Engage 2019

May 6, 2019, 11:10 AM

Tags: engage

Engage is just around the corner in Brussels, and I'll be joining everyone there, presentation in hand. Specifically:

Dev04. Java With Domino After XPages
Tuesday, May 14 at 16:00 in room E. Mahy

XPages guided Domino web development out of a world of archaic proprietary hacks and into the realm of Java server development and something approximating Java EE. Now that the XPages framework is moribund, the question is: what's next? If you've built up Java skills over the years, you have a direct path to use them in the new modern world, whether via OSGi plugins and new XPages extensions on Domino or standalone Java web projects. This session will discuss the lessons we learned from XPages, how they correspond to newer technologies, and how to bring your existing apps and plugins forward.

If you attended my session CollabSphere last year (by the way, you should go to CollabSphere this year too), you may note that the title is pretty similar to that one, albeit changing "In Domino" to "With Domino". This massive change in preposition reflects how things have only gotten more awkward for us in the intervening year.

So, if you're attending Engage, join me as we work through our sorrows together!


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