How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 5

Jul 5, 2019, 12:06 PM

Tags: nsfodp
  1. Mar 05 2018 - Next Project: ODP Compiler
  2. Apr 28 2018 - NSF ODP Tooling 1.0
  3. Apr 29 2018 - NSF ODP Tooling Example Project
  4. Jun 12 2018 - NSF ODP Tooling 1.2
  5. Jun 30 2019 - How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 1
  6. Jul 01 2019 - How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 2
  7. Jul 02 2019 - How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 3
  8. Jul 03 2019 - How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 4
  9. Jul 05 2019 - How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 5
  10. Jul 07 2019 - How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 6
  11. Jul 08 2019 - How the ODP Compiler Works, Part 7

One of the things that came up frequently when writing both the compiler and exporter portions of the NSF ODP Tooling was rationalizing the multiple ways an NSF is viewed, and determining which aspects are reified in the design notes themselves and which are entirely runtime conjurations.

The Traditional View

To describe what I mean, I'll start with the "traditional" way that design notes work, which is also the mechanism the other views are built upon. The starting point there is the distinction between data and design notes, represented in the API as the note class. For our purposes, there's "data note" and "everything else". The design notes are kept track of internally by what can be considered a magic view, the design collection, which is used implicitly whenever something looks up a design element, and can be accessed automatically by API calls like NIFFindDesignNoteExt.

The design collection itself acts like a normal view, containing columns with pertinent design element information for fast lookups. Beyond the note class value, design notes are distinguished by character-based flags, which you can see in the "Fields" part of the property pane in Designer in the $Flags item. These will look something like "gC~4K" - this value comes from an XPage, and can be interpreted by taking each character and looking for it in "stdnames.h" from the C API:

  • g is DESIGN_FLAG_FILE, referring to a "file resource"-type design element (more on this later)
  • C apparently matches to DESIGN_FLAG_NO_COMPOSE, used to refer to forms that don't show up in the "Create" menu. I'm not sure why it's included here; it may have some second meaning
  • ~ maps to DESIGN_FLAG_HIDEFROMDESIGNLIST, presumably to keep XPages out of standard File Resource pickers
  • 4 maps to DESIGN_FLAG_HIDE_FROM_V4, which is reasonable advice, but the fact that this is 4 and not 7 makes me suspect there's a second meaning here too
  • K maps to DESIGN_FLAG_XSPPAGE, cheerily documented in the API as "an xpage, much like a file resource, but special!"

The importance of these flags and the reuse of some note classes (file resources in particular) bares a bit of the evolution of the platform. The older the note type is, the more likely it is to have a dedicated note class value. Forms, views, ACLs, and other primordial elements have eponymous classes, but, starting around the web era, new elements started piggybacking on existing classes. This has so far culminated with the XPages-era additions, where almost everything is considered a "file resource", which are themselves already specialized "forms". This mirrors the evolution of file data stored as Composite Data structures, where the first file types added in got their own dedicated structures, later types (like JavaScript libraries) were either crammed awkwardly into similar types or just plopped in as CDFILESEGMENTs (which Domino adorably refers to universally as "CSS").

With the heavy use of flags came something of a mini query language to distinguish collections of design notes. In the API, you can see these in the DFLAGPAT_ C constants. For example, DFLAGPAT_FORM maps to "-FQMUGXWy#i:|@0nK;g~%z^" - the - at the start means that this is a "none of these" matcher, so it's resolved by looking up all notes with NOTE_CLASS_FORM and then filtering out any of the ones with those flags. From our XPage example, you can see it's excluded thrice over, via g, K, and ~. There are other permutations in the language for "match all of", "match any of", and combinations of all three types, and the patterns allow you to select each type of design element you see in Notes and Designer, and a few more categories besides.

Designer's View

Designer really has two views of the NSF. The first view is essentially a codification of what's above, and has been how Notes and Designer have worked forever. When you go to the "Forms" list in Designer, it does a query in the design collection similar to the above form example, and each category of design elements has its equivalent query.

Its second view came along with the Eclipse transition, and it's what you see in Package Explorer. This version takes the core querying capabilities of the design collection and maps it on to an Eclipse File System plugin. From Eclipse-Designer's point of view, the NSF becomes a file-based project as if it was a set of folders and files on the filesystem, but is in reality composed of some dynamic lookups from the design collection paired with a truly local temporary directory for the Local XPages compilation scratch area.

This view of the design became the basis of on-disk project support, with the ODP mirroring what you see in the virtual Eclipse project.

It's also where we start to see a secondary hierarchy within the database design. Traditionally, design notes are largely "flat": while the UI and some APIs have special support for the use of \ within design element names, there's no concept of containers beyond the main categories. For XPages, though, they started to add items like $ClassIndexItem, which contain values like "WEB-INF/classes/frostillicus/controller/ControllingViewHandler.class". These files show up within the "WebContent" folder in the virtual project - "WEB-INF/classes" is by default hidden in Package Explorer, but you can see it in the Navigator view. The use of "WebContent" as a folder for this is itself a holdover from Eclipse-based web app development.

Domino's View

Like Designer, Domino has two views of an NSF and the first is a pretty direct use of the design collection. It has simpler needs, usually just looking up elements by type + flags + name, using reverse view order for web elements.

The second view can be thought of as a stripped-down version of Designer's VFS, but it isn't implemented in the same way and doesn't include all the top-level folders you see in Designer. Instead, Domino uses the aforementioned Java class index items and some other existing values like file-resource names to compose something that resembles a WAR file - you can see this reflected in its use of "WEB-INF/classes". It's this view of the NSF that the XPages runtime container and its many abstraction classes use, allowing them to treat it as an app container in the same way as a normal JEE web app, as if it was just another WAR file. It's not treated fully the same as a WAR file - you can't plop a web.xml file in there and use some other web toolkit - but that's the concept that the XSP stack is going for in classes like

The On-Disk Project Version

As I mentioned, the ODP is based closely on the Designer view, which in turn is partially based on the "web app" view used for XPages. For the compiler, it's not too big of a deal - it just needs to gather files and import them based on their existing DXL for the most part - but the exporter has to do some fiddly work to shuttle notes to their right spots. By total coincidence, that will be a nice lead-in to my next post, which I expect to cover some details of the ODP exporter portion of the NSF ODP Tooling.

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