My Recurring Ruby/Domino Dream

Apr 1, 2012, 6:54 PM

Tags: domino ruby

As is no doubt clear by now, one of my obsessions when it comes to Domino is trying to make my programming life better, and one of the best ways I can think of accomplishing that is if I can make it so I can program in Ruby instead of one of the godforsaken languages natively supported.

In general, my attempts towards this goal have fallen into three categories:

  1. Accessing Domino from Ruby as one might a normal database. The very-much-in-progress fruit of this is my Domino API for Ruby project.
  2. Using Ruby as an alternative scripting language for XPages, like "#{ruby: blah blah blah}". This would be nice, but I haven't made any progress towards it.
  3. Running Ruby scripts out of an NSF via the web, as one might a non-scheduled agent

The last one has been the one at which I've taken the most swings, and I actually made some progress along those lines today. I decided to give a shot to using Domino's ancient servlet support combined with JRuby to accomplish this, and I think I've done it.

Since this is Domino, there were a couple hurdles:

  1. Servlets aren't automatically authenticated as the current Domino user. When I was looking into this, I read a lot about using NotesFactory.createSession(null, token), where "token" is the value of the LtpaToken cookie in an SSO configuration, which I use. However, this didn't work for me, possibly due to using site documents. Fortunately, there appears to be a better way: NotesFactory.createSession(null, req), where "req" is the HttpServletRequest object passed in to the servlet's method. This works splendidly, giving me a session using the current user without having to worry about figuring out their password or dealing with tokens manually.
  2. Finding the context database and script. The servlet is triggered properly by ".rb" extensions in file resources, but that still left the problem of actually opening that resource. Fortunately, the Session class has a resolve(String) method that can be used to get a Domino product object from a Notes URL. For file resources, this uselessly gives back a Form object, but you can get its UNID from the getURL() method.
  3. Reading the contents of the script. File resources appear to store their data in a $FileData rich text field, but that doesn't make it easy to deal with. For now, at least, I've gone the DXL route: I use the Document's generateXML() method, find the BASE64-encoded value in the <filedata> element, and decode that with sun.misc.BASE64Decoder.
  4. Actually executing the script. I banged my head against this for a long time: I kept getting NoClassDefFound exceptions for org.jruby.util.JRubyClassLoader when trying to run the script. I assumed at first that this was a problem with the class loader not finding this secondary class, so I tried tons of stuff with moving the JAR around, repackaging my servlet, and even trying manual class loading.  However, the exception was a red herring: it was really a permissions thing, so, not wanting to take any guff from a JVM, I granted myself all permissions and it worked great.
  5. Editing the Ruby script. This part wasn't really a crucial flaw, but the fact that Designer doesn't know about Ruby meant that editing the file resource involved no syntax highlighting or other fancy features. DLTK doesn't seem to play nicely with the Eclipse version in Designer and I've ruined my installation by messing with that stuff too much in the past, so I decided to try WebDAV. Unfortunately, Domino runs the servlet on WebDAV requests too, so, rather than trying to figure out how to handle that nicely, I just switched to accessing the database via a clustered server that doesn't run the servlet.

It was a lot of hassles, but it seems to work! The cleaned-up version of the method I used is:

  1. Put the "complete" JRuby JAR into Domino's jvm/lib/ext folder.
  2. Put the compiled class file for my servlet into Domino's data/domino/servlets folder.
  3. Grant all permissions to the JVM.
  4. Enable servlets for the server in question and specify "rb" as one of the file extensions.
  5. Enable the servlet in, as in my example.
  6. Restart HTTP/the server.
  7. Add .rb Ruby scripts as file resources to a database. I made one that makes a list of some documents from a view in my DB.
  8. Open the resource in a web browser and see it work! Hopefully!

One caveat: though I set the error and output streams of the Ruby environment to be the HTTP output, this seems to not always work, so I've found it best so far to use "$response.writer.println" instead of "puts" for writing text to the stream. I'll see if I can fix that. Turns out writing to the HTTP output should be done by calling setWriter(Writer) rather than setOutput(Writer).

Additionally, that "$response" there isn't a built-in feature of JRuby - it's a variable I put into the runtime. I do this along with "$request", "$session", and "$database". Think of them like the equivalent variables in XPages.

Some questions you may have are "is it stable?" and "is it fast?" and to those I have a simple answer: beats me! I just got it to work a bit ago and I don't know if I'll ever even use it. It's quite exciting, though, and that's what really matters.

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Philippe Riand - Apr 2, 2012, 8:23 AM

The OSGi based servlet container, as well as the XPages NSF one, now authenticates the user and apply the ACL for the NSF. You can get access to the authenticated session object. I'm interested by your work. Are you willing to share to some of your result on OpenNTF? This can definitively help the community. We can talk on how to deploy JRuby in a plug-in and prevent any install in jvm/lib/ext, which should be avoided. Contact me if you wish.

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Bjørn Cintra - Apr 2, 2012, 2:19 PM

I was going to suggest the OSGi container as well, but I am not sure JRuby runs in an OSGi container. I have done this with Groovy, and that works very well. (Using a servlet created in Groovy, serving pages displaying Domino data with Freemarker)

Another option is to use the "Web Agents XPages style" as explained here:, I am using that with Groovy and Freemarker as well (with jars in the jvm/lib/ext/ folder)

I have also experimented with embedding Jetty as a servlet engine inside Domino, this also works fine, but has the same issues with authentication as a "normal" servlet. I experienced this as a lot slower than the xPages method (due to the session creation, I believe), and did not proceed to far.

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