That Java Thing, Part 7: Adding a Managed Bean to the Plugin

Mon Nov 09 06:37:27 EST 2015

Tags: java xpages
  1. Nov 02 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 1: The Java Problem in the Community
  2. Nov 03 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 2: Intro to OSGi
  3. Nov 04 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 3: Eclipse Prep
  4. Nov 05 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 4: Creating the Plugin
  5. Nov 06 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 5: Expanding the Plugin
  6. Nov 08 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 6: Creating the Feature and Update Site
  7. Nov 09 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 7: Adding a Managed Bean to the Plugin
  8. Nov 10 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 8: Source Bundles
  9. Nov 11 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 9: Expanding the Plugin - Jars
  10. Nov 12 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 10: Expanding the Plugin - Serving Resources
  11. Nov 16 2015 - That Java Thing, Interlude: Effective Java
  12. Dec 01 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 11: Diagnostics
  13. Dec 03 2015 - That Java Thing, Part 12: Expanding the Plugin - JAX-RS
  14. Feb 19 2016 - That Java Thing, Part 13: Introduction to Maven
  15. Feb 21 2016 - That Java Thing, Part 14: Maven Environment Setup
  16. Feb 22 2016 - That Java Thing, Part 15: Converting the Projects
  17. Feb 23 2016 - That Java Thing, Part 16: Maven Fallout
  18. Feb 26 2017 - That Java Thing, Part 17: My Current XPages Plug-in Dev Environment

For today's step, we'll deal more with the meat of the task: putting your own code in the plugin. There are a lot of options for what a plugin can provide, ranging from just storing classes to be accessed from elsewhere to being full-on OSGi web applications. Adding a managed bean certainly falls on the simpler side of this spectrum, but it's also one of the most common uses. These steps should also be very familiar if you've created a managed bean in an XPages NSF before.

Before we get started, it will be useful later to access Extension Library code from this plugin, so there's a quick detour. In order to allow the plugin to "see" ExtLib code, the appropriate ExtLib plugin needs to be added as a dependency. Go to the MANIFEST.MF file's "Dependencies" tab and add to the list:

Now, create a new class with an appropriate name by right-clicking on the src/main/java folder and selecting New → Class as before. Set its package to "com.example.xsp.beans" and its name to "ExampleBean". You don't have to name your bean classes with "Bean", but sometimes it makes sense. Make sure to add the interface via the "Add..." button in that section.

When you create the class, Eclipse will put a squiggly underline beneath the class name, indicating that it has a warning for you. If you hover your cursor over it (or hit Ctrl-1 while the cursor is on the line), you'll get more information and an option to fix it:

What this message is talking about has to do with serialization - the process of storing the Java object outside of memory and retrieving it later - and is something that would come up more in applications that intentionally store data long-term. For a thorough explanation of this and many other things, I can't recommend Effective Java enough. For our purposes as XPages developers, though, it's fine to pick the "default" option - we want more classes Serializable than other Java apps, but we care less about their long-term storage.

Next, add a basic "getter" method that returns a String we can see later, as well as a static method to retrieve the bean from the XPages environment from Java:

package com.example.xsp.beans;


import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;


public class ExampleBean implements Serializable {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	public static ExampleBean get() {
		return (ExampleBean)ExtLibUtil.resolveVariable(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), "exampleBean");

	public String getFoo() {
		return "hello from " + getClass().getSimpleName();

Now, in order to make this a managed bean, well have to add a local faces-config file. These files have the same format as the one in the NSF. There's another nod towards Maven here: we'll put the XML file in a separate "resources" folder in the project, which is where Maven expects to find this sort of thing. Right-click the project and choose New → Source Folder:

Name it "src/main/resources":

Right-click on this newly-created source folder and choose New → Other, and within the dialog choose "File" from the "General" section:

On the next screen, name the file "beans.xml" and click Finish:

Most likely, Eclipse will open the file on the "Design" tab, which is pretty useless for this - it's better to switch to the "Source" tab. In this file, fill in the basic faces-config structure and an entry for the managed bean:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Now that we have this file, we have to tell the XPages runtime to actually use it as a faces-config file. To do that, go back to the ExampleLibrary class and implement the getFacesConfigFiles method, which lists the XML files from the plugin to contribute to the environment:

public String[] getFacesConfigFiles() {
	return new String[] {

The "@Override" bit above the method is indicating to the compiler that you are intentionally overriding a method declared in the superclass or interface - this is to help you ensure that you keep the method names correct for any code calling them.

Now, there are two minor remaining items to take care of before we deploy: exposing the class to Java code elsewhere and making sure the newly-created source folder is included in the build.

To do the former, open up the MANIFEST.MF file and go to the "Runtime" tab. Here, we can list the Java packages that should be available to code within the application (or other plugins). Since we'll want to have code that accesses the bean directly, add the "com.example.xsp.beans" package to the "Exported Packages" list:

This is important to do for any new package that is going to be accessed externally.

Next, go to the "" tab of the MANIFEST.MF editor (or open the file directly) and add the src/main/resources folder to the list of source folders:

source.. = src/main/java/,\
output.. = target/classes
bin.includes = META-INF/,\

The syntax of this file takes a little getting used to - the backslashes on many lines indicate that the next line should also be part of the same definition, but is split up for legibility.

With that, we're all set on this side. Head over to the site.xml file in the update site project and click "Build All" to build a new version of the plugin. Once that's done, go to the Update Site NSF for the server and import the new build, and then restart task http on the server console. Similarly, use the File → Application → Install routine in Designer to install the new version of the plugin there, and relaunch Notes.

Now that the bean is installed, you can test it out to make sure it's working by creating a new XPage in an app on the server with this content on the "Source" tab:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="">
	<xp:text value="#{}"/>

When you launch the page in a browser, it should say "hello from ExampleBean". To try out the static get() method we created, change the XPage source to:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="">
		"the bean says: " + com.example.xsp.beans.ExampleBean.get().getFoo()

When you view that, you should see basically the same thing, prefixed with "the bean says: ". Whenever I make a change to test something that should have the same visual result, I like to toss in a small variation to make sure that my changes did, in fact, take effect.

For a lot of cases, this step may be all you need - many XPage libraries consist primarily as storehouses for Java classes and a few managed beans. The next couple steps are going to deal with some variations on this, plus some nice-to-haves.

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Paul Withers - Mon Nov 09 07:00:17 EST 2015

Someone should add a version of ExtLibUtil.resolveVariable that doesn't need two parameters. Oh wait, you already did! (and thanks)

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Jesse Gallagher - Mon Nov 09 07:40:12 EST 2015

Indeed! I was tempted to use it in the example, too, but I didn't want to add a "install the latest ExtLib" diversion, wise as it may be to do so.

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Eric McCormick - Mon Nov 09 10:12:49 EST 2015

Don't forget the usual commit to your git repository.

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Jesse Gallagher - Mon Nov 09 10:21:37 EST 2015

Ah, merde, I did forget. I'll put that in tomorrow's post.

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