of the Jakarta NoSQL spec, and is also an Eclipse project. As a historical note, the individual components of the implementation used to have Greek-mythological names, which is why older drivers like my Darwino driver or original Domino driver are sprinkled with references to "Diana" and "Artemis". The "JNoSQL" name also pre-dates its reification into a Jakarta spec - normally, spec names and implementations aren't quite so similarly named.

The specification is broken up into two main categories. The README for the implementation describes this well, but the summary is:

  1. "Communication" handles interpreting JNoSQL CRUD operations and actually applying them to the database.
  2. "Mapping" handles what the app developer interacts with: annotating classes to relate them to the back-end database and querying object repositories.

An individual driver may include code for both sides of this, but only the Communication side is obligatory to implement. A driver would contribute to the Mapping side as well if they want to provide database-specific higher-level concepts. For example, the Darwino driver does this to provide explicit annotations for its full-text search, stored-cursor, and JSQL capabilities. I may do similarly in the Domino driver to expose FT search, view operations, or DQL queries directly.

Jakarta NoSQL handles Key-Value, Column, Graph, and Document data stores, but we only care about the last category for now.

Implementation Overview

Now, on to the actual implementation in question. The handful of classes in the implementation fall into a few categories:

Implementation Details

The core entrypoint for data operations is DefaultDominoDocumentCollectionManager, and JNoSQL specifies a few main operations to implement, basically CRUD plus total count:

  • insert and its overrides handle taking an abstract DocumentEntity from JNoSQL and turning it into a new lotus.domino.Document in the target database.
  • update does similarly, but with the assumption that the incoming entity represents a modification to an existing document.
  • delete takes an incoming abstract query and deletes all documents matching it.
  • select takes an incoming abstract query, finds matching documents, converts them to a neutral format, and returns them to JNoSQL. This is what my earlier post was all about.
  • count retrieves a count for all documents in a "collection". "Collection" here is a MongoDB-ism and the most-practical Domino equivalent is "documents with a specific Form name".

Entity Conversion

The insert, update, and select methods have as part of their jobs the task of translating between Domino's storage and JNoSQL's intermediate representation, and this happens in EntityConverter.

Now, this point of the code has some... nomenclature-based issues. There's lotus.domino.Document, our legacy representation of a Domino document handle. Then, there's jakarta.nosql.document.Document: this oddly-named interface actually represents a single key-value pair within the conceptual document - roughly, this corresponds to lotus.domino.Item. Finally, there's jakarta.nosql.document.DocumentEntity, which is the higher-level representation of a conceptual document on the JNoSQL side, and this contains many jakarta.nosql.document.Documents. This all works out in practice, but it's important to know about when you look into the implementation code.

The first couple methods in this utility class handle converting query results of different types: QRP result JSON, QRP result views, and generic DocumentCollections. Strictly speaking, I could remove the first one now that it's unused, but there's a non-zero chance that I'll return to it if it ends up being efficient down the line.

Each of those methods will eventually call to toDocuments, which converts a lotus.domino.Document object to an equivalent List of JNoSQL Documents (i.e. the individual key-value pairs). Due to the way JNoSQL works, this method has no way to know what the actual desired fields the higher level will want are, so it attempts to convert all items in the document to more-common Java types. There's much more work to do here, some of it based on just needing to add other types (like improving rich text handling) and some of it based on needing a better Notes API (like proper conversion from Notes times to java.time).

In the other direction, there's the method that converts from a JNoSQL DocumentEntity to a Domino document, which is used by the insert and update methods. This converts some known common incoming types and converts them to Domino item values. Like the earlier methods, this could use some work in translating types, but that's also something that a better Notes API could handle for me.

Query Conversion

The QueryConverter class has a slightly-simpler job: taking JNoSQL's concept of a query and translating it to a document selection.

The jakarta.nosql.document.DocumentQuery type does a bit of double duty: it's used both for arbitrary queries (Foo='Bar'-type stuff) as well as for selecting documents by UNID. The select method covers that, producing a QueryConverterResult object to ferry the important information back to DefaultDominoDocumentCollectionManager.

The core work of QueryConverter is in getCondition, where it performs an AST-to-DQL conversion. JNoSQL has a couple mechanisms for querying entities: explicit Java-based queries, implicit queries based on repository definition, or a SQL-like query language. Regardless of what the higher level does to query, though, it comes to the Communication driver as this tree of objects (technically, the driver can handle the last specially, but by default it arrives parsed).

Fortunately, this sort of work is a common sort of idiom. You start with the top node of the tree, handle it based on its type and, as needed, recurse down into the next node. So if, for example, the top node is an EQUALS, all this converter needs to do is return the DQL representation of "this field equals that value", and so forth for other comparison operators. If it encounters AND, OR, or NOT, then the job changes to making a composite query of that operator plus the results of converting whatever the operator is applied to - which is where the recursion back into the same method comes in.

Future Work

The main immediate work to do here is enhancing the data conversion: handling more outgoing Domino item types and incoming Java object types. A good deal of this can be done as-is, but doing some other parts reliably will be best done by changing out the specific Notes API in use. I used lotus.domino because it's present already, but it's a placeholder for sure.

There are also a bunch of efficiency tweaks I can make: more lazy loading in conversion, optimizing data fetching for specific queries, and logging DQL explain results for developers.

Beyond that, I'll have to consider if it's worth adding extensions to the mapping side. As I mentioned, the Darwino driver has some extensions for its JSQL language and similar concepts, and it's possible that it'd be worth adding similar things for Domino, in particular direct FT searching. That said, DQL does a pretty good job being the all-consuming target, and so translating JNoSQL queries to DQL may suffice to extract what performance Domino can provide.

So we'll see. A lot of this will be based on what I need when I actually put this into real use, since right now it's partly hypothetical. In any event, I'm looking forward to finding places where I can use this instead of explicitly coding to Notes API objects for sure.

Building a Full Domino Image for JUnit Tests

Jan 23, 2022, 3:57 PM

Tags: docker domino
  1. Jul 19 2021 - Tinkering With Testcontainers for Domino-based Web Apps
  2. Jul 20 2021 - Adding Selenium Browser Tests to My Testcontainers Setup
  3. Jan 23 2022 - Building a Full Domino Image for JUnit Tests

Last year, I wrote about how I built images to use Testcontainers to run tests against a Liberty app that uses a Domino runtime. In that situation, I used the Domino Docker image from Flexnet but then pulled out the program files and stock data, mixed with pre-configured server support files from the repository.

Recently, though, I've had a need to have a similar setup, but altered in three ways:

  1. It should fully run Domino, not just use the data and program files for the runtime in Liberty
  2. It should not require pre-populating a server ID, notes.ini, and names.nsf from outside - that is, it should be self-configuring
  3. It should also have an extra component installed, one that must be installed after Domino is configured but before the image is fully built
  4. On the next launch, I need a post-install agent to run for final configuration, and the tests need to wait on that

Additionally, it should still be runnable with the same basic tools - the image should be built and the container started and destroyed by automated tests. This stricture comes into play in weird ways.

One-Touch Setup

The second requirement - that the container be self-configuring - is handled adroitly by One-Touch Setup, the feature in Domino 12 and above that lets you specify a configuration JSON file. I used this here in basically the same way as I described in that post: the script sets up and certifies a throwaway domain with a known admin username + password, and also deploys a few NTFs on first proper launch. Since this server intentionally doesn't communicate with the outside world, I don't need to provide any external files like a certificate authority or server ID.

Switching the Baseline

Initially, I continued to use the official image from Flexnet. However, I had run into some trouble with multi-stage builds using this earlier. I lack enough Docker knowledge to be sure, but my suspicion is that it declares /local/notesdata as an expected externally-provided volume. This on its own is fine, but it interacts oddly with automated container building. The trouble comes in when you do something like this:

FROM domino-docker:V1201_11222021prod
ENV SetupAutoConfigure "1"
ENV SetupAutoConfigureParams "/local/domino-config.json"
COPY --chown=notes:wheel domino-config.json /local/
RUN /local/

RUN /some/script/that/uses/notesdata

By the time it hits that second RUN line using automated build mechanisms, /local/notesdata is depopulated. I'm not sure why this is different from a command-line docker build, but it is what it is.

Fortunately, the "community" version of the image builder from doesn't exhibit this behavior. I had been considering switching over already, so this made the decision all the easier.

Breaking Up Setup Into Stages

With this change in hand, I was able to more-properly break up the setup into multiple stages. This is important both for requirement #3 above and because it allows Docker to cache intermediate results. Though I want the server to auto-configure itself when building, I don't need the results of that to be different every run, and thus I can save tons of time in subsequent launches if I handle these caches well.

So my Dockerfile started to look something like this:

FROM hclcom/domino:12.0.1
# Relay Domino output to the container logs
ENV SetupAutoConfigure "1"
ENV SetupAutoConfigureParams "/local/DominoAutoConfig.json"

COPY --chown=notes:wheel domino-config.json /local/DominoAutoConfig.json
COPY --chown=notes:wheel notesdata/* /local/notesdatatemp/


# Copy the app executable and support scripts
USER root
COPY appinstall /local/appinstall
RUN chmod +x /local/appinstall/ && /local/appinstall/

# Back to notes user for the Domino entrypoint
USER notes

But here I hit another distinction between docker build and the automated mechanisms: that RUN / line would execute and get to the point where it emits "Application configuration completed successfully", but then would not actually exit properly. Again, I'm not sure why: the JSON file tells the server to not launch after configuration, and indeed it doesn't, but the script just doesn't relinquish control - but does when built from the command line.

So I rolled up my sleeves and wrote a wrapper script to kill the process when it's known to be done:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
/ > /tmp/domsetup &
until tail -f /tmp/domsetup | grep -q "Application configuration completed successfully"; do : sleep 1; done

This runs the setup process, redirecting the output to a temp file, in the background. Then, it watches that file for the known ending text and exits when observed. A little janky in multiple ways for multiple reasons, but it works. That allows image build to progress normally to the next step in all environments, caching the results of the initial server setup. I replaced the RUN / line above with copying in and executing this script, and all was well.

Post-Install Agent

After the "appinstall" step, I have the peculiar need to then run code in a Notes context to fiddle with some components that aren't configured earlier. For now, I've settled on writing an agent that runs on server start, then signing and enabling it in the domino-config.json file:

    "action": "create",
    "filePath": "postinstall.nsf",
    "title": "Post Install",
    "templatePath": "/local/notesdatatemp/postinstall.ntf",
    "signUsingAdminp": true,
    "agents": [
            "name": "PostInstall",
            "action": "sign"
            "name": "PostInstall",
            "action": "enable"

Originally, I had this agent emit the text "postinstall done" when it finished, so that the Testcontainers runtime could look for that to know when it's safe to execute tests. However, this added a good while to the launch stage: at this point, launching the container has to wait on final post-install tasks from Domino, then signing the DB with adminp, then actually executing the agent. This added about a minute to the test pre-run time, and thus was a prime target for further caching.

So I altered the agent to check to see if it actually needs to work and then, if so, shuts down the server when it's done:

Session session = getSession();

if(needToDoWork()) {
    session.sendConsoleCommand(session.getServerName(), "q");

Then, I altered my Dockerfile to amend the end bit:

# ...snip
# Back to notes user for the Domino entrypoint
USER notes

# Run the server once to wait for postinstall to execute, then shut down
WORKDIR /local/notesdata
RUN /opt/hcl/domino/bin/server

# Now let the entrypoint launch again, without requiring further configuration

Again: janky, but it works. Now, all of the setup stages are cached on subsequent runs.

Building the Image in Testcontainers

In my original post, I showed using dockerfile-maven-plugin to build the image just before executing the tests. This works, but it complicated the pom.xml a bit and meant that running the tests in an IDE meant first running a Maven build. Not the end of the world, but not ideal.

Fortunately, Testcontainers can also build images. That meant that, rather than building the image in Maven and then re-using the same-named container in Java, I could do it all Java-side. To do this, I created a subclass of GenericContainer to centralize the configuration of the container:

package example;

import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;
import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.HttpWaitStrategy;
import org.testcontainers.images.builder.ImageFromDockerfile;

public class DominoAppContainer extends GenericContainer<DominoAppContainer> {
    public static class DominoAppImage extends ImageFromDockerfile {
        public DominoAppImage() {
            super("example-app-it-testcontainers:1.0.0", false);
            withFileFromClasspath("Dockerfile", "/docker/Dockerfile");
            withFileFromClasspath("domino-config.json", "/docker/domino-config.json");
            withFileFromClasspath("", "/docker/");
            withFileFromClasspath("notesdata/exampledata.ntf", "/docker/notesdata/exampledata.ntf");
            withFileFromClasspath("notesdata/postinstall.ntf", "/docker/notesdata/postinstall.ntf");
            withFileFromClasspath("appinstall/", "/docker/appinstall/");
            withFileFromClasspath("appinstall/appinstall.jar", "/docker/appinstall/appinstall.jar");

    public DominoAppContainer() {
        super(new DominoAppImage());

        withImagePullPolicy(imageName -> false);
            new HttpWaitStrategy()
            .forStatusCodeMatching(code -> code >= 200 && code < 400)
        withLogConsumer(frame -> {
            switch (frame.getType()) {
                case STDERR:
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                case STDOUT:
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                case END:

It's a little fiddlier in that now I need to enumerate each classpath resource to copy in, but that also makes it all the more portable. I removed the dockerfile-maven-plugin execution from the pom.xml and switched to this instead. Since I name the image and tell it to not auto-delete on completion, this retained the desired caching behavior.


Overall, this whole process brought the test pre-launch time (after the first run) down from 3-5 minutes to about 20 seconds while also reducing the split between the Maven config and Java. Much more bearable when making small tweaks and re-running the suite, and it makes it a bit more explicable what's going on.

PSA: Reverse-Proxy Regression in Domino 12.0.1

Jan 19, 2022, 5:08 PM

  1. Dec 08 2012 - Putting Apache in Front of Domino
  2. May 30 2013 - Better Living Through Reverse Proxies
  3. Nov 01 2015 - Domino's Server-Side User Security
  4. Jan 30 2021 - A Partially-Successful Venture Into Improving Reverse Proxies With Domino
  5. Jan 19 2022 - PSA: Reverse-Proxy Regression in Domino 12.0.1

For a good while now, I've been making use of the HTTPEnableConnectorHeaders notes.ini property in Domino to allow my reverse proxies to have Domino "see" the real remote system. Though this feature is coarse-grained and is best paired with some tempering, it's served me well when used on appropriately-configured servers.

Unfortunately, HCL saw fit to remove this feature in 12.0.1, declaring it a security vulnerability. I don't think this made it into the release notes as such, but did eventually get patched into the "Components no longer included in this release" page for V12.

Obviously, the true problem here is that it makes my blog entries retroactively less useful. However, a secondary issue is that it will damage your applications in two main ways if you were making use of these headers:


The $WSRU header allowed you to specify a username to act as for the duration of the web request, and this would be honored from the core: all legacy and Servlet components would see that as the true authenticated user. This header is essentially a quick-and-dirty SSO mechanism, and works similarly in that way to an LTPA token.

Fortunately, this header has some workarounds, though proper ones would likely require diving into some C:

  1. If you have a simple situation where you were using it to log in as a single known user, you could switch to sending HTTP Basic auth with that user's credentials
  2. If the server in front of Domino happens to have been written by IBM, you could potentially spin your own LTPA tokens on that side and have them trusted by Domino
  3. You could establish your own exchange between the proxy server and Domino to have Domino generate an SSO token for an arbitrary name for you and then pass that along (note: if you do that, use Domino JNA to do the heavy lifting)
  4. You could write a DSAPI filter to implement whatever type of authentication you like

With any of those, Domino will trust the user you provide it to the same extent it previously would trust the $WSRU header when configured to do so.

Note: if you do implement your own authentication, don't just re-use $WSRU. It appears that part (all?) of the change on the Domino side is to hard-strip the $WS* headers from the incoming request.

Remote IP Address, etc.

The other use, which I've used in a good many deployed apps, is to use $WSRA and friends to tell Domino what the true remote IP address is. When you do this, CGI item values like REMOTE_ADDR will reflect the external user's IP address instead of the proxy server's.

Since 9.0.1FP8, there's been a notes.ini property - HTTP_LOG_ACCESS_XFORWARDED_FOR - that will tell Domino to pay a little attention to the de-facto standard X-Forwarded-For header that proxies often use to tip an app server off to the proxy hops a request took to get to its destination. From what I can tell, this support remains limited to just writing to a new field in log entries in domlog.nsf. The in-app CGI variables will still reflect the reverse proxy's address.

Unfortunately, as I found when I was trying to make a DSAPI filter to properly trust that header, these request values are not writable in such filters. It might hypothetically be possible to get some of this with EM triggers juggling fields around for classic use and futzing with the low levels of the XPages stack, but even I wouldn't resort to that.

The upshot is that if, for example, you're storing REMOTE_ADDR in created documents or making use of ServletRequest#getRemoteHost, you'll have to alter your applications to also consider X-Forwarded-For, and the same goes for any other such fields you were using.

As above, if you do this, you can't use $WSRA et al, as I don't think they'll be visible in your app.

DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL

Jan 13, 2022, 2:32 PM

  1. Dec 14 2021 - Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. Dec 20 2021 - JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Jan 06 2022 - Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. Jan 11 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. Jan 13 2022 - DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Jan 25 2022 - Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Feb 07 2022 - Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. Feb 11 2022 - JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. Apr 28 2022 - So Why Jakarta?
  10. May 25 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Jul 11 2022 - Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Jul 20 2022 - Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. Nov 22 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. Apr 20 2023 - XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. May 04 2023 - The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. May 25 2023 - XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. Jul 21 2023 - XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. Oct 27 2023 - XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. Feb 16 2024 - XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

As I've been adding new technologies to and talking about the XPages Jakarta EE project, I've kind of danced around a major missing layer: data access.

Technically, the toolchain has provided Domino data access all along, by way of having the same contextual sessions and database as XPages. You could use those to access whatever data you want, and they'd do the job as well as they ever do (c'est-?-dire: poorly). Beyond that, though, there's no equivalent to the (questionable) xp:dominoDocument and xp:dominoView components of XPages, and definitely no pre-provided object-to-database mapper.

The answer is pretty clear: Jakarta NoSQL. This API isn't quite finalized, but it's been usable for a long time: I wrote a Darwino driver for it years ago, and that driver is powering this very blog. I also wrote a Domino driver years ago, but it was very much a proof-of-concept: since it pre-dated DQL, it used formula queries for everything, and thus would scale extremely poorly. It was a nice exercise, but not anything useful.

For XPages JEE, I decided to take another swing at that. The implementation of the driver will warrant a tale on its own, but for now I'd like to focus on the DQL side of it.


I talked a bit about DQL when it came out, back when it wasn't well-understood, but since then I haven't actually had much occasion to put it to use. For the times I've needed complex Domino data access since then, it's been built on pre-existing operations on top of views. While adding DQL has been something I've considered from time to time, it'd never hit the threshold of being worth it: our needs involve extracting tons of data to bulk send it to service clients, and so views have remained necessary. While we could in theory alter our querying and filtering to select documents and project those selections onto the views, it'd have been a lot of work for partial benefits.

DQL itself has gotten more capable in the intervening years, and just on its own it's a perfect match for JNoSQL needs. Since all JNoSQL operations are sent to the driver as either individual doc IDs or an arbitrary query, something like DQL is required, and it's up to the task now.

It's half of the story, though. What DQL (by way of the DominoQuery object) gives you is a DocumentCollection, effectively just the list of note IDs. You can, as I'd hypothesized about doing, apply that against a view to extract data, but that still requires you to separate out the act of view management from the act of doing queries. If you want to have data sorted or categorized, you would still have to create an equivalent or superset view.


So that's where the addition of QueryResultsProcessor comes in. QRP is technically distinct from DQL - you can use it to process arbitrary document collections, for example - but they're certainly a conceptual match. If you're comparing it to a SQL statement, DQL is the "FROM foo" and "WHERE x" parts, while QRP is the "SELECT a,b,c", "ORDER BY y", and "GROUP BY z" parts.

The general way it works is that you:

  1. Create a QueryResultsProcessor from a Database instance (as opposed to Session - this distinction becomes important later)
  2. Feed it sources of documents: DQL queries or arbitrary document collections
  3. Add any desired columns to extract data. These are Domino-style columns, and you can also specify sorting and categorization here, as you would when building a view
  4. Since data may come from multiple databases, you can also customize column formulas to account for that
  5. Execute the process and retrieve the results, currently either as JSON or as a "view". More on these "views" later

When I first heard about QRPs, I had a concern with step 2: I'd thought that you could only pass a built DocumentCollection to the processor, which would significantly limit the room for Domino to add behind-the-scenes efficiencies. However, my fears were unfounded; the ability to pass in a DominoQuery object and the DQL directly and let the QRP execute it means that HCL is free to do whatever they want to make it fast. That's the sort of thing that makes SQL queries potentially so stupidly efficient: because you're just asking the database for results, the DB is free to optimize the heck out of them. This pairing potentially brings that to Domino, and that's what makes it important.

JSON Output

The executeToJson method is pretty straightforward if a somewhat-peculiar choice. It has no parameters, and returns the results of your query as reasonably-formatted JSON. It's unfortunate that this returns a String and not an InputStream, which adds some inherent inefficiency to dealing with it on the Java side, but that will only really hurt with very-large data sets.

Along with the requested fields, formula results, and aggregations, the document entries include the note ID (oddly in "formula" format) and the database file path, so you can use that to open up the document.

Anyway, this is a workmanlike format and can be potentially just sent to REST clients directly, though it'd be good form to at least strip out the DB paths and note IDs.

View Output

Now here's the spicy one. The executeToView method stores the results in a very-weird type of view. This has a few big advantages over the JSON mechanism:

  • The view persists in the database, up to a number of hours you specify programmatically. This allows you to essentially offload some extra caching to the database, which is ideal
  • You can use ViewNavigator and other efficient mechanisms to work with the view data, meaning you don't have the "here's a big result blob in memory" problem you have with the JSON format
  • Since it's a "view", anything that works with view data can work with it. This is presumably the reason it's implemented this way at all, rather than as some new kind of entity - building on existing mechanisms
  • The "anything that works with view data" doesn't just mean things like ViewNavigator: it also means the Notes client and view data sources

Now, these "views" have a lot of weird characteristics. It's useful to see the specifics listed out like that, but they all derive from a core lesson to ingest:

This is not a stored query; it is a cached result.

These views are not auto-updated, nor is there any mechanism I know of to refresh them outside of deleting and re-creating them. They're equivalent in concept to if you took the JSON from the first type and stored it in a document somewhere: it'll only change if you change it. The only way Domino will act on them is to delete them when they're expired.

Anyway, the data in these views is the same data that would go to the JSON format, just stored as Notes collation data instead of a string. It contains columns, potentially categorized and aggregated, for the data you requested, as well as hidden "$DBPath" and "$NoteID" columns at the end. The entry-level note ID (the one from entry.getNoteID()) is arbitrary and intended to not represent an actual document - since, after all, the documents may come from distinct databases. I've found the value of entry.getUniversalID() to be the doc's original UNID, but this is best treated as not a guarantee and so should not be used.

Designer Rights

So here's a fun catch: though any Reader can perform a query, you need Designer access to create a view. This seemed like a problem to me at first, since I'd want the generated results to be from a specific user for reader-field purposes, but it's not really an impediment, at least when you're in an environment like XPages.

Above, I mentioned that the fact that you create a QueryResultsProcessor object from a Database is important, and this is one of the reasons why. Though traditionally you wouldn't mix descendants of session and sessionAsSigner together, there's no actual rule against it. You can re-open your context database with sessionAsSigner, make a QRP object from that, and then feed it a DominoQuery object created from the non-signer database:

Database database = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase();
Session sessionAsSigner = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentSessionAsSigner();
Database databaseAsSigner = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase(database.getServer(), database.getFilePath());

DominoQuery dominoQuery = database.createDominoQuery();
QueryResultsProcessor qrp = databaseAsSigner.createQueryResultsProcessor();
qrp.addDominoQuery(dominoQuery, "some DQL", null);
View result = qrp.executeToView("some view name");

Because the QueryResultsProcessor uses the provided DominoQuery object as the "engine" for the DQL search, the query will use the normal user's rights while the processing will use the signer rights.

Naming and Expiring Results

As seen there, you have to name your views. While you could in theory use this mechanism to kind of manage your own views for general use and name them things like "People By First Name" or whatever, you'll likely want to work with them programmatically and name them based on your query input.

In the case of this JNoSQL driver, I compute a predictable-from-input hash-based name from the name of the creating class, the current user, and the sort/skip/limit attributes of the incoming query. You could really do whatever you want here, but having at least some sort of hash like this is likely the way to go.

Now there's the matter of detecting when you need to refresh the data. In some applications, it may suffice to go with the "expire in X hours" parameter when creating the view, though that's extremely coarse and only really useful on its own for specific needs (like a daily report).

The tack I took here was to try to do an efficient check of view creation time compared to the last data modification time from the source database. The Database class only has a "last modified" time in general, but I can't very well use that when my results caches are being added as design elements: a second distinct query would "invalidate" the first even when the data hasn't changed. There might be a proper way to get this in lotus.domino, the NAPI has a wrapper for NSFDbModifiedTimeByName: NotesSession.getLastDataModificationDateByName. That lets you get the last data-mod time in epoch seconds, and you can then compare that to the creation time of the view.

While it's unfortunate that you have to remove the view outright to refresh it instead of doing a delta update like NIF would do, I get it, and it's generally fast enough. Plus, there's enough hand-wavy stuff going on with feeding the DQL query to the QRP that Domino would be free to secretly retain results for a bit and do deltas internally if it so desires.

Storing Result Views

The other interesting aspect of creating a QRP object from a Database and not a Session is that that DB serves as the destination to house the views. While in a single-DB environment it would seem very natural to just store the views in the same place as the data, there's no particular requirement to do so. Moreover, if you're querying multiple databases, you're naturally not going to do this for all docs anyway, so you'll be forced to conceptualize this anyway.

Now, personally, I'm fine with a bunch of temporary machine-named views hanging out in the NSF (especially since the names are wrapped in parentheses to hide them from default UI listings), I can see why it could be annoying. For one, these views sync to an ODP in Designer, which I put in as an Aha idea to change, but might actually rightly be called a bug. Beyond that, while these views won't meaningfully contribute to NIF's workload (since NIF will skip them), they're unsightly and would get in the way if you're trying to tend to the design of your NSF like a garden.

So you might want to have a side database to store these views, and this could also be a way to get around the "needing Designer access" requirement if you're in an environment where you don't have a signer session. In the Notes client, you could store the results in a local NSF; on the server, you could make a "scratch" NSF somewhere to house them, and then add readers to the view design note when doing so to prevent leaking data across users and apps.


Anyway, this is all pretty neat. Reusing view design elements to just be static containers for collation data is weird, but I get the practical reasons why it makes sense. Importantly, this pairing solves some very-real problems with querying and extracting data from Domino. For example, if you do all of your querying via this route, you can use DQL's "EXPLAIN" capability to actually get some insight into database performance for once. You could imagine having an optional mode where you log the EXPLAIN results and execution times for all queries your app is performing, and then manually create "index" views to fix hotspots. It's quite satisfying to finally get that kind of ability in Domino. It'd be neat if that also came to QueryResultsProcessor.

I'm looking forward to expanding the JNoSQL driver further and then either using that directly in client work or adapting the code I use there. I'll definitely add such a logging capability, which will go a long way to put some numbers to the "feels slow" problem that can crop up. Beyond that, barring any show stoppers, I'm thoroughly excited by the prospect of moving away from fetching explicitly-named views in code and switching to an idiom of querying the pool of documents and letting the database make it work for me.

XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0

Jan 11, 2022, 4:19 PM

  1. Dec 14 2021 - Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. Dec 20 2021 - JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Jan 06 2022 - Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. Jan 11 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. Jan 13 2022 - DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Jan 25 2022 - Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Feb 07 2022 - Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. Feb 11 2022 - JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. Apr 28 2022 - So Why Jakarta?
  10. May 25 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Jul 11 2022 - Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Jul 20 2022 - Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. Nov 22 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. Apr 20 2023 - XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. May 04 2023 - The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. May 25 2023 - XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. Jul 21 2023 - XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. Oct 27 2023 - XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. Feb 16 2024 - XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

I've just released version 2.2.0 of the XPages Jakarta EE project, and this contains some fun additions.

Part of what makes this project satisfying to work on is the fact that it has a clear maximum scope: there are only so many Jakarta EE and MicroProfile specifications. Moreover, their delineated nature makes for satisfying progress "chunks": setting aside any later tweaks and improvements, each new spec is slotted into place in a gratifying way.

For this release, I focused on adding a number of capabilities from MicroProfile. MicroProfile is an interesting beast. Its initial and overall goal is to create a toolkit geared towards writing microservices, and it does this by taking a subset of Jakarta EE specs and then adding on its own new capabilities. Now, personally, I don't give two hoots about microservices, but the technologies added to MicroProfile aren't really specific to those needs, and most of them really just fill in gaps in the JEE lineup in ways that are just as useful to bloated monoliths as they are to microservices.

From the list, I added in five new ones, in addition to the already-present OpenAPI generator. Each one is extremely powerful and deserves a bit of discussion, I feel.


The MicroProfile Config spec is a way to externalize your app's configuration and then inject configuration values via CDI. For example:

public class ConfigExample {
    private String javaVersion;
    private String xspDepends;
    /* use the above */

When this bean is used, the javaVersion value will be populated with the java.version system property and xspDepends will get the list of libraries used by the app from Xsp Properties. The latter also shows the pluggable nature of the spec: as part of adding it to the project, I added a custom configuration source to read from the Xsp Properties of the app, as well as one to read from notes.ini. One could in theory (and I absolutely will) write a custom source to read configuration from a view or other Notes-type source.

Rest Client

One of the ways that Domino has long been deficient has been in accessing remote REST services. There's some stuff in the ExtLib, I think, and then there are HTTP primitives in LotusScript, but they don't really do much work for you. Java on its own has URLConnection and friends, and that works, but it's basically as low level as LotusScript.

What the Rest Client spec does is build on familiar Jakarta REST annotations (@Path, @GET, etc.) to allow you to declare how your service works and then access it like a normal Java object. For example:

public class RestClientExample {
    public static class JsonExampleObject {
        private String foo;
        public String getFoo() {
            return foo;
        public void setFoo(String foo) {
   = foo;
    public interface JsonExampleService {
        JsonExampleObject get(@QueryParam("foo") String foo);
    public Object get() {
        URI serviceUri = URI.create("");
        JsonExampleService service = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder()
        JsonExampleObject responseObj = service.get("some value");
        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        result.put("called", serviceUri);
        result.put("response", responseObj);
        return result;

Here, I've defined an imaginary remote resource available at a URL like "" and created an interface with REST annotations to define its expected behavior. The MP Rest Client takes it from there: it converts provided arguments to the expected data types (query parameters, body as JSON/XML, etc.), makes the HTTP call, parses the response into the expected type, and returns it to you, while you get to use it like any old Java object.

It's extremely convenient.

Fault Tolerance

The Fault Tolerance spec allows you to add annotations to methods to handle and describe failure situations. That's pretty vague, but an example may help:

public class FaultToleranceBean {
    @Retry(maxRetries = 2)
    @Fallback(fallbackMethod = "getFailingFallback")
    public String getFailing() {
        throw new RuntimeException("this is expected to fail");
    private String getFailingFallback() {
        return "I am the fallback response.";
    @Timeout(value=5, unit=ChronoUnit.MILLIS)
    public String getTimeout() throws InterruptedException {
        return "I should have stopped.";
    @CircuitBreaker(delay=60000, requestVolumeThreshold=2)
    public String getCircuitBreaker() {
        throw new RuntimeException("I am a circuit-breaking failure - I should stop after two attempts");

There are three capabilities in use here:

  • @Retry and @Fallback allow you to specify that a method that throws an exception should be automatically re-tried X number of times and then, if it still fails, the caller should instead call a different method. This could make sense when calling a remote service that may be intermittently unavailable.
  • @Timeout allows you to specify a maximum amount of time that a method should be allowed to run. If execution exceeds that amount, then it will throw an InterruptedException. This could make sense when performing a task that normally takes a short amount of time, but has a known failure state where it stalls - again, calling a remote service is a natural case for this.
  • @CircuitBreaker allows you to put a cap on the number of times per X milliseconds that a method is called when it fails. This could be useful for a situation where a method might fail for a user-generated reason (say, a user attempted to modify a document they can't edit) but also might fail for a systemic reason (say, a DB is corrupt) and where repeated attempts to perform the task might be damaging or otherwise very undesirable.

The cool thing about these annotations is the way they make use of CDI's capabilities. If you @Inject this bean into another class, you'll simply call bean.getFailing(), etc., and the stack will handle actually enforcing the retry and fallback behavior for you. You don't have to write any code to handle these checks beyond the annotations.


The Metrics API allows you to annotate your objects to tell the runtime to track statistics about the call, such as invocation count and execution time. For example:

public Response hello() {
    /* Perform the work */

Once the method is marked as @SimplyTimed, you can retrieve statistics at the /xsp/app/metrics endpoint in your NSF, which will get you a bunch of information, including lines like this:

# TYPE application_rest_Sample_hello_total counter
application_rest_Sample_hello_total 2.0
# TYPE application_rest_Sample_hello_elapsedTime_seconds gauge
application_rest_Sample_hello_elapsedTime_seconds 0.0025678

That's OpenMetrics format, which means you could consume this data in visualizer tools readily.


And speaking of data for visualizers, that brings us to the last MP spec I added in this version: Health. This API allows you to write classes that will be used to query the health of your application: whether individual components are up or down, whether the app is started ready to receive requests, and any custom attributes you want to define. Now, admittedly, an app on Domino will usually either be "100% up" or "catastrophically down", so making use of this spec will take a little finesse. Still, it's not too hard to envision using this to emit some dashboard-type information. For example:

public class PassingHealthCheck implements HealthCheck {
    public HealthCheckResponse call() {
        HealthCheckResponseBuilder response = HealthCheckResponse.named("I am the liveliness check");
        try {
            Database database = NotesContext.getCurrent().getCurrentDatabase();
            NoteCollection notes = database.createNoteCollection(true);
            return response
                .withData("noteCount", notes.getCount())
        } catch(NotesException e) {
            return response
                .withData("exception", e.text)

While "count of notes in an NSF" isn't usually too useful, you can imagine replacing that with something more app-specific: open support tickets, pending vacation requests, or the like. You could also combine this with the Rest Client spec to make a coordinating NSF with no business logic that makes calls to your other, more-likely-to-break apps to check their health and report it here.

Once you write these checks, the runtime will automatically pick up on them and make them available at /xsp/app/health and some sub-paths:

    "status": "DOWN",
    "checks": [
            "name": "I am the liveliness check",
            "status": "UP",
            "data": {
                "noteCount": 63
            "name": "I am a failing readiness check",
            "status": "DOWN"
            "name": "started up fine",
            "status": "UP"

Other Improvements

Beyond those major additions, I made some improvements to clean some aspects up and refine some details (such as making REST services emit stack traces as JSON in the response instead of printing to the console).

Feature-wise, the main addition of note is support for the @RolesAllowed annotation on REST services, which allows you to restrict access by Notes-ACL-type name:

@RolesAllowed({ "*/O=SomeOrg", "LocalDomainAdmins", "[Admin]" })
public Object get() {
    // ...

When a user doesn't match one of those names-list entries, they're given a 401 response. You can also use the pseudo-name "login" to require that the user be at least logged in and not Anonymous.

What's Next?

Well, I'm not sure. All of the above have immediate uses in my work, so I plan to get rid of some of our old workarounds for this sort of thing and bring in the new abilities.

Beyond that, there are two shipped MicroProfile specs remaining: OpenTracing (which I don't know what it is, but maybe it's useful) and JWT Propagation (which would only make sense when paired with a whole JWT thing).

There's also MP GraphQL, which seems to be like MVC in Jakarta EE, where it's a solid spec but not part of the official standard yet. I may take a swing at it just because it may be easy to add, though for my client needs we already have a more-dynamic GraphQL implementation.

Back on the Jakarta side, the spec list contains quite a few that aren't in there, though a lot of those are either essentially not applicable to Domino (like Authentication or WebSocket) or are primarily of interest to legacy applications (like Enterprise Beans or XML services).

I'd also like to do some breaking reorganization. Most of these specs are added as individual XPages libraries, but that's gotten really unwieldy. Moreover, I'm not sure what the situation would be where you'd want to include, say, REST but not CDI. I'll probably look into making it a single "make my dev experience good" library to select. That'll take some work, though, since there's a lot of OSGi-dependency stuff to balance there.

Beyond that, it'll be refinements, bug fixes, and improvements for use in OSGi-based apps. I have a bunch of things tracked and that'll give me plenty to do as I have time.

Intercepting Class Loading in OSGi, A Travelogue

Jan 10, 2022, 10:36 AM

Tags: java osgi xpages

Yesterday, I had a problem. I was trying to get MicroProfile Config working inside an NSF to add to the XPages Jakarta EE project, and I was severely blocked by odd behavior.

To describe that, I'll lightly cover what MP Config is. It's a CDI extension that allows you to annotate properties on a bean to indicate that they're intended to come from an available configuration source - often a .properties file in the project, but it's a pluggable system. Your bean will look like this:

package example;

// ...

public class ConfigExample {
    @ConfigProperty(name="java.version", defaultValue="unknown")
    private String javaVersion;
    /* other methods go here */

The idea is that you'll then have a properties file or environment variable to fill in the value, allowing you to separate your configuration from the implementation in a consistent way. Here, I'm making use of the fact that a default provider looks up Java system properties, so I could just get it working before investigating adding providers.

Since I'd already added CDI and a CDI-based extension in the form of MVC, I figured this would be easy.

The Problem

The problem I hit, though, was bizarre. CDI would identify the bean above, but would hit this problem:

org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type String with qualifiers @Default
  at injection point [UnbackedAnnotatedField] @Inject private example.ConfigExample.javaVersion
  at example.ConfigExample.javaVersion(
WELD-001475: The following beans match by type, but none have matching qualifiers:
  - Producer Method [String] with qualifiers [@Any @ConfigProperty] declared as [[UnbackedAnnotatedMethod] @Dependent @Produces @ConfigProperty protected io.smallrye.config.inject.ConfigProducer.produceStringConfigProperty(InjectionPoint)]

The gist of this is that it noticed that the javaVersion property is supposed to be an injected property, but it had no idea what the source should be. It did know about the MicroProfile provider, which handles @ConfigProperty, but it couldn't put two and two together.

I banged my head against this for a while, and eventually determined that the class as loaded from the NSF is stripped of the @ConfigProperty annotation outright. Other annotations, such as @Inject and even custom annotations, would remain, but not @ConfigProperty. I wrestled with OSGi dependency chains for a while, to no avail.

The Enemy

Eventually, I found the core, and it was an old nemesis of mine. It's this method in


This field is called by the ClassLoader used in an NSF to ensure that certain classes, by name prefix, cannot be loaded by code coming from an NSF. The last three lines there make a sort of sense: Domino is supposed to be an app container for XPages apps, and ideally it's not a simple process for an app to break out of its container to muck about in the parent environment. Fair enough. The NAPI line is presumably there because IBM wanted to protect developers from themselves, even though Notes devs had been making unauthenticated calls to C APIs for freaking ever.

It's the first two, and specifically the first, that are the source of my trouble. Those prohibitions are presumably meant to isolate XPages apps from the fact that they live in an OSGi world, with the assumption that anything beginning with org.eclipse. refers to something like org.eclipse.core.runtime, the OSGi system bundle.

And this is the issue. MicroProfile is not in any way related to OSGi, but it sure is an Eclipse project. Accordingly, the class name of @ConfigProperty is org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty, and thus cannot be loaded from an NSF.

Attempted Workarounds

So I considered my options.

One was to fork MP Config and rename the packages. That would work, but it would defeat the portability goals of the XPages JEE project, and would also just be a hassle - I've already had to fork a few specs, and each new one adds to the maintenance burden. That remained an option, but it would be a last resort.

My next idea was to wrap around the ModuleClassLoader class used by NSFComponentModule for class loading purposes. This class is blessedly non-final, and so in theory I could look at the instance in a module and swap it out with a replacement. I tinkered with this a bit, but the trouble became the way it's layered, with a DynamicClassLoader private class within - something harder to subclass. In theory, I could reproduce the behavior of it wholesale, but that would be both fragile (if the implementation ever changes) but also verging on if not outright illegal (it's one thing to be API-compatible, and another to reproduce the internal functionality). After some wrangling, I decided to look elsewhere.

The True Workaround

I realized eventually that I don't really care about ModuleClassLoader as such: it does its job fine, and it's only the response that it gets from ClassLoaderUtil that is the problem. If I could change that, I would be set.

I've used the Javassist project here and there for a long time, ever since its inclusion in ODA for one reason or another. It's a handy toolkit, and notably includes the capability to alter a method implementation on the fly. There's my loophole.

The reason this kind of thing can work is related to how Java handles classes and calls between them. For all intents and purposes, you can consider a method call from one bit of Java to another to be a string-based lookup, saying "find a class named X and a method named Y, and then execute it". The "find" part there is much looser than you might think. It's easy to think of class references like C static linking, but they're really not. When code asks for a class, it asks the context ClassLoader, and that object can do basically whatever the heck it wants to find it, as long as it eventually emits a Class that the runtime can deal with.

Javassist's manipulation makes use of the fact that classes are generally eventually just a bunch of bytes, and you can do whatever you want with a bunch of bytes. Using Javassist, it's fairly simple to, once you have a handle on the class, alter the method. Truncated, that's:

ClassPool pool = /* build a ClassPool that can load the class */;
CtClass cc = /* get the class from the pool */;
CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("checkProhibitedClassNames");
m.setBody("{ return false; }");
Class<?> result = cc.toClass();

And this works, as far as it goes: I now have a Class version of ClassLoaderUtil that skips the onerous check.

The trouble now was to get this to be actually used by other classes. Generally, once a ClassLoader loads a class, it's difficult to feed it another version unless it's designed to do so: most ClassLoader implementations, including those used here, are designed to read and emit classes by their own rules, not have new data fed into them.

I tried digging through the Eclipse OSGi ModuleClassLoader (distinct from the NSF ModuleClassLoader) for entrypoints and had some initially-promising work with Eclipse's internal ClassLoaderHook type, but eventually determined that this would require more patching than I'd want, if it was possible at all.

I also considered using Java's instrumentation capabilities to intercept class loading, but that would require setting up a special Java agent in the launch parameters, which would be too onerous.

But then I remembered something I had heard about when looking into getting ServiceLoader to work with OSGi: a concept in the OSGi spec called "weaving".

OSGi Weaving

I had noted that this concept existed, but set it aside in large part due to how esoteric it sounds: the term "weaving" makes it sound like it's a way to interact with the threads of fate or something, which is evocative but not something that seems immediately useful.

What it really is, though, is an OSGi-friendly version of the above: when the OSGi runtime goes to load a class from a bundle, it reads the data but then gives any such listeners an opportunity to manipulate the code before it's actually reified into a class. This is how the ServiceLoader mediator does its thing: it looks for ServiceLoader calls during loading and re-"weaves" them to run through OSGi instead.

This was perfect: it provides exactly the hook I want and it does it in a clean, spec-based way, without having to do weird reflection to reassign object properties or anything.

The Implementation

So I went about writing such an implementation. All the pieces are there on Domino, and the mechanism for registering a WeavingHook is something I'd done before in Open Liberty: it's a type of OSGi service that you can register and manage in an Activator class. It's also the sort of thing that would work well with Declarative Services, but Domino doesn't have a DS handler installed and I figured I didn't need to solve that quite yet.

So I wrote a WeavingHook implementation:

public class UtilWeavingHook implements WeavingHook {
    public void weave(WovenClass c) {
        if("".equals(c.getClassName())) {
            ClassPool pool = new ClassPool();
            pool.appendClassPath(new LoaderClassPath(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()));
            CtClass cc;
            try(InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(c.getBytes())) {
                cc = pool.makeClass(is);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
            try {
                CtMethod m = cc.getDeclaredMethod("checkProhibitedClassNames");
                m.setBody("{ return false; }");
            } catch(NotFoundException | CannotCompileException | IOException e) {
                new RuntimeException("Encountered exception when weaving ClassLoaderUtil replacement", e).printStackTrace();

This builds on the above Javassist usage to now load the class from the byte array provided by OSGi, transform it, and then write the new version back. Since this happens while OSGi is reading the class to begin with, there's never a time when there's an older, less-permissive version of the class running around, as long as I get my service in early enough.

This service is registered in the Activator without too much fuss:

public class JakartaActivator implements BundleActivator {
    private final List<ServiceRegistration<?>> regs = new ArrayList<>();

    public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
        regs.add(context.registerService(WeavingHook.class.getName(), new UtilWeavingHook(), null));

    public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {

The final bit to get right was the "get the service in early enough" aspect. The main task was making sure that this bundle was activated before any XPages apps loaded, and that was a job for my old friend IServiceFactory, which is the extension point that's intended to add handlers for incoming URLs but has the desirable attribute of being initialized right at the very start of HTTP loading.

With this in place, I now have a fix automatically applied to that fiendish class on load, and MicroProfile Config (and future MP specs) works like a charm.


This was an arduous one, and I think the FTL victory jingle actually physically played when I got it working. I've hated this restriction for a long time, and I'm glad to finally have a workaround.

It was also enlightening to properly learn about OSGi's weaving capability. As mentioned above, this is what the ServiceLoader bridge does, and I'd tinkered with that at one point, but never got it working. I suspect now that it should be entirely doable to make it work, most likely also involving bringing in an implementation of the Declarative Services OSGi capability. That should be a fun project in its own right.

Moreover, the fact that I now have a system in place to do this weaving on the fly means that I may be able to un-fork some of the specs I had to fork to get working previously, which specifically required altering ServiceLoader calls. Even if I don't get the official service bridge in, perhaps I can use this technique to just alter the parts I need to on the fly, and otherwise use stock implementations from Maven.

But, for now, the way is cleared for further progress, and a bizarre mystery is solved. I call that a good day.

Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9

Jan 6, 2022, 7:44 PM

  1. Dec 14 2021 - Updating The XPages JEE Support Project To Jakarta EE 9, A Travelogue
  2. Dec 20 2021 - JSP and MVC Support in the XPages JEE Project
  3. Jan 06 2022 - Migrating a Large XPages App to Jakarta EE 9
  4. Jan 11 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE Support 2.2.0
  5. Jan 13 2022 - DQL, QueryResultsProcessor, and JNoSQL
  6. Jan 25 2022 - Implementing a Basic JNoSQL Driver for Domino
  7. Feb 07 2022 - Video Series On The XPages Jakarta EE Project
  8. Feb 11 2022 - JSF in the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  9. Apr 28 2022 - So Why Jakarta?
  10. May 25 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.5.0 And The Looming Java-Version Wall
  11. Jul 11 2022 - Adding Concurrency to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  12. Jul 20 2022 - Adding Transactions to the XPages Jakarta EE Support Project
  13. Nov 22 2022 - XPages Jakarta EE 2.9.0 and Next Steps
  14. Apr 20 2023 - XPages JEE 2.11.0 and the Javadoc Provider
  15. May 04 2023 - The Loose Roadmap for XPages Jakarta EE Support
  16. May 25 2023 - XPages JEE 2.12.0: JNoSQL Views and PrimeFaces Support
  17. Jul 21 2023 - XPages JEE 2.13.0
  18. Oct 27 2023 - XPages JEE 2.14.0
  19. Feb 16 2024 - XPages JEE 2.15.0 and Plans for JEE 10 and 11

Last month, I moved my XPages Jakarta EE project to JEE 9, which involved the large hurdle of switching package names from javax.* to jakarta.*. That was all well and good for the project and opened the door to further improvements, but it's one thing to do it in a support library and another to move an actual large project over.

So I set my sights on my workhorse client project, the one with the sprawling OSGi bundle set and complicated XPages project, which I have running regularly on both Domino and Open Liberty. Over the last few days, I did the porting work and came out successful, and I think it ended up being another tale worth telling.

There are two main topics when it comes to this project: why and how.


Now, why are we gonna do this? I mean, the app is running fine as it is, and the immediate goal of the switch is to keep it functionally the same. Why is it worth going through this hassle for an active project?

There are a few reasons.

The first and biggest is that the jakarta.* switch isn't going to go backwards. There is never going to be a feature update for any of the javax.* versions of the JEE specs, and so staying on that version is stagnation. While we can do what we want to do today, that won't hold true tomorrow unless we make the move. Since that's inevitable, it meant that every new line of javax.* code is technical debt, and the sooner you can stop creating that, the better.

The second reason is that, while the Jakarta EE spec move from 8 to 9 retained the same functionality, we actually gained technical improvements in the switch.

One technical gain was very immediate: the version of RESTEasy I had put into the XPages JEE project previously was a couple major versions old now, and this let me bump it up to the latest.

Another technical gain had to do with the nightmare that is dealing with OSGi dependencies on Domino. Due to the lack of proper versioning of standard specs in the XPages stack, the increasingly-corrupt classpath, and the bundling of specs with utility libraries, I've always had to lose a lot of time dealing with manually tweaking OSGi imports and dependencies. While this move doesn't eliminate all of it, it removes a lot. Terror packages like javax.mail and javax.activation can now be left behind in favor of jakarta.mail and jakarta.activation without worry of conflicting imports from the XPages libraries and the ndext classpath directory. The move to JEE 9 resulted in a significant reduction in such code and configuration.

And finally, it's going to help bring in new features we haven't introduced yet but will benefit from. For example, I have my eye on the MicroProfile REST client, which makes consuming REST services in a clear and type-safe way a dream. While it's possible that I'd be able to add that in earlier versions, the switch to jakarta.* will remove huge tasks from my plate entirely.


So now that I'd convinced myself that it's a good idea, the only remaining problem was actually doing it. Fortunately, I already solved most of it in the XPages JEE project itself. Moreover, the way I'd solved things there allowed me to remove extra dependencies that kind of "double-solved" the problem in this specific app, things like making sure that javax.inject was compatible between that project and the other third-party dependencies we use.

One of the big things that was different between the XPages JEE project on its own and this app was the way this runs across multiple platforms.

Historically, the fact that Liberty was running Servlet 4 and Domino was running Servlet 2.4/2.5 didn't come much into play. The newer versions of the javax.servlet classes were entirely compatible with the old ones: XPages could consume a Servlet 4 HttpServletRequest without issue and would just ignore the new methods added. Now, though, I had to do some shimming in two directions.

Domino, since I don't control the lowest layers, would remain a Servlet 2.5-ish container natively, while for Liberty I would move to a true Servlet 5 container. Since both the XPages markup and app code must remain the same, that meant a double emulation setup:

Diagram of the Domino and Liberty Stacks

In these diagrams, "JEE 9 App" represents the app's use of Jakarta standards other than XPages: CDI, JAX-RS, JSON-B, and so forth.

The first part of this work took place in the XPages Jakarta EE project. There, I created wrapper versions of all pertinent javax.servlet/jakarta.servlet classes going both from "old to new" and "new to old". Most of these classes are just direct delegations, but some parts involve either throwing exceptions for trying to use new features on an old stack, emulating new behavior on top of the old, or quietly not supporting some capabilities. These classes get me most of the way. When I need to move in one direction or the other, I call the appropriate method from ServletUtil and it takes care of the differences. This project also handled a lot of fiddly details to do with things like the JavaMail to Jakarta Mail switch, so I could just bring that in too and not worry about it.

That handled some distinctions. The next big one was to use this to make sure XPages can survive in a Servlet 5 world. The good news here is that it was simpler than I thought it would be. XPages only has a few actual entrypoints - there's a Servlet to handle global resources (the URLs involving /xsp/.ibm* and the like), another to handle actual XPages *.xsp requests, and maybe one or two others I'm not thinking of. As long as you can handle those URLs and send a legacy javax.servlet object to the closed-source code, the stack will take it from there: things like externalContext.getRequest() will return the wrapped object you passed in in the first place, and don't try to do any weird magic to fetch the request object from the container or anything.

Previously, I had Servlets that extended the stock ones like DesignerFacesServlet directly, but this had to change. Fortunately, it's a simple matter of delegation. Instead of subclassing the original ones, now I create an instance internally and pass along incoming requests to that, appropriately dumbing down the Servlet 5 objects to 2.5-level ones. I was able to do this with fewer functional changes than one might think and put it into new versions of the XPages Runtime project.

Beyond those big-ticket items, there were a few cases where I had to take care to appropriately handle knowing when my code was going to receive a javax.servlet object or a jakarta.servlet one, but otherwise there wasn't much to do beyond updating dependencies and a find-and-replace on class imports. None of the XSP markup changed, very little of the in-NSF code changed, and the only large in-app code changes I made were to remove workarounds that were no longer needed.


All in all, I'd say this went better than I'd expected. There's naturally still room for trouble (it's not in production yet, for one), but overall I feel that this bore out my intent in making the move in the first place.

It's also an interesting case study in the way my XPages Jakarta EE and Open Liberty Runtime projects conceptually interact. They both approach the same ideal from different directions: write open-standards-based applications that make use of Domino data. With this move to JEE 9, the addition of new specs to the XPages JEE project, and the shedding of (some) old limitations, they're converging all the more. More code can be directly shared between the two app types, and the code that isn't shared unmodified can at least be written all the more similarly. JAX-RS is the in-common way to do REST services; CDI is the in-common way to do managed beans; OpenAPI annotations are an in-common way to document services. These are technologies that have wide support with multiple implementations and, crucially, are open standards. XPages was one step towards a non-proprietary stack, and this is several more.