Mixing Dojo's BorderContainer with OneUI

Jul 31, 2012, 9:18 PM

Tags: xpages dojo

Chris Toohey's post earlier today reminded me of a technique I've been using in some of my apps lately. Since most of what I've been doing has been for internal and admin/reporting-type apps, I've been using OneUI extensively - it's straightforward with the Extension Library, looks pretty good, and the consistency of UI works for that type of application.

However, I ran into a problem with large views: putting a very horizontally-large table into the content area of OneUI breaks it horribly, and there's no good fix. With a lot of tweaking, I made it so it at least scrolls and the header extends the full width, but it was still problematic, particularly when I wanted to add a right sidebar.

The solution I ended up going with was to graft the OneUI look onto a Dojo BorderContainer skeleton, since a BorderContainer takes care of overflowing content nicely. The end result works reasonably well:


The layout's code is not pretty, but it doesn't have to be. It provides to its children a couple content facets: the primary content area, LeftColumn, RightColumn, and ActionBar, which is pretty much like a Notes client action bar (my project that uses this takes a lot of cues from an existing Notes app). Additionally, it only shows those extra facets when there's something present, so the sidebars and action bar are entirely hidden when not needed. There are a couple caveats, though:

  • It doesn't provide bindings for every property, as Chris Toohey's does. It certainly could - I just haven't had a need for it.
  • Similarly, I don't have a need for the footer area, so that isn't included. However, it easily could be.
  • It needs some stylesheet patching, and the current stylesheet I use has some flaws in non-Safari browsers (I'm still working on it).
  • Since most of the OneUI structure is written out as HTML, it's not as convenient to tweak as the ExtLib's layout control.

Still, it's been working well for my purposes, and perhaps it'll be useful on its own or as a starting point for other projects.

Faking Sortable View Data

Jul 22, 2012, 3:28 PM

Tags: xpages data

There's a point in most decent-sized XPages apps I write where I switch from using standard data sources like xp:dominoView to writing Java classes that implement List, usually due to some multi-source data merging I have to do that would be extremely cumbersome or slow to do otherwise. This works well, but one problem is that view data sources have special powers that plain-Jane Lists lack, such as easy sortable column headers.

Having encountered TabularDataModel a bit ago when making an activity stream out of several databases' views, I decided to see how easy it would be to take a fairly standard set of Java data objects - say, a List of Maps, which is conceptually similar to a non-categorized view - and put it into a xp:viewPanel and have all sortable columns. In short: weird, but overall easy.

The TabularDataModel abstract class is very easy to implement: you only need to implement methods for the total number of rows and one to get the current row's data (it uses an internal index accessible via .getRowIndex()). On its own, that's not interesting, since it doesn't get you anything a normal List wouldn't. They key is when you override a couple more methods:

  • .isColumnSortable(String columnName): the xp:viewPanel calls this with a column programmatic name to determine whether it's sortable at all - I made mine return true in all cases.
  • .getResortType(String columnName): once the panel knows a column is sortable, it checks to see what sorting directions it supports. In my case, I return 3, indicating it's sortable both ascending and descending.
  • .getResortState(String columnName): returns the current sorted state of the specified column. Presumably, the column name would be useful if you did custom cascading sorting, which I didn't for now - I just have it return the current sort direction of whatever column is sorted.
  • .getResortColumn(): returns the name of the currently-sorted column.
  • .setResortOrder(String columnName, String sortOrder): this is the interesting one, where the view panel tells the model that it wants to sort a specified column in a specified direction (or "toggle").

When the resort method is called, my class sorts its internal List object by the given column/key name in the given direction via a pretty simple comparator. Once it's all put together, you have the data from the view in a standard format and sortable by all columns.

As usual, there are caveats. First and foremost, there's a reason why you can't normally sort by just any column in a Domino view: Notes was made in 1989 and has barely been improved since then sorting large amounts of data arbitrarily is an expensive operation. It's only practical in this sort of situation because the amount of data is pretty small (only 200 entries) and then initial loading is relatively quick. If you had hundreds of thousands of entries in the view, this would be painfully slow to load and rather greedy with server memory. Additionally, I chose to punt on multi-value columns: I just turn anything that isn't directly comparable (like Vectors) into Strings. Nonetheless, this kind of thing may be practical on its own and is definitely a good exercise in extending your data-manipulation capabilities.

For development, I created a quick database with a couple documents with somewhat randomized data: a date/time value offset by a random amount of hours or days, a random number from -512 to 512, and the document's UNID and Note ID, listed in a view with no sortable columns. The class I wrote just scrapes through the view data with a ViewNavigator and puts each of the entries into a Map. The demo page shows two standard xp:viewPanels (one showing the view directly, the other showing my SortableMapView object) and, on the second tab, the Java code for the three objects I used.

A Prototype In-App Messaging System for XPages

Jul 9, 2012, 2:35 PM

Tags: xpages java

Sven Hasselbach's post about ApplicationListeners the other day and the notion of post-MVC methods of app architecture got me thinking about the notion of generic messaging/events inside an XPages app. The first example that comes to mind is a project-tracking database where there may be events like "new task created" or "delivery ready for review" - business logic stuff where the fact that it's a document being modified is an implementation detail. In my actual project-tracking database at work, I implemented this by creating "Notification Stub" documents with information about the event and having a scheduled agent process them. That's a fine Notes-y way to do it (and has its own advantages, like having another cluster member send the emails), but I want a way for the running XPages app to notice and react to these things without the immediate code knowing about every single concern.

I did a quick search and didn't find any such capability in basic JSF or XPages, but I realized it wouldn't be terribly difficult to implement it myself: have an application-scoped bean (maybe one per scope, if it's useful) with a methods to dispatch events and declare listeners. Then, other beans could attach themselves as listeners and the normal code would only be responsible for sending out its messages, to be received by zero or more unknown objects:

public interface XPagesEventDispatcher {
	public void dispatchEvent(XPagesEvent event);
	public void addListener(XPagesEventListener listener);

The actual event objects would be similarly simple: just a name and an arbitrary array of objects:

public interface XPagesEvent {
	public String getEventName();
	public Object[] getEventPayload();

Finally, listeners are the simplest of all, being responsible only for providing a method to handle an XPagesEvent (EventListener is the standard "tagging" interface for this kind of thing):

public interface XPagesEventListener extends EventListener {
	public void receiveEvent(XPagesEvent event);

However, after creating my gloriously clean set of interfaces, I ran into the ugly marsh of reality: application-scoped beans only exist after first use. That works fine for the dispatcher itself, but not for listener beans, the whole point of which is to not be referenced in code elsewhere. After a bit of searching, I came up with a solution that may work. When defining a managed bean, you can set properties, and those properties can be Lists. So, rather than creating two beans, I define just the dispatcher bean, but provide it a list of class names of listener beans to create at startup:


I gave my dispatcher implementation class a convenience methods to take a string and 0 or more objects and dispatch the event, so it could be used in code like:

applicationDispatcher.dispatch("home page loaded")
applicationDispatcher.dispatch("delivery submitted", [delivery.getUniversalID()])

So far, this setup is working pretty well. I plan to toy with it a bit and then try it out in proper use. Provided it works well (and it doesn't turn out that this capability already exists and I just missed it), I'll turn it into a project on GitHub/OpenNTF. As long as it keeps working, I'm excited about the prospects, especially when combined with XPages Threads and Jobs for non-blocking event handling.

Using Lombok to Write Cleaner Java in Designer

Jul 6, 2012, 6:48 PM

Tags: java

Java, as a language, has a number of admirable qualities, but succinctness is not among them. Even a simple "Person" class with just "firstName" and "lastName" properties can boil over with at least a dozen lines of boilerplate to add constructors, getters, setters, and equivalency testing. Fortunately, Project Lombok can help. Their main page contains a good video of the basics, while the Feature Overview page covers the rest. If you've written a lot of Java classes, I suspect that the video will have you hooked.

And there's good news: Lombok can work in Designer! It's not as simple as it is for vanilla Eclipse and it took me a good amount of trial-and-error to get it functional, but I figured out what you have to do:

  1. Copy lombok.jar into your Notes program directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes). It has to go there so that the initial program launch sees it.
  2. Additionally, copy the same lombok.jar to your jvm\lib\ext directory inside your Notes program directory. It has to go there so that it's on your project build path. Yes, normally you "shouldn't" put your Java libraries there, but I figure it's alright since this takes local, non-update-site fiddling anyway.
  3. Now for the weird part. Normally, the Lombok installer modifies eclipse.ini to launch some support stuff. That won't work for us, however. What we need is the file "jvm.properties" in the framework\rcp\deploy directory. The syntax isn't the same as for eclipse.ini and I'm not 100% sure my method doesn't have any horrible side effects, but adding these two lines (the two under "Lombok stuff", with "vmarg.javaagent" and "vmarg.Xbootclasspath/a") worked for me:

Now, I've only had this installed for a couple hours and have only done a couple basic tests, so I can't rule out the notion that this will interfere with some other Designer thing (the "Xbootclasspath/a" line may override some Designer default), so use with care. On the plus side, Lombok's magic works during compilation, not runtime, so you shouldn't need lombok.jar on the destination server. You'd still need it on the Designer client of any other programmers working on the code, though.

Update: I think you can avoid doubling up your copies of lombok.jar (and avoid a problem where launching the normal Notes client doesn't work) by just putting lombok.jar in jvm/lib/ext and using these lines in jvm.properties instead:


Basic Org Charts With xe:navigator and xe:beanTreeNode

Jul 6, 2012, 9:30 AM

The topic of generating org charts on an XPage came up recently, and I decided to try my hand at making a pretty basic one using a technique similar to my re-use of Outline design elements from the other week. Not only are the generated hierarchies potentially useful, but it ended up providing a much cleaner example of how to recursively generate an Extension-Library tree.

To get started, I mocked up some basic data: I created a standard Domino directory database and created users with unique ShortName values and the ShortName of their immediate boss in the Manager field, with anyone at the top level having a blank field. Then, because I'm too lazy to look through the existing views to see if one does it, I created a "Managers" view that simply shows Person documents categorized by their Manager field (with a bit of computation to convert self-referential documents to top-level). You can see the live result in the test database, along with applicable code excerpts:


The algorithm itself provides a nice exercise in recursion:

  1. Get a list of all top-level managers
  2. For each of those names:
    1. Find their child count to determine whether or not they're a leaf
    2. Create an outline entry with their name
    3. For each child entry, repeat this process

This could potentially be modified to query an LDAP server instead of reading a view directly, which would make it more flexible (and complicated), and the output could be modified or re-used for other visual representations, as needed.

The absolute most important thing when doing recursion, though, is to make sure you listen to music with an appropriately-nerdy title, such as:

Using dojo.behavior

Jul 3, 2012, 7:56 AM

Tags: dojo

JavaScript in a browser is a messy business. While you can generally avoid writing a lot of client JavaScript when doing XPages development, it will eventually be necessary to get your hands dirty. While a bit of XSP.openDialog() here and there, things can get hairy when you want to start including the same or similar code everywhere. You can move the code blocks themselves off to a script library, but then you're still stuck including function calls inline.

Enter dojo.behavior. I ran across dojo.behavior when I was looking for a replacement for event:Selectors, which I'd been using for years in my non-XPages web sites to patch up Domino's crummy HTML after the fact. Like event:Selectors, dojo.behavior allows you to write JavaScript blocks that are associated at runtime with elements on the page using CSS-style selectors. Possibly the best way to get an idea for how you can use it is to look at a simple (and, as usual, contrived) example:

	"#linksbar a": {
		found: function(a) {
			a.target = "_blank"
		onclick: function(thisEvent) {
			alert("I have been clicked!")

As you might suspect from reading it, that code looks for links inside an element with the HTML ID "linksbar" and sets them to open in a new window and, when clicked, display an alert. While you could have easily put both of these directly in the HTML/XPage source, just think about all the other things you'd potentially want to do with client JavaScript: fancy hover actions, custom expand/collapse effects, and any kind of post-render patching. It all adds up, and separating the layout from the JavaScript behavior like this can save a lot of debugging and backtracking headaches.

To actually use dojo.behavior in an XPages app, make sure to include the "dojo.behavior" Dojo module somewhere on your page, either via the XPage or CC's resources or via a theme. Then, create a JavaScript Script Library to house your behavior. I generally start with a skeleton similar to this (with the "body" function just to make sure it's set up correctly):

var DojoBehavior = {
	"body": {
		found: function() { alert("Behavior working") }

dojo.ready(function() {

Then put your code inside that first "DojoBehavior" object. Finally, include the Script Library in your page or theme and you should be all set.

Book Review: XPages Extension Library

Jul 2, 2012, 7:10 PM

Tags: xpages review

Unlike many development environments, there are only a handful of books about XPages. Combined with the historical lack of documentation, that makes all three - Mastering XPages, XPages Portable Command Guide, and XPages Extension Library - essential. In that sense, the quality of the book is a less important purchasing-decision factor than its mere existence.

Fortunately, XPages Extension Library doesn't skimp on quality or breadth of coverage. The sections of the book track the natural progression of someone new to the Extension Library: how to acquire and install it, how to use its upgraded application-development features like the application layout and slicker Dojo controls, how to do the entirely-new things in the ExtLib like REST and JDBC, and finally a much-needed guide to starting "proper" Java development in XPages.

Since reading through the book in sequence, I have cracked it back open both as an indexed reference and for several of its step-by-step guides.

Part 2, which covers the various application UI components, has proven to be very useful when I have a specific UI task in mind, such as using a particular Dojo layout element or implementing some of the fancy, OneUI-friendly elements like the dataView. The organization of the chapters and code examples provide a much-needed sense of order to the bevy of new controls that you find in Designer's sidebar after installing the Library. And even just reading through the chapters in order is bound to give you a wealth of new UI ideas for your day-to-day use.

Several chapters provide invaluable guides for accomplishing complex and potentially daunting tasks, such as the ideal OSGi-based installation of the library to your servers, setting up a OneUI layout for your app (replete with an explanation of facets and callbacks, which are useful in XPages development generally), and packaging JDBC drivers for OSGi deployment. The last task in particular is almost comically opaque process for anyone thoroughly versed in the peculiar Eclipse way of doing things, and the book provides a clear step-by-step guide on negotiating that thicket.

As anyone who follows this blog can probably surmise, I think that pretty much everyone who programs with XPages would be well-served by familiarizing themselves with Java, and so I'm pleased that the book contains a smooth introduction to how to and why you would write Java classes in your app. This chapter does a fine job explaining how to use already-existing classes and packages, how to set up your Designer environment to make Java development easier, what a "bean" is (it's simpler than you'd think), and how to create and make use of managed beans. It's a great XPages-focused guide to starting down what should be a very fruitful road learning Java and the XPages Java environment.

The last word on this book is simple: if you do XPages development, you should purchase and read this book. XPages development with the Extension Library is much more productive than without, and XPages Extension Library provides an easy-to-read explanation to get your head around its myriad capabilities.