Starting work on a DSAPI filter for Domino 8.5.2 on 64-bit Ubuntu

Apr 14, 2011, 4:33 PM

Tags: domino

For my main project, which contains a forum, one of the problems I ran into was Domino's session handling. Namely, it's designed such that HTTP user sessions last for the duration of the browser session and time out after 30 minutes. That's fine for, say, a corporate app, where you don't want a client logged in indefinitely. However, having to re-log-in to a forum every time you visit it would be a hassle.

The session timeout is easy to fix - you can just up the timeout period in the web site config. The cookie took a little more trickery, but wasn't too bad either. I set up some code in the beforePageLoad event to look for a DomAuthSessId cookie and, if present, create a persistent cookie. The server can't tell the difference between the session and persistent cookies, so this works.

However, it's sort of ugly. While I absolutely don't want to have people re-log-in every time they restart their browser, I also don't really want tons of session-scoped managed beans floating around for months, and this kind of trick defeats any use of the Internet Users list in Domino Administrator (a minor quibble, but a quibble nonetheless). Ideally, I'd be able to automatically log people in on subsequent visits, but not have to actually maintain server sessions for them. From all I've read, this calls for a DSAPI filter. Since that involves C/C++, there's bound to be a lot of setup and tribulation.

First off, I had to grab the Notes/Domino C API toolkit. Fortunately, Google led me directly to the IBM download page and, after re-confirming that I don't want them to send me email, I was given a download link for a quaintly compress'ed file and some installation instructions. I dropped the libraries into /opt/ibm/lotus/notesapi and set up a symlink at /opt/lotus/notesapi just in case. The samples in the toolkit do indeed include a DSAPI filter, and I found another one doing something very much like what I want here:

To keep things simple, I started with that code and commented/deleted everything that actually does something - I just wanted the simplest possible filter to see if it works at all. All it does is announce that it's alive and then proceed to not handle any requests:


Now came the issues. First off, the DSAPI example in the toolkit only came with a handful of Makefiles, and none for Linux. The Solaris one was close, so I borrowed and modified that one with some tips from . The most vital thing was that, since I'm running in a 64-bit environment but using a 32-bit Domino server, I had to go out of my way to compile a 32-bit library - this is done by adding "-m32" to the CCOPTS and (maybe required) LIBS lines. The Makefile I ended up using is:


Along the lines of the "-m32" flag, I had to install some additional development libraries to support 32-bit compiling. In my travails, I ended up installing all sorts of apt packages before it worked, so it's possible that only the last (or another, non-C++ library) is necessary:


Unfortunately, even when you get the library building properly, it's tough to get it to load into Domino, and it's not very helpful as to why - all it says is "Failed to load DSAPI filter: " and then the file name... and it gives the same error if you point it to a non-existent file, so there's no way of knowing WHY it failed to load it. It's all trial and error (unless you actually know what you're doing, presumably).

Once all that was in line, though, I could build the library with make, copy it to /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/linux, add "" to the Configuration tab of my Web Site document in the Directory, and restart HTTP. When HTTP is loading, it will print out "HTTP Server: DSAPI DSAPIDLL Loaded successfully" (or whatever message you put in there), so you know it's working.

Now comes the task of actually writing the filter. Considering that I haven't written any C or C++ since college, I expect lots of fun with buffer overflows and mysterious crashes. Exciting!

Installing Domino 8.5.2FP2 on an Ubuntu 10.10 server

Apr 5, 2011, 7:19 PM

Tags: domino

Because I am insane, I decided to install Domino on my newly-minted 768 slice from Slicehost. That's just above the 512MB RAM minimum that Domino demands and half the recommended 1.5GB, so we'll see how it goes.

The Linux installation I went with for my slice was Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, which firmly puts it into the realm of unsupported, as far as Domino is concerned. Fortunately, three pages I found made the process relatively painless:


The first wrinkle you run across is that Domino adores Java, but stock Linux installs do not. Fortunately, link #3 there explains how to cleanly install Java on your server. Namely, add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb maverick partner

Once you do that, you can run apt-get install sun-java6-jre, wince at the huge number of dependencies it requires, and let it do its thing.

After that, you're almost ready to start installing. If you're running on a 64-bit installation, you'll need the standard 32-bit libraries, since I don't think there's yet a 64-bit Domino server for any-old-Linux. That one's easy, though: apt-get install ia32-libs and you're all set.

The Domino installation proper was relatively straightforward. I created a "notes" user and associated group beforehand, picked and created some directories for the program files and data owned by that user, and went through its command-line wizard via ./install -console . For the final step, I told it to expect a remote installation and fired up the Remote Server Setup tool on Windows, which worked flawlessly.

The next step was the FP2 installer. As is the case with the Windows version, the installer for the fix packs is totally different than the normal installer for some reason. It initially complained about the size of my Terminal window and, rather than trying to convince it that my GUI terminal was plenty good enough for its installer, I took its advice and did export LOTUS_NOROWCOLCHECK=1 . After that, it complained about needing to know where the data directory was, but provided a similar instruction for setting that variable. Once that was in order, the installation went smoothly.

The next tough part was how to get Domino to run at startup. I've been familiar from time to time with various *nixes and their service setups, but it seems to change every couple of years, so I wasn't sure where to go with this. Fortunately, link #2 above did all the work for me. Since I found it long after installation, I didn't do the "customized distribution" bit, but I DID grab the Domino init script. Once I put that in place, modified the variables to point to my directories and user, and followed the other instructions, I was all set. Now I can control Domino via "service domino (start|stop|restart)" like you'd expect.

Due to the nature of Linux, the question of where to keep the program and data directories is a weird one. The defaults are something like "/opt/ibm/lotus" and "/local/notesdata", respectively, which would certainly WORK, but don't fit in with much else. I've fiddled with my placement a bit and settled on the same thing for the former, but "/var/lib/domino/data" for the latter. That allowed me to set up "/var/lib/domino/daos" and "/var/lib/domino/logdir" (for transaction logging) and keep things relatively clean. One thing to note: if you switch around the directories after the fact, make sure to change both the init script and the notes.ini in your program directory to reflect the new locations.

All told, it seems to be working pretty well. When you're using it like a normal Notes server, there's not much distinction other than the lack of OLE. It has all the same bugs (like the aggravating XPages Java classloader "X is not compatible with X" errors I run into constantly) and same features, which is really the idea.