The Lay of the Java Land, Early 2020

Mar 4, 2020, 2:34 PM

Tags: domino

I was musing earlier (somewhat incorrectly) about the weird state of Java versions, and it got me thinking about how odd the landscape looks in general lately, even as things are progressing splendidly. And, since not everyone follows a dozen Java-related Twitter feeds to keep up on all this stuff - and because Domino has ignored so much of this for so long - I figured it'd be useful to have a summary.

Java Itself

For starters, there's Java-the-language, which has gone through some changes both in how it's licensed and how it evolves recently, largely for the better.

Release Cadence

The most notable change is how the version pace has picked up. Originally, Java was updated pretty regularly, but things slowed down after Java 6's release in late 2006. For whatever reasons, Sun took a IE-6-style break for a while and didn't come out with 7 until 2011 and then 8 in 2014. Starting with 9 in September 2017, though, some big changes came in:

  • New integer Java releases come out every six months
  • Starting with 11, "long-term support" releases will come out every three years, or every six integer versions

So Java 10 came out in March 2019 and 11 came out in September 2018, but 11 is the next "real" release after 8. Similarly, 12 and 13 have come out in the intervening time, but it won't be until Java 17 in September 2021 that the next LTS will arrive. Similar to other rapid+LTS release systems like Ubuntu's, the "intermediate" releases are expected to be stable and ready for production, but you can only expect to get commercial support for the current intermediate release plus any LTS releases still in their support window.

Along those lines, one could reasonably expect Java server vendors to stick to the LTS releases, even ones like HCL that aren't licensing supported builds from IBM or Oracle.

Preview Features

One of the main points of the faster release cadence is to allow quicker delivery of new features, and paired with that is Oracle's new willingness to put "preview" features in a release before they can call them officially solid and giving them cover if they decide they want to break the syntax. These are enabled with special flags at compile- and run-time, and currently include a handful of nifty features like yield in switch blocks and multi-line strings (a type of "heredocs") that will almost definitely become "official" features by the time the next LTS rolls around.

Removal of Features

They also gave themselves permission to remove features from the core JRE distribution, in particular a handful of specs that have gotten less used over time or otherwise make more sense to be part of Java/Jakarta EE specifically. Of note for Domino developers is the CORBA API, which we almost never use directly but which is required to load Notes.jar. That's gone in Java 11, and so (for now at least) using Notes.jar on Java 11+ requires including a replacement implementation.


I mentioned it in a Java grab bag before, but it's worth reiterating: Java (the language and the platform) is free and open-source for all to use, but Oracle's specific JDK/JRE builds are not. For all intents and purposes, AdoptOpenJDK is the sole go-to place to get Java for private and commercial use now, unless you specifically want to pay Oracle or IBM for support.

Additionally, there are now two core JVMs to choose from when downloading Java: HotSpot and OpenJ9. HotSpot is essentially the "normal" one, the Java core that Sun/Oracle have been shipping forever. OpenJ9 is an open-source version of the J9 JVM that IBM has long maintained and put into all of their products (Domino included. IBM open-sourced it and contributed it to the Eclipse Foundation (they'll come up again shortly), and it's making a name for itself as a solid lean and quick-to-start runtime for containerized systems in particular.


The world of Java server technology, separate from the language has also been going through some churn with positive results. In this case, I mostly mean Java/Jakarta EE - Spring has been chugging along without too much apparent turmoil. Additionally, I don't know too much about Spring, so I won't cover it here.

Over the last decade, Oracle seemed to generally lose a lot of interest in developing Java EE - while they still put out new releases, they started getting further apart and the overall sense was that Oracle would be much happier if they just didn't have to deal with it anymore.


It was around this time that the community outside of Oracle's JEE team got a little antsy about this slowdown and lack of focus and started the Eclipse Microprofile project. It started out as a thin subset of JEE technologies - just JAX-RS, JSON-P, and CDI - tailored for the purposes of making it easier to write microservices with an extremely-low footprint. Quickly, though, it grew beyond just a selection of existing specs and started to grow new specifications that JEE didn't have to support the mission. Beyond just microservices-specific improvements, these specs also bring along tools that are handy in any old application, like an improved REST client and an annotation-based Configuration API. Microprofile turned into the go-to place for new development in the JEE world while Oracle was slowing down.

Jakarta EE

Oracle managed to get the (splendid) Java EE 8 release out the door eventually, but decided they had had enough of shepherding the platform. Fortunately, instead of consigning it to a slow death, they handed the reigns over to Eclipse, which formed the awkwardly-named EE4J project to oversee it. Since Oracle didn't give them the rights to use the name "Java", the actual platform itself was rebranded as "Jakarta EE", which had its own "Eclipse-washed" Jakarta EE 8 release.

That transition has gone very well, though there's one hurdle on the horizon: Oracle also didn't grant the rights to use the javax.* namespace for any new specifications, and so Eclipse decided to make the jump in Jakarta EE 9 to switch all of the specifications over to jakarta.*. What this means in practice is that all of those javax classes (like Servlet) we use now will, in their JEE 9 incarnations, be renamed in the style of jakarta.servlet.Servlet. There will likely be tools in various IDEs and toolchains to help with the conversion, and I suspect that app servers like Liberty will still support the old names for a good while, but it'll be a weird time.


It's also a bit of a weird time for the pairing of Jakarta EE and Microprofile. The latter came about when the former was moribund, but now they're both active and within the same open-source organization. Microprofile's remit isn't exactly the same as Jakarta's, so they're both going to continue as-is for at least a good while. Still, it feels a bit odd to have two Java server frameworks in the same place, and so it's possible that Microprofile will either be subsumed into JEE (like how JEE already has "web" and "full" profiles) or will be something of an innovation area to push new technology faster before sending it back upstream to JEE. That'll be interesting to watch.

GraalVM and Quarkus

Finally, I'll mention a couple "miscellaneous" technologies that have been developing in the background while all of this was happening.

GraalVM (which is presumably like the French word for "grail" and not pronounced like something a goblin would say) is a variant of the JVM core that Oracle has been working on for a few years. I think it's meant to be roughly equivalent to LLVM but for the Java world: higher performance than before, multi-language support, and compilation down to native binaries. It's an open-source (GPL) project and, while Oracle offers a paid Enterprise Edition, the Community Edition is legal for production use.

Alongside this has come along Quarkus, which is a Microprofile implementation laser-focused on speed and resource usage. It doesn't require GraalVM's native compilation, but the pairing of the two is a prime part of Quarkus's message. Quarkus isn't a full Jakarta EE server, but it's a very-intriguing purpose-built stack for developing speedy Java server apps primarily for containers. It's also a good conceptual example of allowing developers to write fairly-dynamic code (like CDI injection) but then turning that into concrete bindings at compilation time instead of deferring all lookups to runtime.

It's been on my list to kick the tires on these things specifically for a little while now. They're both hitting their stride lately, so I suspect that they'll have interesting effects over time.

Lessons From Fiddling With RunJava

Mar 3, 2020, 9:49 AM

Tags: java websphere

The other day, Paul Withers wrote a blog post about RunJava, which is a very-old and very-undocumented mechanism for running arbitrary Java tasks in a manner similar to a C-based addin. I had vaguely known this was there for a long time, but for some reason I had never looked into it. So, for both my sake and general knowledge, I'll frame it in a time line.


I'm guessing that RunJava was added in the R5 era, presumably to allow IBM to use existing Java code or programmers for writing server addins (with ISpy being the main known one), and possibly as a side effect of the early push for "Java everywhere" in Domino that fell prey to strategy tax.

Years later, David Taib made the JAVADDIN project as a "grown up" version of this sort of thing, bringing the structure of OSGi to the idea. Eventually, that morphed into DOTS, which became more-or-less supported in the "Social Edition" days before meeting a quiet death in Domino 11.

The main distinction between RunJava and DOTS (other than RunJava still shipping with Domino) is the thickness of the layer above C. DOTS loads an Equinox OSGi runtime very similar to the XPages environment, bringing in all of the framework support and dependencies, as well as services of its own for scheduled task and other options. RunJava, on the other hand, is an extremely-thin layer over what writing an addin in C is like: you use the public static void main structure from runnable Java classes and you're given a runNotes method that are directly equivalent to the main and AddinMain function used by C/C++ addins.


Reading back up on RunJava got my brain ticking, and it primarily made me realize that this could be a perfect fit for the Open Liberty Runtime project. That project uses the XPages runtime's HttpService class to load immediately at HTTP start and remain resident for the duration of the lifecycle, but it's really a parasite: other than an authentication-helper servlet, the fact that it's running in nHTTP is just because that's the easiest way to run complicated, long-running Java code. For a while, I considered DOTS for this task, but it was never a high priority and has aged out of usefulness.

So I decided to roll up my sleeves and give RunJava a shot. Fortunately, I was pretty well-prepared: I've been doing a lot of C-level stuff lately, so the concepts and functions are familiar. The main run loop uses a message queue, for which Notes.jar provides an extremely-thin wrapper in the form of lotus.notes.internal.MessageQueue. And, as Paul reminded me, I had actually done basically this same thing before, years ago, when I wrote a RunJava addin to maintain a Minecraft server alongside Domino. I'd forgotten about that thing.


Getting to the thrust of this post, I think it's worth sharing some of the steps I took and lessons I learned writing this, since RunJava is in a lot of ways much more hostile a place for code than the cozy embrace of Equinox.

#1: Don't Do This

The main lesson to learn is that you probably don't want to write a RunJava task. It was already the case that DOTS was too esoteric to use except for those with particular talent and needs, and that one at least had the advantage of being kind-of documented and kind-of open source. RunJava gives you almost no affordances and imposes severe restrictions, so it's really just meant for a situation where you were otherwise going to write an addin in C but don't want to have to set up a half-dozen compiler toolchains.

#2: Lower Your Dependencies Dramatically

The first big general thing to keep in mind is that RunJava tasks, if they're not just a single Java class file, are deployed right to the main domino JRE, either in jvm/lib/ext or in ndext. What this means is that any class you include in your package will be present in absolutely everything Java-related on Domino, which means you're in a minefield if you want to bring in any logging packages or third-party frameworks that could conflict with something present in the XPages stack or in your own higher-level Java code.

This is a fiddlier problem than you'd think. A release or so ago, IBM or HCL added a version of Guava to the ndext folder and it wreaked havoc on the version my client's app was using (which I think came along for the ride from ODA). You can easily get into situations where one class for a library is loaded from XPages-level code and another is loaded from this low level, and you'll end up with mysterious errors.

Ideally, you want no possible class conflicts at all. I took the approach of outright white-labeling some (compatibly-licensed) code from Apache and IBM Commons to avoid any possibility of butting heads with other code on the server. I was also originally going to use the Darwino NAPI or Domino JNA for a nicer Message Queue implementation, but scuttled that idea for this reason. It's Notes.jar or bust for safe API access, unfortunately.

#3: Use the maven-shade-plugin

This goes along with the above, but it's more a good tool than a dire warning. The maven-shade-plugin is a standard plugin for a Maven build that lets you blend together the contents of multiple JARs into one, so you don't have to have a big pool of JARs to copy around. That on its own is handy for deployment, but the plugin also lets you rename classes and aggregate and transform resources, which can be indispensable capabilities when making a safe project.

#4: Make Sure Static Initializers and Constructors are Clean

What I mean by this one is that you should make sure that your JavaServerAddin subclass does very little during class loading and instantiation. The reason I say this is that, until your class is actually loaded and running, the only diagnostic information you'll get is that RunJava will say that it can't find your class by name - a message indistinguishable from the case of your class not even being on the server at all. So if, for example, your class references another class that's missing or unresolvable at load time (say, pointing at a class that implements org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator, to pick one I hit), RunJava will act like your code isn't even there. That can make it extremely difficult to tell what you're doing wrong. So I found it best to make very little static other than JVM-provided classes and to delay creation/lookup of other objects and resources (say, translation bundles) until it was in the runNotes method. Once the code reaches that point, you'll be able to get stack traces on failure, so debugging becomes okay again.

#5: Take Care With Threads When Terminating

The Open Liberty runtime makes good use of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorServices to run NotesThread code asynchronously, and I'll periodically execute even a synchronous task in there to make sure I'm working with a properly-initialized thread.

However, when terminating, these services will start to shut down and reject new tasks. So if, for example, you had code that executes on a separate thread and might be run during shutdown, that will fail likely-silently and can cause your addin to choke the server.

#6: That Said, It's a Good Idea to Use Threads

A habit I picked up from writing Darwino's cluster replicator is to make your addin's main Message Queue loop very simple and to send messages off to a worker thread to handle. Doing this means that, for complex operations, the server console and the user won't sit waiting on a reply while your code churns through an individual message.

In my case, I created a single-thread ExecutorService and have my main loop immediately pass along all incoming commands to it. That way, the command runner is itself essentially synchronous, but your queue watcher can resume polling immediately. This keeps things responsive and avoids the potential case of the message queue filling up if there's a very-long-running task (though that's less likely here than if you're drinking from the EM fire hose).

#7: Really, Don't Do This

My final tip is that you should scroll back up and heed my advice from #1: it's almost definitely not worth writing a RunJava addin. This is a special case because a) the goal of the project is to essentially be a server addin anyway and b) I was curious, but normally it's best to use the HttpService route if you need a persistent task.

It's kind of fun, though.